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Vocabulary-Prefixes, Suffixes, and root words

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1 Vocabulary-Prefixes, Suffixes, and root words
Unit 10

2 Incriminate (vb.) root=crimin
in=onto “Do not incriminate me! I did nothing wrong!” Crimin=charge of crime Definition=charge of crime onto someone; appear guilty

3 culpable (adj.) root=culp
culp=to blame “But you are a culpable culprit for this crime! You were there!” able=able (suffix of adj) Definition=able to be blamed

4 Onerous (adj.) root=onus/oner
(no prefix) Onus/oner=burden Definition=burdensome

5 reprove (vb.) root=prob/prov
re=back Prob/prov=approve Definition=back out of approval; to scold or criticize

6 Match them up! (word definitions)
A. to scold or criticize B. able to be blamed C. burdensome D. appear guilty Incriminate D Culpable B Reprove A Onerous C


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