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Is it an HR issue or a compliance issue?

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Presentation on theme: "Is it an HR issue or a compliance issue?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is it an HR issue or a compliance issue?

2 It doesn’t have to be complicated

3 Basics Little “c” compliance Big “C” Compliance

4 Little “c” compliance Every Day Examples – RSVP to a party
Turning off cellphones while in a movie theater Not getting into the “15 Items of Less” line at the grocery story with a full cart Work Examples – Asking for a photo ID at the time a patient registers for an appointment Violating scope of employment Wearing KP ID while at work Other examples?

5 Big “C” Compliance Every Day Examples –
Mailing your tax return or extension application on or before April 15 Only using a handicap space if you have a disabled parking placard/plate Having registration and proof of insurance in your car Work Examples – Looking at a medical record without a business need Documenting you provided a treatment when you didn’t Violating scope of practice Other examples?

6 Let’s figure this out Internal Source External Source
Asking for a photo ID at the time a patient registers for an appointment Violating scope of employment Wearing KP ID while at work KP Policy KP Job Description HIPAA Fraud State licensing laws External Source Looking at a medical record without a business need Documenting you provided a treatment when you didn’t Violating scope of practice

7 What would a Decision Tree look like?

8 HR Examples HR little “c” compliance examples:
Unprofessional behavior by management or staff (rude, disrespectful) Favoritism by management, staff or steward Vacation denials or seniority denials Employees not completing work assignments Unfair performance evaluation or corrective/disciplinary action Sleeping at work Taking personal calls while at work HR big “C” Compliance examples: Discrimination or harassment of any kind Using Kaiser Permanente assets for personal use (internet, phone, car or supplies) Not clocking in or clocking in and leaving Employee does not have the proper license/credentials Employment of relatives in the same department Retaliation between two employees Hostile work environment

9 Why is it important to know the difference?

10 Questions?

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