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Royal Mail Group Succession planning – A practical approach

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1 Royal Mail Group Succession planning – A practical approach
Helena Platt Talent & Succession Manager

2 Agenda Business drivers for succession and its place in people strategy Simple guidance for managers in identifying successors Using succession diagnostically Case Study – Safety Development Programme Identifying Opportunities Current activity and things still to address

3 Why Now? Strategic Drivers for Royal Mail include:
Delivery of Ops Modernisation and World Class Mail Cost & Cash Prepare for Privatisation Pensions Regulation POL Maximise market value and improve industrial relations Generate Profitable New Revenue Streams This is enough about the business

4 Times Top 100 Eight Key Factors
My Manager The working relationship with your manager is probably the most important of all Leadership Great leadership brings good management and good management makes a happy team Fair Deal How well employees are treated in terms of pay and benefits Wellbeing The balance between work and home life, stress, pressure and their impact on health and performance Personal Growth Do employees feel challenged By their job, are they using their current skills, do they have opportunity to advance Giving Something Back More and more companies now realise the value of investing in people, the local community and wider society My Company How much people value their company, how proud they are to work there Making the link with employee engagement etc. – positions succession as part of wider people strategy My Team Support from your work buddies. Good employers realise that good team spirit increases productivity © 2011 Best Companies Limited

5 What do we want to achieve?
The aim is to… Identify appropriate skills and ensure there is a continuous supply of successors that are ready and able to step into key positions as needed. Align the future needs of the company with the availability of appropriate resources within the company promoting cross movement of talent within regions and business units Develop leadership success criteria to generate the talent required to meet business goals Drive the retention and motivation of key talent, generating savings in cost and time as a result of reduced attrition and retraining Encourage a “culture of progression” by defining individual career pathways and facilitating work opportunities across the business, aligning to the needs of the individual and matching the organisation with qualified talent

6 Potential V Performance
POTENTIAL (for future growth) PERFORMANCE (against current role) Measures specific behavioural attributes About measureable achievements Individual For succession planning purposes remember that an individual with potential may be suited to a number of roles in the future Evidence-based judgement on future progression Assessment against current role Performance is about measurable achievements. Potential is about measuring specific behavioural attributes. There will be many colleagues who are good or exceptional performers but may not be high potential, this may be because their level of potential is matched to their current role or they are at a level which they can deliver outstanding performance You are making a judgement now about expectations of them in the future. For potential, you are assessing whether they have the capability to work in the organisation at a higher level or larger role than their current one, not assessing against their current role. Nearly all those identified as having potential are current high performers, but not all current high performers have potential When considering people for succession planning purposes, performance will be a factor for those roles which require a more immediate successor or emergency cover. However for longer terms successors then someone’s potential for future growth will be a key factor. Aptitude for rapid learning Against current capability Nearly all those identified as having potential are current high performers But not all current high performers have potential 17

7 Energising & Mobilising our People Moving the Business Forward
The following slides outline the potential model. When carrying out succession planning be mindful that someone with potential may be capable of filling a number of roles Energising & Mobilising our People Moving the Business Forward Rapid Learning to Meet New Challenges Energises team Mobilises support across the business Positive Impact Sets the agenda and adds value Operational Management & Control Focussed Attention Self-Directed Learner Intellectual Capacity Strategic & Business Awareness Defining potential in quite a straightforward way You will be familiar with the current model for potential around the three agilities: Energising & mobilising our people Moving the Business Forward Rapid Learning to Meet New Challenges People who display these agilities may have potential for future progression and growth – the degree to which these traits are required will be dependent upon the level of the role.

8 When identifying successors question…
Are we being consistent in our approach? Are we just limiting our perspective to a handful of people? Are we holding this person back? Are there opportunities for this employee beyond our function? Are we considering talent outside of our business function? Are we considering the career aspirations of the individual? Would others agree with us? If not, why not? Are we considering individuals with high potential whose skills and knowledge can be developed for these roles? Useful guidelines for managers on the process – this slide a nice illustration

9 Getting the process right
It must be owned by the line, especially at the top HR’s role is to guide, facilitate and monitor It is evidence based and must be validated With our frequently changing business we have to ensure that succession plans keep pace and up-to-date Communication is key: everything we say or don’t say sends a message

10 Closing the gap WCM RLT Safety Plant Mgrs
Focused external with cultural fit for short term Balance between internal & external longer term Supported by internal development focus now for ready 1-2 years successors Plant Mgrs Internal development focus Cross business/regional integrated plans Focused external with cultural fit WCM Better alignment with internal pipelines (e.g. graduates & Escalator) Creation of 300 roles - Internal & external recruitment Secondments & development moves RLT Internal succession & development focus (e.g. Autumn Talent Review, Senior Talent Pool) Focused external approach Gap Address the gap through both internal & external pipeline Internal: targeted talent pools for specific roles e.g. MCMs and DSM. Link with succession gaps to identify critical roles. Provide progression opportunity for internal candidates. External: targeted talent programme to align with internal talent pools for specific operational roles (e.g. MCM & DSM). Need to ensure cultural fit with our operating environment. Not necessarily MBAs but with operational fit (e.g. may be from manufacturing industry or operational culture). 15

11 Case Study - Safety Programme
The goal of the Safety Development Programme is to… …Provide a platform to help members progress to the Regional Safety Director role …Active management of the pool to build capability through a variety of activities linked to safety and leadership skills …Create opportunities to build networks and relationships across the business …For approximately 15 individuals across the Regions

12 What to expect at the end of it all?
Some of this will be determined as we go along but some things we would expect you to benefit from along the journey: Reflection Formal qualifications gained Knowledge of safety good practice, Processes and strategy Building relations, useful networks Increased knowledge and closure of gaps Opportunities to attend learning interventions Confidence to apply for role Raised visibility as potential successors

13 Identifying Opportunities
Filling internal vacancies Moving talent cross functionally Raising visibility at board level Identifying opportunities whether that be vacancies or choreographed moves 13

14 Level of Integration Operations + Professional Functions + Commercial
Within the Region Within the Function Within the Commercial Area Across regional Boundaries + Logistics Across related functions Across related Commercial Areas Across Operations & Modernisation Across professional functions Across Commercial Moving on to integrating the plans, the aim here is to ensure that, not only have we got a continuous supply of talent to critical roles, but to get to a point where we’re balancing career aspirations of the individual with organisational goals. By doing this we’ll widen the pool of people ready to take on further responsibility whilst driving an internal culture of “progression and opportunity”. In order to get to the point where there’s freer movement of talent across the business it means that our role with succession planning now is to open up the dialogue and discussions especially within the workshops. Consequently it’s having enough robust data in preparation to these sessions to probe business leaders and encourage them to explore further afield in terms of potential successors and to facilitate these chess moves (of which there is material). How? It’s about building a national picture from the plans, analysing the succession data to identify gaps and opportunities and for us to initiate workshops which will view and discuss talent cross functions. For example location (especially in operations) will be key in driving some of these sessions. Also it’ll be about looking at pools of successors for job clusters rather than successors for every individual role. Again I’ll be working with Juliette Wright on the work she’s doing around WCM competencies and how we link that in to integrating the plan However whilst widening the pool may be relatively straightforward, in practise having access to talent and the transference will no doubt be challenging. There are different tiers of integration and potential scenarios for the movement of talent across the business, the question is how deep do we want to integrate for November 4th? What’s the success criteria? Operations Within the region: integration at this level would include movement between Process, Delivery, HR, Finance, Safety. Quality, Logistics. A potential scenario would be a MCM on a succession plan for the Talent & Learning manager in HR Across regional boundaries + logistics this endeavours to widen the pool on regional boundaries and include individuals within logistics in regional plans taking into account their location. Across Operations & Modernisation this is looking at talent and integration across Field Ops, Logistics, Process, Delivery Professional Functions Within the function: this would include Finance, HR, Co-Sec, Communications, Regulation & Gov Affairs, Bus Dev & Technology, Wholesale, Internal Audit, Legal Across related Functions: this may include integration between HR & Communications or bus Dev & technology and Finance dependent on the similarities of roles Across professional functions: integration of the functions as a whole Commercial Within the commercial area: this would include integration within each area such as customer experience, Door to door, international, PFW, Sales and channels, specialist services, CEP, Media, PPM. Across related commercial areas: dependent on the proximity of the job families this may include integration between door to door, specialist services and PFW & then media, CEP, PPM. Across commercial: integration of commercial regulated and non regulated as a whole Operations + Professional Functions + Commercial: workshops to identify possible movement of talent and potential successors across the business. This would occur after smaller sessions with each of the areas has taken place and amalgamate the pieces to a holistic business view. Operations + Professional Functions + Commercial

15 Next steps Line managers to be up-skilled in having potential and succession discussions with their team Communication of succession planning at ‘employee level’ Alignment of individual and business aspirations More integration of talent programmes and succession planning

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