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European Policy Context

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1 European Policy Context
for EQAVET Emmi Kallio Brussels, WG 1 and 2, December 2011

2 European Policy Context for EQAVET
EQAVET Network and other EU tools Ongoing work and Policy Events LLP programme

3 EQAVET related events 17-18 November: National Reference Points meeting 8 - 9 December: EQAVET Sectoral Seminar on Quality Assurance in Tourism and Catering sector, Dortmund, Germany 12-13 December: EQAVET Projects Seminar 24 January 2012: EQAVET Steering Committee meeting 7-8 February 2012: Working groups 1 and 2 29-30 March 2012: EQAVET Annual Forum, Helsingør, Denmark

4 Other EU tools 14-15 November: EQAVET – ECVET – EQF Joint seminar
30 November: ECVET Users' Group meeting 13-14 December: EQF Advisory group 24-25 November: Cedefop conference “ The role of the social partners in implementing European tools and principles ”  

5 Events (Danish presidency)
22-24 April 2012: DGVT meeting in Copenhagen “VET-business cooperation promoting attractiveness and employability in VET” 24-25 April 2012: VET conference in Copenhagen: “VET-business cooperation promoting new skills, innovation and growth”   7-8 June 2012: Business-VET Forum: “Challenges and Trends in continuing skills and career development of the European workforce“

6 Education, Youth And Culture Council (28-29 November)
Adoption of Council conclusions on Benchmark on learning mobility Adoption of Council Resolution on a renewed European agenda for adult learning Adoption of Council conclusions on the modernisation of higher education Adoption of Council conclusions on language competences to enhance mobility

7 Education committee Recommendation on benchmark on employability
Recommendation on validation of non-formal and informal learning Political agreement on the next generation of programmes

8 Lifelong Learning Programme
Erasmus for All (“E4All”) : New EU programme for education, training, youth and sport proposed by the Commission on 23 November 2011 Total budget €19 billion Call for proposals deadlines for applications Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of innovation, Development of innovation and Networks: 02 February 2012 Leonardo da Vinci Mobility: 3 February 2012 Leonardo da Vinci Partnerships: 21 February 2012

9 Thank you for your attention!

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