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Carminatives & GI regulators

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1 Carminatives & GI regulators
Fennel PH103.20

2 Recap In the previous class we have learnt about
Carminatives, GI regulators and Monograph of Coriander PH103.20

3 Objectives On completion of this class you would be able to know :
The monograph of Fennel PH103.20

4 Known to unknown What is the Telugu Name of Fennel?
Have you ever seen it any time ? Is this item present in your kitchen? PH103.20

5 FENNEL Synonym : Fennel fruit , Fructus foeniculum Biological Source :
Dried ripe fruits of the plant Foeniculum vulgare Family : Umbelliferae Fig.20.1 PH103.20

6 FENNEL Geographical Source: Rumania, Russia Germany, France
Japan and India In INDIA Gujarat Maharastra Punjab Rajasthan UP and West Bengal Fig.20.2 PH103.20

7 FENNEL Organoleptic characters: Colour : green to yellowish-brown
Odour : sweet aromatic Taste : strong aromatic and mucilaginous Size : 5 to 10 x 2 to 4 mm Shape : straight or slightly curved Fig.20.3 PH103.20

8 FENNEL Chemical Constituents 3 to 7% Volatile oils 20% fixed oils
20% proteins Volatile oil mainly contains 50% Anethole & 20% Fenchone Phellandrene Limonene Anisic aldehyde PH103.20

9 FENNEL USES : Carminative Respiratory stimulant Expectorant
Flavouring agent Fig.20.4 PH103.20

10 Summary Foeniculum vulgare belongs to the Family Umbelliferae
Contains Volatile oil as main chemical constituent Used as Carminative And Respiratory stimulant PH103.20

11 Quiz 1. Fennel belongs to the family a. Scrophulariaceae
b. Leguminosae c. Solanaceae d. Umbelliferae PH103.20

12 Quiz 2. Fennel is used as a. Anti-pyretic b. Carminative
c. Anti-diabetic d. Anti-viral PH103.20

13 Quiz 3. Fennel contains a. Alkaloids b. Glycosides c. Volatile oils
d. Carbohydrates PH103.20

14 Frequently asked Questions
1. Write biological source, macroscopy, microscopy, chemical constituent and uses of Fennel. (March/ April’ ) 2. Write a monograph of “FENNEL”. ( June ‘2002) 3. Write the BS, Macroscopy, CC and Uses of Fennel. ( March’2003) PH103.20

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