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CJK NACO Webinar Series – Supplement to the PCC NACO Training

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1 CJK NACO Webinar Series – Supplement to the PCC NACO Training
Describing Corporate Bodies and Conferences (Chapters 8 and 11)

2 Goals of the Webinar Discuss and understand authority work in challenging areas as well as issues pertaining to CJK language materials Goal of training: not intended for a systematic review of the general NACO training in CJK context. Rather, it will focus on areas appear to be most problematic or challenging as well as topics relevant to CJK cataloging. Some topics may overlap with Paul’s presentation.

3 Outline of the Webinar Preferred names for corporate bodies
Change of names Preferred names for subordinate and related bodies Direct and indirect subdivision Conference names Attributes of corporate bodies Variant names Relationships between persons, families and corporate bodies

4 Definition of Corporate Body (8.1.2)
Meetings, events, festivals, athletic contests, exhibition, and vessels are considered corporate bodies Corporate bodies as creators, contributors, and as subjects Example: 111 2# $a Dang dai yu yan xue li lun he Han yu yan jiu guo ji xue shu bao gao hui $d (2006 : $c Beijing, China) 411 2# $a 当代语言学理论和汉语研究国际学术报告会 $d (2006 : $c Beijing, China)  Corporate bodies as creators (company websites, reports or catalogs), contributors (publishers, owners), and as subjects (610 Society for Conservation Biology, 611 Olympic Games)

5 Preferred Name (11.2.2) Choosing preferred name
Different forms of the same name Different language forms of the name International bodies

6 Choosing and Recording the Preferred Name
Choose the name by which the corporate body is commonly identified Record it as it appears in resources associated with the body. If the name does not appear in resources associated with the body, or in case of doubt, record it in the form most commonly found in reference sources

7 Change of Name, Minor Differences (
Guidelines on identifying minor changes of name. Consider minor differences in the absence of explicit evidence that a true name change has taken place, such as: Representation of words Change in preposition, article, or conjunction Change in punctuation Addition, omission, or fluctuation of a frequency word in a conference name

8 Different Forms of the Same Name (
Choose the name that appears in the preferred sources of information Choose the form that is presented formally Choose the most commonly found form of the name Choose a brief form

9 Name appeared in the preferred sources of information

10 Different Language Forms (
Choose as the preferred name the form in the official language of the body LC-PCC PS: If there is more than one official language and one of these is English, choose the form in English as the preferred name

11 Special Rules for Corporate Bodies in Hong Kong
Government body Establish in English if both English and Chinese available, and in Chinese if only Chinese available Code “provisional” Non-government body Establish in English if both English and Chinese available Code “full level”

12 Government Body: Provisional Level

13 Non-Government Body: Full Level

14 International Bodies (
If the name of an international body appears in resources associated with it in a language preferred by the agency creating the data, choose that form as the preferred name LC-PCC PS: If the name of an international body appears in English on resources associated with it, choose that form as the preferred name

15 International Bodies

16 Referencing a Related Corporate Body (,
Earlier/later relationships: Use MARC field 5XX to connect related bodies. All 5XX must be separately established. Use subfield $i and r in subfield $w Simple 5XX relationships: When the relationship is not directly sequential, or information about the exact relationship is unknown Earlier Name Resumed Earlier Names not likely to be needed as relationships

17 Earlier/later Relationships (,
Use MARC 5XX to connect related bodies. Separate NAR must be established for all related bodies (subfields $w and $i w/RD)

18 Earlier/later Relationships

19 Earlier/later Relationships

20 Earlier/Later Relationships
Middle body

21 Earlier/Later Relationships
Latest body

22 Earlier/Later Relationships
Earliest body

23 Relationship is Not Known
(LC-PCC PS ) Use simple 5XX without subfields $w and $i when the relationship is not directly sequential, or unknown, or when it has been decided not to record the relationship

24 Simple 5XX Relationships

25 Simple 5XX Relationships

26 Earlier Name Resumed (LC-PCC PS
Treat each instance of the name as a separate body when a corporate body resumes an earlier form of name. Distinguish between AAPs by following the instructions at NAR 1: # $a Body A ( ) 510 2# $wr $i Successor: $a Body B NAR 2: # $a Body C (2001- ) 510 2# $wr $i Predecessor: $a Body B Note: Body A and Body C share the same name.

27 Earlier Name Resumed (LC-PCC PS
Update: use one authorized access point to represent all instances of the same name when a corporate body belongs to one of the following categories, and include a 667 field in the NAR about the decision made. Add other clarifying info. in the 667 note if useful Note: If a body has already had separate AAPs created for the earlier and resumed names, it is not required to retrospectively collapse the separate AAPs into one AAP

28 Earlier Name Resumed (LC-PCC PS
Category A - Bodies of a Type Likely to Be Subject to Frequent Name Changes Use one authorized access point to represent both the earlier and resumed name, if a body is likely to have frequent name changes because of its nature (e.g., firms named after individual members, legislative committees, conferences)

29 Earlier Name Resumed Category A Example
111 2# $a IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts 511 2# $a IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts $d (2008 : $c Taipei, Taiwan) 667 ## $a This conference resumed its earlier name; the name IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts was used and present. The name IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts was used in 2008

30 Earlier Name Resumed (LC-PCC PS
Category B - Place Names Use the same authorized access point for both the earlier and resumed name provided the additions to the AAP are appropriate for each instance, when a place resumes its earlier name

31 Earlier Name Resumed Category B Example
151 ## $a Saint Petersburg (Russia) 551 ## $a Leningrad (R.S.F.S.R.) 667 ## $a This place resumed its earlier name; Leningrad resumed the name Saint Petersburg in 1991. 151 ## $a Leningrad (R.S.F.S.R.) 551 ## $a Saint Petersburg (Russia) Note: also reflects change of name of the larger place

32 Earlier Name Resumed (LC-PCC PS
Category C - Bodies with Complex and Uncertain Histories If a body has had a complex or uncertain history, and creating and applying separate authorized access points for each use of the same name is not feasible, use the same authorized access point for both the earlier and resumed name

33 Earlier Name Resumed Category C Example
110 2# $a Republican National Committee (U.S.) 511 2# $a National Union Executive Committee (U.S.) 667 ## $a This corporate body resumed its earlier name; the Republican National Committee began in 1856.  It used the name National Union Executive Committee beginning in 1864 until sometime around 1868.

34 Earlier Names Not Likely to be Needed as Relationships (
If the earlier names of a corporate body that are not likely ever to be needed as access points in bibliographic records, and the decision is made not to create NARs for the earlier names, record them in the 670 along with an indication such as [no publications in database] or [no access point found in OCLC] 110 2# $a Body A 670 ## $a Title cataloged, date :$b cover (Body A) pref. (Body B [no access point found in OCLC])

35 Preferred Names for Subordinate and Related Bodies (
Record the name of a subordinate body or a related body under unless its name belongs to one or more of the types listed at – Record the name chosen as the preferred name (either as it appears in resources associated with the body, or under the form most commonly found in reference sources

36 Subordinate and Related Bodies Recorded subordinately (11. 2. 2. 14
Record the name of the subordinate body in the form of a subdivision of the authorized access point representing the higher body. Make it a direct or indirect subdivision under Subordinate body entry: ,

37 Body Whose Name Implies Administrative Subordination (
Apply the instruction to a name containing a term that normally implies administrative subordination, only if the name of the higher body is required for the identification of the subordinate body

38 Direct or Indirect Subdivision (
Record the name as a subdivision representing the lowest unit in the hierarchy that is recorded directly under its own name. Omit intervening units in the hierarchy, unless the name of the subordinate body has been or is likely to be used by another body. In that case, interpose the name of the lowest unit in the hierarchy that will distinguish between the bodies.

39 Indirect Subdivisions (
Refer from the name of its immediately superior body for direct subheading entry

40 Indirect Subdivisions (

41 Conference Name Location Qualifier (
Add the name of the associated institution instead of the local place name if: the institution name provides better identification, or the local place name is not known When adding the name of an institution as the location of a conference, record the preferred name for the institution, minus any additions used in the institution’s authorized access point

42 Conference Name Location Qualifier (
Name authority record for the institution name:

43 Ongoing Conferences (
Separate NARs may be created for the collective conference (typically made when cataloging serial), an individual instance of an ongoing conference (typically made for a monograph), or both. These records may coexist in the NACO file. A record for the collective conference should always be made to connect the earlier and later names of the collective conference. Once an official name of a conference is chosen, the names for all NAR should have the same name.

44 Access Point for a Series of Conferences, Etc. (
If the access point represents a series of conferences, etc., do not add the number, date, or location of the conferences, etc. Be careful not to confuse a “Place associated with a corporate body” added to distinguish different conferences with the same name with a location of a conference.

45 Access Point for a Series of Conferences, Etc. (
Connect authority records for earlier and later names of the collective conference using 5XX field Include a 667 field when there are authority records for both collective and individual instances of an ongoing conference 667 ## $a See also related access points for individual instances of this conference which include specific information about the number, date, or place of the individual conference.

46 Collective Treatment of an Ongoing Conference

47 Collective Treatment of an Ongoing Conference

48 Access Point for a Single Instance of a Conference (
Add the following elements to the name of a one-time conference, or a single instance of a series of conferences (number, date, location). 111 2# $a Olympic Winter Games $n (21st : $d 2010 : $c Vancouver, B.C.) Generally do not connect an individual instance of an ongoing conference to the earlier or later instance of the conference using a 5XX field, or to an NAR for the collective conference

49 Single Instance of an Ongoing Conference

50 Single Instance of an Ongoing Conference

51 Conference Name and Its Associated Bodies
Often, establishing a corporate body name or a conference name authorized access point involves updating and modifying the associated authority records. Research often is needed in order to decide the relationship among the different names.

52 Establish Single Instance Conference Name

53 Update AACR2 NAR to a Collective Conference

54 Update Sponsoring Body Name NAR

55 Update Parent Body Name NAR of the Sponsoring Body

56 Update Parent Body Name NAR of the Sponsoring Body

57 Attributes of Corporate Bodies (11.3-5)
Date: Core when needed to distinguish between bodies with same name; core for Conference, record it when known 046 ## $s $t $2 edtf 111 2# $a Kokusai Shinpojūmu "Translating/Comparing Poetry" $d (2011 : $c Ōtemae Daigaku) Places: Core when needed to distinguish between bodies with same name 370 ## $e Anxi Xian (Fujian Sheng, China) $2 naf 110 1# $a Anxi Xian (Fujian Sheng, China). $b Jiao tong ju Institutions: Core when needed to distinguish and provide better identification than place name 373 ## $a Koryŏ Taehakkyo. Chungang Tosŏgwan $2 naf 110 2# $a Chʻiam Munʼgo (Koryŏ Taehakkyo. Chungang Tosŏgwan)

58 Other Elements (11.7) Type of corporate body, jurisdiction, or other designation 368 Congresses and conventions $2 lcsh 368 $b Cities and towns $2 lcsh 368 $c South e.g., for Korea (South)

59 Other Elements (11.8-10) Language of the body – MARC field 377
Address of the body – MARC field 371 Field of activity of the body – MARC field 372 Corporate history – MARC field 678 #1

60 Variant Names ( ) Record as a variant name the name of the body in the form of a subdivision of the authorized access point representing the higher body

61 Variant Name Example

62 Relationships Between Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies (RDA 24-32, Appendix I, J, K)
PCC Guidelines on Using Relationship Designators in NACO Authority Records:

63 Module 4. Describing Corporate Bodies
Related Persons (RDA 30) Related persons are recorded in fields, and may include a relationship indicator in subfield $i (from RDA Appendix K), with $w r 110 2# $a Dannō Hōrinji (Kyoto, Japan) 410 2# $a 檀王法林寺 (Kyoto, Japan) 500 0# $i Founder: $a Taichū, $d 1552?-1639 $w r no Module 4. Describing Corporate Bodies

64 Related Families (RDA 31)
64 Related Families (RDA 31) Related families are also recorded in 500 fields. You may include a relationship indicator in subfield $i (from RDA Appendix K), with $w r 110 2# $a Berith Salom (Organization) 500 3# $i Founding family : $a Spanjaard (Family) $w r 100 3# $a Spanjaard (Family) 5102# $i Founded corporate body of family: $a Berith Salom (Organization) $w r Module 4. Describing Corporate Bodies

65 Related Corporate Bodies (RDA 32)
65 Related Corporate Bodies (RDA 32) Related corporate bodies are recorded in fields. You may include a relationship indicator in subfield $i (from RDA Appendix K), with $w r, or may use MARC $w coding. 110 2# $a Beijing da xue. $b Ya Fei La shi jiao yan shi 410 2# $a 北京大学.ǂb亚非拉史教研室 510 2# $i Hierarchical superior: $a Beijing da xue. $b Li shi xi $ w r Module 4. Describing Corporate Bodies

66 Use of $i in Relationship Links
Between Corporate Entities and the Name of Other Persons or Families – Use judgment about whether to make reciprocal 5XX Explicit recording of certain reciprocal relationships is highly encouraged to facilitate search and retrieval

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