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Northeast Coordinated Bird Monitoring

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1 Northeast Coordinated Bird Monitoring
Hana Young Administrative and Communications Assistant

2 Website

3 Outcomes A Framework for Coordinated Bird Monitoring in the Northeast  presents goals and strategies to strengthen the scientific basis for bird conservation The Register of Northeast Bird Monitoring Programs is a supplement to the framework, cataloguing over 450 bird monitoring initiatives in US Fish and Wildlife Service Region 5.  Regionally coordinated monitoring plans contain justification for monitoring target populations, definition of conservation and monitoring objectives, a detailed survey design, and standard operating procedures for data collection, management, analysis, and reporting. Detailed protocols and standard operating procedures guide implementation of regionally coordinated monitoring plans. Virtual bird monitoring library offers hundreds of reports and reprints on bird monitoring needs and opportunities, coordinated bird monitoring, data and metadata management, protocol documentation, population status, and survey design, implementation and analysis.

4 The Northeast Avian Data Center
This Avian Knowledge Network node enriches the utility of monitoring data by promoting interoperability among datasets, disseminating data, contributing to larger biodiversity initiatives, bolstering locality information with remotely-sensed variables, providing data exploration tools, and providing a secure data archive that ensures longevity.

5 The Northeast Bird Monitoring Handbook
Ten Steps to Successful Bird Conservation through Improved Monitoring Provides practical ideas for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of bird monitoring in the northeastern U.S.

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