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SageCon Implementation

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1 SageCon Implementation
Mitigation Program Development Program Habitat Program Population Program Governance Stakeholder Collaboration BLM NGOs ODFW USFWS BLM Counties DLCD DOGAMI DSL ODOE ODOT BLM NGOs NRCS ODFW ODA ODF Private landowners RFPAs SWCDs USFWS LITs ODFW BLM USFWS Communications & Outreach Decision Support Conservation Actions Monitoring and Reporting Adaptive Management


3 Statewide Sage-Grouse Coordinating Council
An overarching, statewide coordinating council—comprising representatives from key state and federal agencies, local governments, Local Implementation Teams (LITs), private landowners, tribes, and NGOs—will be responsible for directing high-level implementation and adaptive management of this Action Plan. Representation from federal, state, and local level land managers and decision-making entities will promote integration across various relevant levels of government and will also advance landscape-level coordination across land ownership boundaries. The council’s roles include making programmatic recommendations on allocation and coordination of resources (funds and personnel), including mitigation and adaptive management; identifying and addressing statutory, administrative, or regulatory barriers to plan implementation and effectiveness; providing a hub for aggregating ongoing monitoring of disturbance and conservation action information relevant to plan effectiveness and adaptive management; and coordinating with other regional sage-grouse efforts, including those of the BLM and neighboring states. As part of its resource allocation and coordination role, the coordinating council will approve mitigation crediting projects and the allocation of in-lieu fee funds, based on recommendations by the mitigation program administrator (and input from the statewide technical team). The council will also approve changes to the mitigation program identified through the adaptive management process. page 31 of State Action Plan

4 SageCon Coordinating Council SageCon Summit Mitigation Program
Decision makers from agencies/organizations with implementation responsibility – meets quarterly Mitigation Program ODFW Counties BLM DLCD Development Program Development Registry work group Population Program USFWS State Tech Team Habitat Program LITs SWCDs NGOs RFPAs ODF ARS Baker LIT Harney Wildfire Collaborative SageCon Summit “State of Sage Grouse” information forum - annual Steering Team Subset of CC to identify key topics, questions & presentations - monthly Communication and outreach Need to formalize this task

5 SageCon Coordinating Council Convener: Oregon Governor’s Office
Partner Agencies and Governments: County Government Bureau of Land Management Natural Resources Conservation Service Warm Springs & Burns Paiute Tribes US Fish and Wildlife Service Conservation Agriculture

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