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First Day of School A Poem By: Maria Fleming.

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Presentation on theme: "First Day of School A Poem By: Maria Fleming."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Day of School A Poem By: Maria Fleming

2 In summertime the butterflies
dance 'round our dogwood tree. Now summer's done and school's begun, they're fluttering in me!

3 Will my teacher like me? Will I make new friends? Will I learn to write my name before the school year ends?

4 Look! There's my teacher now...
she winks as I walk in. And a boy with a friendly, freckled face just flashed me a wide grin.

5 We learn to write the alphabet,
and it's only the first day! Hey, I think those butterflies are fluttering away!

6 I'll see you soon, my sunny friends,
back where you belong... dancing 'round the dogwood tree when summer sings its song.

7 What does the expression "butterflies in your stomach" mean?
Reflecting on the Poem Does the speaker really have butterflies flying around in his or her stomach? What does the expression "butterflies in your stomach" mean? When have you experienced that nervous, "fluttering" feeling? What makes you nervous about the beginning of a new school year?

8 Making Our Fears Disappear Find the butterfly that matches yours.
Greet the person whose butterfly matches yours. Find three things you and your new friend have in common. Find three ways in which you and your new friend are different.

9 Making Our Fears Disappear Join another pair of students.
Introduce your partner to your new friends.

10 So Long, Summer! Hello, School! What will you miss about summer? What are you looking forward to about school this year?

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