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Year 1 – Expectations in English and Maths

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Presentation on theme: "Year 1 – Expectations in English and Maths"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 1 – Expectations in English and Maths
What do we teach in Year 1? How do we teach it? How can you support us at home? How can we support you?

2 English is split into several different areas that all connect
Writing Reading SPaG Phonics

3 SPaG Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.
These are the nuts and bolts of writing. Capital letters, full stops, finger spaces. Conjunctions such as “and”. Using capital letters for names, places, days of the week etc.

4 Spellings Common exception words.
Word endings such as “ing”, “ed”, “est”, “er” or adding “s”. Days of the numbers, days of the week, months. Spelling tests.

5 Phonics 40 phonemes already taught.
Different ways of spelling the same sound. Blending and segmenting Taught is groups on a daily basis

6 Task How many different ways can you think of to spell the sound “I”.
Use the whiteboards to write them down.

7 How many did you get? i as in I or hi ie as in pie
i _e as in slide or idea igh as in bright ig as in sign y as in my ye as in eye or bye uy as in buy ui as in guide aye as in “aye aye” ai as in aisle ei as in feisty

8 Writing Imaginative – we want the children to write in an imaginative and interesting way. Talk about what we are going to write about before we write it. Say the sentence before we write it. Plan a story – for example with a story mountain.


10 Dragon Reading Guided reading – Using phonics to blend and segment
Questions – What has happened so far? What might happen next? What do you think about this ?

11 Maths Number Numbers from 0 to 100 Place value Signs: Fractions
One step problems

12 Measure, shape and position
2D & 3 D shapes – names and properties Positional language Comparing length, weight, height

13 Home work Reading Spelling tests Maths games Mathletics

14 Any Questions?

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