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Year 11 Maths Information Evening

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1 Year 11 Maths Information Evening
Nicola Fareham Head of Department Chris Gibson Acting Key Stage 4 Coordinator

2 Why are we having an information evening?
To run through the GCSE specification To keep you informed of important dates To let you know what is happening in your child’s Maths lessons.

3 GCSE Exam Board Students have started their GCSE course over Year 9 and 10 on the Edexcel linear course. They will work to achieve their grade at the end of year 11. All students will be sitting their Maths GCSE exam for the first time at the end of the year.

4 Thursday 26 May and Thursday 9 June 2016
Important Exam Dates Thursday 26 May and Thursday 9 June 2016 There will be holiday intervention sessions run by the Maths department before these two exams. Provisional dates: Friday 1 April 10am -1pm Saturday 21 May 10am -1pm Saturday 4 June 10am -1pm

5 This is the website for the specification your child will be following

6 Internal Assessments Throughout the year there will be numerous internal assessments. These will be used to help predict final GCSE scores which will appear on your child’s Praising Stars report. These will take place during the following weeks w/c 9 Nov w/c 11 Jan w/c 22 Feb w/c 11 April These assessments sometimes lead to set changes for some students so they are working with other students with similar ability to themselves.

7 What else are we doing? Enrichments every night apart from Tuesday
SLT support in lessons One-to-one mentoring Peer Mentoring VMG appointments with Head of Department/KS4 Coordinator Intervention from the class teacher Holiday sessions

8 What else are we doing? Option Maths lessons
Consolidation Period Maths Weekly revision questions available on twitter Exam papers complete with model answers for holiday revision every holiday Revision booklets from Edexcel Maths Camp

9 Why Option Maths? Some students are selected to do Option Maths in Year 11. It is important that all students in our care make expected progress through school Achieving a C grade or above in Maths will give our students the best life chances. Since Option Maths has started yearly results have increased dramatically. We know that without Option Maths the likelihood of students achieving a C grade would fall significantly. Practising Maths improves our students’ retention of knowledge.

10 Homework Homework will be set as in previous years using Login: outwood Password: congruent Every student has one week to complete their homework. This is set on MyMaths. All teachers in the department provide enrichments after school to give students support with their homework. We will comment and put a sticker in planners when homework is not completed, set a detention and this will follow the academy homework policy. This year a text will be sent out to Parent/Carers of those students failing to complete their homework.

11 What can your child do? Come to lessons fully equipped and ready to learn -Pen -Pencil -Ruler -Scientific calculator -Exercise book -Planner Attend all lessons Complete homework

12 Thanks for listening @OGAMATHS Any questions?

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