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Bacteria Archaea Eukarya Monera (old kingdom) Eubacteria

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria Archaea Eukarya Monera (old kingdom) Eubacteria"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria Archaea Eukarya Monera (old kingdom) Eubacteria
Archaea-bacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia Domains Kingdom

2 Two Divisions of Cells Prokaryote Eukaryote Cells without a nucleus
Cells with a nucleus to hold genetic material

3 Prokaryotic Cell Eukaryotic Cell Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus
Section 7-1 Cell membrane Cytoplasm Prokaryotic Cell Nucleus Eukaryotic Cell Organelles Go to Section:

4 The Three-Domain System 1. Domain Bacteria
- prokaryotic domain: cyanobacteria, spirochetes 1 Kingdom: Eubacteria 2. Domain Archaea - prokaryotic domain 1 Kingdom: Archaeabacteria 3. Domain Eukarya 4 Kingdoms 1. Protista: includes algae, protozoa and slime molds 2. Fungi: absorb nutrients from decomposing matter 3. Plantae: mutli-cellular carry out photosynthesis 4. Animalia: multi-cellular consume food for energy Go to Section:







11 Make a dichotomous key of the following shapes

12 Decription of 5 Kingdoms
Monera (eubacteria & archaebacteria): single celled, prokaryotes, autotroph/heterotroph Protists: single celled, eukaryotes, autotroph/heterotroph Plant: multi-celled, eukaryotes, autotroph Fungi: multi-celled or single celled, eukaryotes, heterotroph Animal: multi-celled, eukaryotes, heterotroph

13 September 25th Quick Write:
Write down four vocabulary words used to describe a leaf. Explain what each word means. Draw a any leaf and identify 3 characteristics of it Homework: Study for test you will have next Tuesday pg 126 do the multiple choice and true and false Due Wednesday SWBAT: explain the different types of vocabulary used when creating a dichotomous key for a leaf. start working on their leaf identification project. identify different traits of the three domains and kingdoms.

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