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Asian Development Bank Statistical Capacity Building 21 July 2008

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1 Asian Development Bank Statistical Capacity Building 21 July 2008

2 Outline Introduction Need for statistical capacity building Shortfalls
Revised strategy for sustainability Sustainability of SCB in recipient countries Inter agency collaboration 21/07/2008

3 Introduction ADB has history of technical assistance (TA) in statistical capacity building (SCB) since 1974 Only development agency in region with a SCB TA program Assist in SCB activities through country specific TA programs or regional technical assistance (RETA) programs Country specific TA (21 developing member countries have benefited) Regional technical TA (all 44 developing member countries have benefited) 21/07/2008

4 Within ADB, the Economics and Research Dept
Within ADB, the Economics and Research Dept. has been the prime mover of statistical capacity building Areas of SCB focused on: developing skills on national accounts, price statistics, services sector statistics, poverty statistics, developing statistical plans, statistics act etc resource transfer to underwrite statistical operation (surveys – household and establishment) procurement of equipment Significant strides have been made, but need for SCB TA still remains 21/07/2008

5 Conceptual Implementation of 1993 SNA
Fiscal Years 2002 to 2005 (Assessment 2006) No. of Countries 1993 SNA % of Total UN Member Countries 192 101 53 % Developed 1 28 26 93% Transition Economies 100% Developing 136 47 35% Africa 53 9 17% Caribbean and Latin America 33 19 58% Western Asia 15 7 47% Eastern, Southeastern, Southern Asia 23 10 43% Oceania 12 2 ESCAP Member States 2 49 25 51% 1 Include Western Europe, Northern America, Japan, Australia, New Zealand 2 Include all Member States of ESCAP, excluding France, the Netherlands, the U.K., and the U.S.A. Source: Information provided by UNSD, August 2006. NB: Conceptual implementation: inclusion of items affecting levels of GDP

6 Fiscal Years 2002 to 2005 (Assessment 2006)
Scope of Accounts (Minimum Requirement) Fiscal Years 2002 to 2005 (Assessment 2006) No. of Countries Six or > tables % of Total Seven tables UN Member Countries 192 94 49% 58 30% Developed 1 28 24 86% 15 54% Transition Economies 17 61% Developing 136 53 39% 26 19% Africa 12 23% 7 13% Caribbean and Latin America 33 20 11 33% Western Asia 8 53% 2 Eastern, Southern, Southern Asia 23 48% 5 22% Oceania 17% 1 8% ESCAP Member States 2 49 41% 13 27% 1 Include Western Europe, Northern America, Japan, Australia, New Zealand 2 Include all Member States of ESCAP, excluding France, the Netherlands, the U.K., and the U.S.A. Source: Information provided by UNSD, August 2006. NB: Scope of implementation: measured by minimum dataset comprising 7 recommended tables

7 Need for SCB assistance Strengthen national statistical system:
Generate timely, reliable and quality statistics for efficient administration, management and evidence-based policy making Ability to collect primary data Generate internationally comparable statistics Assisting countries with weak statistical systems to build statistical infrastructure 21/07/2008

8 Based on ad hoc requests by countries
Shortfalls Gap filling: substantial funding shortfall in NSO satisfy an immediate demand of key users Based on ad hoc requests by countries SCB done on a piecemeal basis - devoid of any sustainability Did not involve a systematic assessment of needs and relevance from: standpoint of client county’s medium and long term statistical development strategy in context of ADB’s own priority goals for statistical development in the region 21/07/2008

9 Examine statistical strength and weaknesses
Revised strategy for sustainability 1. Systematic – conduct diagnostic studies with direct country involvement Examine statistical strength and weaknesses Identify obstacles and positive factors for the development of statistics Access availability of budgets for: Statistical development Human resources Information technology Field operation (surveys) 21/07/2008

10 2. Long-term SCB programs drawn factoring in Institutional environment
Availability of statistical legislative framework Management and organization of statistical system Level of budgetary resources for statistical activities Reflect national priorities Stakeholder consultations – NSOs; line ministries 3. SCB to be results oriented Clear and measurable targets – Design and monitoring framework drawn up with clearly stated outcomes and outputs 21/07/2008

11 5. Promoting use administrative data sources
Appropriate conditionalities included Country consent Memorandum of Agreement - to promote and ensure government ownership and buy-in Milestones to achieve outputs are set Workshops to present results and assess results Release of funds upon satisfactory attainment of predetermined and agreed milestones 4. Integrate SCB programs into the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for long-term commitment 5. Promoting use administrative data sources Improve administrative data (AD) sources Country assessment studies of AD system Manual on Use of AD sources 21/07/2008

12 Sustainability of SCB in recipient country
Improved legal framework (statistics act) – NSOs mandated as primary source of official statistics Statistical master plan (or a national statistics development strategy) with buy-in from government/Central Bank programmed/structured implementation of statistical activities set priorities based on budget allocation secure government commitment to invest in SCB 21/07/2008

13 NSOs must remain relevant - conduct regular dialogue with users
produce timely, reliable and relevant statistics understand priorities of users and developments in the economic world ability to respond in a timely manner Human resource issues In developing countries staff costs typically represent more than 75% of budget (Source: WB) Chronic budgetary shortfall for routine statistical activities High staff turnover undermine the effectiveness of training Need to develop skills and keep up with technical developments Limited supply of skills Limited flexibilities Small staff size Limited training opportunities 21/07/2008

14 Inter agency collaboration in SCB
Training Organizing training seminars and workshops make it relevant to regional circumstances immediate relevance to countries in the region Targeted technical assistance, advisory missions and consultancies Advocacy workshops on need for statistics for policy making 21/07/2008

15 Technical cooperation
The 2005 ICP modal Governance structure premised on Regional coordinating agencies working closely with beneficiary countries at regional level World Bank working with regional coordinating agencies at global level The IMF-WB modal in Anglophone Africa Formal separation of responsibilities the IMF covers macroeconomic and financial statistics World Bank covers socio-demographic statistics 21/07/2008

16 Thank you 21/07/2008

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