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Historical views of a democratic society

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1 Historical views of a democratic society
Theme № 2. Historical views of a democratic society

2 Plan: 1. The meaning and content of historical views of the ancient thinkers of statehood and a just society. 2. "Legal Code" Amir Temur's government.

3 Democratic forms of organization are rooted in the deep past, in the days when there were no states - in the tribal system. They emerged with the appearance of the person. Through generic forms of democracy were all nations: the ancient Greeks, Germans and other nations. First the classic form of the democratic state was the Athenian Republic, which emerged in the fifth century BC.

4 Usually when people talk about civil society, they look to the views of Aristotle. Indeed, this concept was introduced in the scientific and political items to the same ancient Greek philosopher, who called civil society, the community of free and equal citizens, connected by some form of political organization.

5 At a time when we are faced with the task of strengthening the independence of Uzbekistan, Amir Temur valuable to us as the founder of a great state. It laid the foundation of a state created its legal basis. His views of state were important not only for his time, but also for future generations.

6 Amir Temur - the great statesman of the Middle Ages, a courageous advocate of justice, patron of science and culture have survived centuries, against various ideological influences, jealous and unfair ratings.

7 Temur greatness consists in the fact that history has assigned to it pursuant several landmark mission.? First Mission - an association of Central Asia in a single state.

8 The second mission of Amir Temur was defeating the Golden Horde, after which the state has already steppe could not regain its former strength, which in turn helped to strengthen the Moscow Russia and unite the Russian principalities around the principality. As noted by the Russian researcher A. Jakubowski, "Temur fought with the Golden Horde for the Central Asian interests ... but objectively he did useful work not only for Central Asia,

9 But also for Russia. "At the same time destruction of the Golden Horde allowed to establish itself on its western lands and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Thanks to defeat Tokhtamysh in 1401 was restored Polish - Lithuanian union, and was made possible victory in the Battle of Grunwald in 1410.

10 The third mission of the great commander linked to victory over the Ottoman sultans Boyazedom in 1402 in Ankara. After defeating the Ottoman empire, Amir Temur thus contributed to the restoration of the old kingdoms in Asia Minor.

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