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The Protestant Reformation

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1 The Protestant Reformation

2 Politics and Religion Charles I - king of Spain
- elected as Holy Roman Emperor as Charles V - ruled a huge empire that included Spain and its territories, Austrian Habsburg lands, Bohemia, Hungary, the Low countries, and the kingdom of Naples - goal was to preserve the large empire and hoped to keep in tack the unity of his empire in the Catholic beliefs Francis I - rivalry of Charles V - king of France - conflict with Charles V over destroyed territories led to four wars that lasted over twenty years Pope Clement VII - joined the side of Francis I - also a rival of Charles V

3 Politics and Religion Continued
Germany had control of several hundred territorial states By the time Charles V brought his military to Germany, Lutheranism was well recognized an the Lutheran princes took control and were classified Since Charles couldn’t defeat them, he was forced to discuss a treaty The end to religious warfare came to an end in 1555 with the Peace of Augsburg The Peace of Augsburg said that Lutheran states were to have the same legal rights as Catholic states, but didn’t acknowledge the religious toleration for individuals Christian unity was forever lost and the new Protestant groups began to spread rapidly

John Calvin - educated in France but converted to Protestantism and was fled to Switzerland - published Institutes of Christian Religion - ^^ mixture of Protestant ideas that secured Calvin's reputation as one of the newest rulers of Protestantism - sided with Luther - placed emphasis on the rule of God - stressed that there couldn’t be definite certainty of salvation - created Calvinism - 1536: began working to reform the city of Geneva - organized church order - Calvin succeeded in Geneva which then allowed the city to become a center of Protestantism - Calvinism established in France, the Netherlands, Scotland and central and eastern Europe

5 The English Reformation
More political, then religious King Henry VIII - wanted to divorce wife, Catherine of Aragon, but had a daughter, Mary, but no son to rule after him - wanted to marry Anne Boleyn - annoyed with the pope’s refuse to grant him a divorce, Henry turned to England’s own church courts - Thomas Cranmer ruled that the king’s marriage was “void” - Anne was crowned queen - made Parliament finalize the break of the Church of England with Rome - The Act of Supremacy of 1534 - broken the papacy, but little change occurred Edward VI - took over after Henry VIII and created new acts of Parliament that gave the clergy the right to marry and created a new Protestant church Mary - Catholic who tried to transform England to Catholicism - actions were angry, especially when “bloody Mary” burned more than 300 Protestant heretics

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