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Hunger Relief Plan Taskforce

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2 Hunger Relief Plan Taskforce
Executive Committee 4 members Funders Advisory Committee – Rev Pam Cahoon Chair 20-25 members – business, foundations, government, advocates, school district, agencies Direct strategies and tactics for workgroups. Resource workgroups so they can accomplish their purpose. Workgroups implement strategies and tactics. Childhood Hunger Workgroup Chair Erica Whitfield School District Board Member Senior Hunger Workgroup Chair Nancy Yarnall Area Agency on Aging Glades Workgroup Co-Chairs Commissioner Melissa McKinlay and Caroline Villanueva, Florida Crystals Infrastructure Workgroup Kate Magro, Palm Beach Atlantic University

3 Collective Impact Collective Impact Initiatives are long-term commitments by a group of important actors from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a specific social problem. Their actions are supported by a shared measurement system, mutually reinforcing activities, and ongoing communication, and are staffed by an independent backbone organization. -Stanford Social Intervention Review

4 Hunger Relief Taskforce
211 Area Agency on Aging Bank of America Palm Beach County Feeding South Florida PBC Dept. of Senior Services Palm Beach County Food Bank Advocates School District of PBC Bethesda by the Sea The Town of Palm Beach United Way Meals on Wheels Palm Healthcare Foundation PBC Agricultural Economic Development Quantum Foundation Children’s Services Council Catholic Charities CROS Ministries Florida Crystals FLIPANY Feed the Hungry Morselife Palm Beach Atlantic University The Volen Center Farris Foundation Pan Florida Challenge Florida Sugar Cane League Jewish Family Services, Inc. The Glades Initiative FPL Board of County Commissioners Youth Services Office of Congressman Ted Deutch Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties Dot and Ruby Helping Hands Dept. of Children and Families Boys and Girls Club Community Caring Center of Greater Boynton Beach PBC UF IFAS Extension Boys Town South Florida GCI Training & Empowerment Center United Way of Palm Beach County PBC Dept of Community Services Bridges Palm Beach County Sherriff’s Office WPB Rotary FAU Boca Helping Hands The Jim Moran Foundation

5 Childhood Hunger Collaborations
Pan Florida Challenge Super Power Packs 767 students will be fed for three years through the implementation of a new backpack program

6 Senior Snap Successes A flyer has been created in English, Spanish, and Creole to advertise SNAP to seniors Highest need zip codes have been identified for outreach Senior hunger partners are reaching out to pantries and other service providers with educational materials Hidden Hungry documentary presented in November


8 Glades Area Pantry Survey
Working to connect the Glades Area Pantries with needed resources

9 Infrastructure A GIS mapping survey has been commissioned to assess the performance, capacity and coordination of Palm Beach County pantries. The overarching goal of this assessment is to produce a geographical visualization of food pantry baseline measures that can guide hunger relief partners with prioritizing actions and resources, while tracking hunger relief progress at the pantry scale.

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