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Welcome to the Together We Can Trust Strategy Briefing Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Together We Can Trust Strategy Briefing Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Together We Can Trust Strategy Briefing Session

2 Purpose of this session
To provide you with tools and resources to enable you to successfully cascade the Trust’s strategy to your team members

3 Learning Objectives Explain the importance of ensuring that all staff understand the Strategy and what’s going on in the Trust Describe the tools and resources available to help you communicate the strategy to your teams Explain how progress will be monitored at monthly Divisional Performance meetings

4 Implementing the Strategy
Will require our leaders to: - Work more collaboratively with local partners Provide services in a more integrated way Increase levels of efficiency and ultimately Increase the pace and scale with which change is implemented Lead with passion and authenticity in an ever changing landscape

5 Activity Think about the people, team and/or teams that you lead or manage Pair up with the colleague to your left Consider on a scale of 1 – 10 what knowledge you think you staff have of the Trust’s new strategy You have 5 minutes for discussion and 5 minutes to feedback

6 The Golden Thread Start of year Directorate Objectives Team Objectives
Organisational Objectives Individual Objectives Maximising your potential talent and career development conversation Sup port Team Objectives Sup port 1-2-1s Talk about ‘Will it Make the Boat Go Faster’ and what are our killer questions? (our ambitions should help to form our ambitions End of year

7 Welcome to the Together We Can Trust Strategy Briefing Session

8 The case for change – in the Trust
Operations LoS Admission / readmission rates Productivity Quality Mortality rates CQC rating & intelligent monitoring reports Pathway compliance Workforce Recruitment & retention Use of contingent labour Sickness levels Finance Tariff deflation / cost inflation CIP delivery Reducing cash balance £83m strategic financial challenge We agreed that we do not have a financially or clinically sustainable future if we continue to provide services in the way in which we do today

9 Clinically-led You Said…… We Did….. Why?
This work has been clinically led and involved external stakeholders in developing our strategy and defining our vision for 2020. Why? “If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.” Yogi Berra You Said…… We Did…..

10 So what do you need to remember?
Our vision: As a high performing Trust, operating as part of an integrated care system, we will provide high quality, safe and effective care. This will be achieved in a financially sustainable way, through our skilled and motivated workforce.

11 So what do you need to remember?
Our Values: we are a high performing Trust and our ambitions underpinning the vision are challenging, but align to our values.

12 So what do you need to remember?
Our Ambitions


14 This work programme aims to:
Implement best clinical practice to optimise outcomes and drive value; Implement best process management to optimise length of stay, workforce efficiency and asset utilisation; Redesign the workforce to introduce new roles, ensure all members of the team are working to their maximum capabilities; Make good use of digital technologies to support self-care and further drive quality and productivity of services.

15 This work programme aims to remove unnecessary bed days from each patient’s length of stay through:
Ensuring that all tasks associated with a patient’s clinical care as an inpatient are completed in a timely manner, by improved matching of the demand for the clinical workforce (numbers and skill sets) and improved clarity on roles and responsibilities; Improved discharge planning, including making best use of the opportunities available to the Trust as a provider of acute and community services. About system being efficient (not individuals)

16 This work programme aims to identify opportunities to reduce costs and/or increase income for each unit of activity through: Redesigning the workforce to introduce new roles, ensuring that all members of the clinical team are working to their maximum capabilities, reducing the reliance on contingent labour, and ensuring that supply effectively matches demand; Ensuring that our physical assets (e.g. theatres, clinics) are effectively utilised by matching supply with demand; Developing digital solutions which support self-care and increase the value-added time per employee.

17 The work programme aims to enhance the patient experience and improve the flow of non-elective patients through: Increased senior decision making at the point of attendance / admission to the hospital; Increased multi-disciplinary working across specialty teams; The use of protocol-based admission and discharge criteria, to ensure that patients are assessed and treated in the most appropriate location; Increased use of ambulatory care.

18 The work programme aims to enhance the patient experience, reduce inappropriate demand for acute services and provide a more integrated approach to care through: Implementation of the Extensive Care service (Trust led) to support frail elderly patients with multiple long term conditions and/or complex social needs; Implementation of Enhanced Primary Care (primary care led) to support patients with one or two long term conditions and/or complex social care needs, with the aim of preventing these patients become future high intensity users of healthcare services; A joint review across commissioners and providers to agree a matching of commissioner requirements and services offered.

19 This partnership working across the Lancashire region will be required in order to address several key challenges and enable larger scale transformational change: The transition to ‘7-day safe’ working and the need to provide safe senior staffing levels across a 24/7 period will be difficult to source and afford if managed in isolation by individual organisations; Higher volumes of activity will be required in order to achieve high quality care and sufficiently high economies of scale.

20 Key schemes within this work programme will include:
Estates: review of estate utilisation and development opportunities to ensure that the estate effectively supports and enhances the clinical service provision in a cost effective way; Clinical leadership: increased participation in clinical leadership programmes, clarity on roles and responsibilities of clinical leaders within the Trust; IM&T: implementation of electronic patient records; use of telehealth to support improved community-based management of patients with long term conditions, Workforce: reviews of existing contractual arrangements (in conjunction with national changes) Information: introduction of performance management tools and processes, including Trust and specialty-level dashboards Communications and engagement: effective communications and engagement with all stakeholders.

21 From this….

22 To this….

23 Monthly activity overview on next slide

24 Resources This presentation Session outline ‘Z’ cards
Strategy on a page Guide to Briefing sessions Trust strategy video Can be found on Intranet under Strategy Resources Appraisal training

25 Activity Pair up with the colleague to your right
Reflect on the information and resources shared at this session Consider if you only had 5 minutes to deliver a message about the Trust’s strategy to your staff what would your top 3 messages be? You have 10 minutes for the discussion and 10 minutes to feedback

26 Thank you

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