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RAC Working Group Recommendations

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1 RAC Working Group Recommendations

2 Regional Advisory Council?
On May 22nd 2012, the ICF Board of Directors approved the establishment of a network of Regional Advisory Councils: European Leaders Latin America Asia Pacific West (U.S.) East (U.S. & Canada) Northwest (U.S. & Canada) Midwest (U.S.) The primary purpose for these councils would be to: create a community of ICF leaders creating synergy and spirit through inspiration and support to serve the members and the coaching profession. ICF is committed to ensuring that a mechanism exists for greater member input in the affairs of the organization. Moreover, there is a growing desire to provide a venue and a voice to our chapter structure – as the collective voice of chapters has been very rarely solicited and there is no established mechanism for doing so RAC would allow for more member input and cultural awareness based on their geographic diversity, needs, life cycle and abilities. However, the final decision-making capacity for Global strategy and policies would remain exclusively with the Global Board. These councils will act in an advisory capacity. They will remain somewhat informal bodies without a formal representation on the Board

3 Regional Advisory Council?
On May 22nd 2012, the ICF Board of Directors approved the establishment of a network of Regional Advisory Councils. The objectives could include : Voice in the region; Better use of resources Sharing information and knowledge. Decision influencing group for ICF in a given region, when appropriate One voice – greater input for policy-making, when appropriate These councils will act in an advisory capacity. They will remain somewhat informal bodies without a formal representation on the Board. ICF is committed to ensuring that a mechanism exists for greater member input in the affairs of the organization. Moreover, there is a growing desire to provide a venue and a voice to our chapter structure – as the collective voice of chapters has been very rarely solicited and there is no established mechanism for doing so RAC would allow for more member input and cultural awareness based on their geographic diversity, needs, life cycle and abilities. However, the final decision-making capacity for Global strategy and policies would remain exclusively with the Global Board. As ICF continues to grow and spread around the world it becomes increasingly necessary to maintain a sense of community and inclusiveness. This system ensures that chapters have access to regional entities that are sharing best practices and communicating their interests to ICF Global. The voice that chapters gained through the regional councils will greatly enhance their connection to Global and the understanding Global gains from that input will be immeasurable.

4 RAC Working Group Bernhard A Zimmermann - Hegedűs Dóra - Active Harald Arnesen - Consulting role Tiina Hellgrén - Active Philippe R. Declercq - Active Tuovi Haikala - Consulting role Tracy Sinclair - Active Willem Jan Hofmans - Marius Hansa - Active Leda Turai-Petrauskiene - Active Ludmila Egorova - Active Isabelle Maes - ICFSRC

5 Status – RAC vs. ELM During our ELM in Dublin, a decision was reached that both structures, ELM and RAC should be kept as they serve two different goals – socializing and sharing vs. strategic thinking, projects, decisions. ELM: social and networking, best practices, votes on decisions and projects presented by RAC or emerged during ELM. Working mainly during the meetings (i.e. parliament) RAC: longer term vision and regional strategy, coordinating the work of specific projects, think tank on recurring topics – membership fees, marketing and communication, credentialing. Working throughout the year (i.e. government) Meetings ELM: two annual meetings – one in person (3 days), one virtual (teleconference) RAC: two annual meetings – two in person meetings before each ELM (a day earlier), and monthly virtual meetings. The working platform is Yammer. RAC budget: self-supported for the first “round” to see how it works and what are we capable to create

6 Status – RAC Members 5 members elected for 2 years, with partial replacement to make sure that transmission is assured. One Leader-Coordinator (owner) and one Secretary General. Candidates: Volunteering past ICF Leaders: past presidents, board members, members of the leadership team ICF accredited coaches, endorsed by the national chapters. The endorsement could be recalled based on the breach of the Code of Conduct Remain the local member for the total time of the RAC engagement, Candidate document: “Application Form” signed by the Chapter Leader and “Engagement letter” (to be drafted) Election Process Volunteers submit their candidature during ELM ELM participants vote for 5 members (what about “substitutes” in case when one of the RAC members resigns?)

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