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Insert Poster Title Here. Arial Bold at 90 point

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1 Insert Poster Title Here. Arial Bold at 90 point
Names of Researchers Department, Faculty, Institution THIS POSTER TEMPLATE IS CREATED AT 66.6%. When using Bitmap Images (.JPG, .BMP, .TIF, .PNG), make sure they are at least 450dpi at 100%. If they are smaller than this they may come out pixelated on your printed poster. Affiliate Logos Affiliate Logos Introduction Results Conclusion Research Objective This should be a simple statement clearly stating the objective of the work shown on the poster. Although a Research Objective is commonly included it is not necessarily an absolute. Background The Background is a brief statement, summarizing existing data, that has led you to the Body of work shown in you Poster. This is commonly included as part of the introduction, but we have also seen it as a stand alone section. Discussion/Conclusion A summary of the work presented, reminding the audience of your research questions and the results you’ve obtained, and the overall significance of your work. To further strengthen your conclusion, it’s good to point out your findings relevance to other published work. Future Direction It’s common to include a forward-looking statement that discusses the limitations of this current body of work and highlights the future directions of your research. The Results section can typically be the bulk of the poster, sometimes with sub-titles to describe each finding. It’s good practice to begin the Results section with a summary of the results. Charts, graphs, and images (your data) are commonly included in the Results Section. Initially discussing the general aspects of the day you’ve obtained in the stand alone statement, and them discussing the data in relation to your hypothesis. The analyses and key findings shown should specifically address your hypothesis. Can you particularly rework this a bit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix semper insolens dissentiunt ea, et nibh corpora eos. Qui duis graeco ei, rebum facilisi est in. Ea quo nisl scripta, in mei legimus accusata conclusionemque. Figure 3 Figure 1 This Poster template was created by and is free for anyone to use. It is meant to be a guide to help you create your poster. As the end user, you are responsible for layout, size, and content of your poster. Make sure to fully proof your poster to ensure there are no errors before sending it to print. We do not assume responsibility for any layout, colour, spelling, fonts, text, design, or other errors that exist in your document. Supporting Text for Figure. Image or Chart Figure 4 Supporting Text for Figure. Image or Chart Methods Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix semper insolens dissentiunt ea, et nibh corpora eos. Qui duis graeco ei, rebum facilisi est in. Ea quo nisl scripta, in mei legimus accusata conclusionemque. Sit dolore eloquentiam at, ei graeco scriptorem eam. Sea sale assum urbanitas ut. Case rebum forensibus id mei, erant noster est at, atqui postea philosophia ex vel. Methods and Materials One of the most important parts of the poster! This Materials and Methods section should clearly describe the approach for the research. You may even want to include any images, charts, tables or graphs here that will help the viewer better understand the process of your experimental design It is also important to include rationale to explain why you chose these methods! This is just as important as the steps you took. (approximately 200 words) Supporting Text for Figure. Image or Chart Figure 5 Figure 2 References and Affiliations References A brief list of Citations for the work you’ve referenced. Check with your conference to see if there is an outlined style you should follow. If there isn’t a specified style, just used a standard method for citation. Feel free to make the text in this section smaller, and if needed, to conserve space use two columns for your references instead of one. Acknowledgements A statement of Acknowledgement, giving credit for assistance and financial support that made your body of work possible. Supporting Text for Figure. Image or Chart Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix semper insolens dissentiunt ea, et nibh corpora eos. Qui duis graeco ei, rebum facilisi est in. Ea quo nisl scripta, in mei legimus accusata conclusionemque. Sit dolore eloquentiam at, ei graeco scriptorem eam. Sea sale assum urbanitas ut. Case rebum forensibus id mei, erant noster est at, atqui postea philosophia ex vel. . Supporting Text for Figure. Image or Chart Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vix semper insolens dissentiunt ea, et nibh corpora eos. Qui duis graeco ei, rebum facilisi est in. Ea quo nisl scripta, in mei legimus accusata conclusionemque. Sit dolore eloquentiam . Printed by Printed by Printed by Printed by

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