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STUDENT PROTESTS Kayanne Klipka, Scott Lawan, Kelsey Smith, Anna Kongs, Lindsay Ditch University of Denver, Fall 2016, LIS 4810 About Exhibit is geared.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT PROTESTS Kayanne Klipka, Scott Lawan, Kelsey Smith, Anna Kongs, Lindsay Ditch University of Denver, Fall 2016, LIS 4810 About Exhibit is geared."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDENT PROTESTS Kayanne Klipka, Scott Lawan, Kelsey Smith, Anna Kongs, Lindsay Ditch University of Denver, Fall 2016, LIS 4810 About Exhibit is geared toward students researching the roles of Colorado high school and college students in past protest movements Goal of this exhibit is to bring together dispersed items Scope & Selection Process Topic was decided based on individual group members’ interests in forms of public protest Group goal was for the exhibit to be of interest to young researchers, should be locally-based, and thematically divided Each object was selected for its relevance and is meant to invoke an emotional reaction. Items needed to convey the feelings and thoughts of student protesters Objects need to speak for themselves but also fit into a larger narrative Chosen digital objects are in a variety of formats including photographs, video clips, and news articles Lauer, K. (Photographer). (2016, August 25). Walking Boldly: Denver SlutWalk Retrieved from Topic Selection High schools and colleges have often served as the settings for social and political protests Student protests in Colorado would be a relevant and meaningful topic around which to build an exhibit Collection Topics Chicano Movement Vietnam Protests Feminist Protest Present Day Copyright Issues It would be difficult for us to obtain copyright permissions because they are held almost exclusively by publishing entities or newspapers Copyright restrictions prevent us from meeting our originally intended goals of extending access or to improving resource discovery Due to the copyright restrictions, our group has decided to restrict our exhibit for private viewing only Discussion Student’s strong representation, tireless community activism, and grassroots organizing has been known to confront the major issues of our times We knew where and how to obtain the information we sought. Unfortunately, the best objects were under copyright Group members chose one subject of interest, collected artifacts, and researched themes All members have been working in their designated roles It has been a balanced and communal effort, like the movements we have been studying. We hope to present this information in a manner that upholds the tradition of student movements by clarifying information, and upholding the importance of the struggles of movements, past and present [Still Photograph]. (n.d.). In 1970, students established Woodstock West on campus to protest the Vietnam War and the killing of students at Kent State University. Retrieved from [Still Photograph]. (n.d.). Denver minority groups and race relations. Retrieved from Christus, G. (Photographer). (2016, May 20). Regis Jesuit High School sophomore Destiny Humphrey holds a sign at one of the Regis Jesuit entrances of Friday May, 20 at Regis Jesuit High School. Retrieved from Building the Exhibit The Exhibit is presented online using Omeka web-publishing platform Omeka allows simple sharing of online collections. Omeka does not require special technical skills, programming experience, or server requirements Each student was responsible for their own section and followed appropriate selection guidelines to build collections Objects complement each other within collections but also have enough historical weight to function as stand-alone objects Individuals were also responsible for acquiring the appropriate Dublin Core metadata Conclusion We were able to learn what is required to highlight a collection, generating the greatest impact with a minimal amount of objects through the shared effort of collaboration Our collection highlights the importance of the voices presented, furthering the light they shine on the world [Still Photograph]. (1970). National Guard troops march at DU to clean up Woodstock West. Retrieved from Copyright Colin Purrington (

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