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Knowledge is Power.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge is Power."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge is Power

2 Counting calories Portion control Body weight or BMI

3 These are exactly what this presentation is NOT about:
Counting calories Portion control Body weight or BMI

4 So now you’re thinking:
“Really? Hmmm….so what ARE you here to talk about then?”

5 Why I don’t want you to count calories
#1: There is something most people don’t know: All calories are just ESTIMATES. The ACTUAL calories can vary by up to 20% in EITHER direction. So “130” can actually be anywhere from about calories.

6 Why I don’t want you to count calories
#2: When you’re focusing on calories, you’re rarely thinking about NUTRITION. And it’s the NUTRIENTS in the food (vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals) that influence your HEALTH.

7 Here’s the problem though…
Counting calories usually means you’re choosing things simply because a package indicates that the item contains “only” a specified number of calories. Here’s the problem though…

8 Foods LOW in calories are not necessarily HIGH in nutrition.

9 The HEALTHIEST foods of all don’t have labels with calorie counts.

10 So what this presentation IS about…
…is the AMAZING power of food in protecting our health!

11 Why I don’t want you to focus on portion control

12 Portion control is about NOT over-eating…
…and the foods we tend to overeat are the ones we find to be the most enjoyable. The foods we find the most enjoyable are rarely those which are the healthiest.

13 So the key to good health is to FOCUS ON…



16 Why I don’t want you to focus on body weight or Body Mass Index (BMI)

17 Good health comes in many different shapes and sizes.
AND ALSO because… 1) Our body WEIGHT can vary by up to 5 pounds per day; 2) When the number on the scale changes quickly, it’s not just fat that we lost; 3) Focusing on weight puts the emphasis on appearance rather than INTERNAL health. Good health comes in many different shapes and sizes. Only blood testing results and body composition measures are assessments of your true HEALTH.

18 What this presentation IS about
EDUCATING you…about WHY to make certain choices. EMPOWERING you…with the ability to DO just that. INSPIRING you…to WANT to make ideal choices.

19 WHY you want to make healthy food choices

20 Cardiovascular disease in all its forms Gastrointestinal illnesses
(including strokes, heart attacks, DVT’s, erectile dysfunction, etc.) Diabetes Kidney disease Gallbladder disease Gastrointestinal illnesses Some cancers





25 HOW TO make healthy food choices

26 The anatomy of a food label.

27 Let’s keep it simple. *2 step process*

28 5% = LOW 10% = MODERATE 15% = SIGNIFICANT 20% = HIGH

29 Percent sodium? 16% Percent sodium? 27% Percent sodium? 23%

30 If every American reduced his or her daily SODIUM intake by 50%...
the incidence of cardiovascular disease in this country would decrease by 50%.




34 1 in the first 3ingredients = RED Flag More than 1 in the entire list
When it comes to ADDED sugars… …it’s all about the ingredient list! 1 in the first 3ingredients = RED Flag More than 1 in the entire list = WALK AWAY!

35 ADDED sugar Maltodextrin Agave Nectar Malt syrup Barley Malt Syrup
Corn sweetener Corn syrup, or corn syrup solids Dehydrated Cane Juice Dextrin Dextrose Fructose Fruit juice concentrate Glucose High-fructose corn syrup Honey Invert sugar Lactose Maltodextrin Malt syrup Maltose Maple syrup Molasses Raw sugar Rice Syrup Saccharose Sorghum or sorghum syrup Sucrose Syrup Treacle Turbinado Sugar Xylose

36 Mostly REFINED/PROCESSED fiber powder +
What is the mystery item? Mostly REFINED/PROCESSED fiber powder + 6 ADDED sugars.



39 and you know just HOW TO select healthy foods,
So now that you have a new perspective on WHY you want to make healthy food choices, and you know just HOW TO select healthy foods, …hopefully you feel INSPIRED to use this information in your own life.



42 Include 2 COLORS every time you eat!

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