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Hybrid Organic-Inorganic, POSS Materials
Lecture 4 & Quiz September 28th
Today First hour: Some definitions Strategies for making Hybrids
Second hour: Quiz Discussion of quiz answers
Course website For lecture slides and other info.
Not at HIT website, at Loy research website: • Go to loy research group home page and select “courses” on menu at top. • Class website “Harbin Institute of Technology, Hybrid Materials Course” is the first entry. Direct url:
What are Hybrid Materials?
Composite materials mixtures of organic and inorganic components Metal oxide network Generally inorganic materials (labeled as ceramics here) are high temperature stable materials. Unfortunately, they are often brittle. Polymers, on the other hand, are very tough, but not very stable to temperatures above 180 °C. Ideally, a hybrid of inorganic and organic materials would have properties somewhere in between. Tougher than a normal ceramic and more thermally stable than an organic polymer. In the case of many such ceramers (hybrid of ceramics and polymers) that is in fact the case. In this course, we will discuss ceramers and many more types of hybrid organic inorganic materials. Improvement on either organic or inorganic components
Introduction to polysilsesquioxanes
First some nomenclature on silsesquioxanes. Silsesquioxanes are networks of siloxane linkages, Si-O-Si. Each silicon atom has an average of 1.5 oxygens by number. It may have bonds to three oxygens, but if you count them you see that because there is another silicon on the other side of the Si-O-Si they are sharing the oxygen. There is an organic group on the four valency of the silicon attached through a Si-C bond. Network of Si-O-Si Organic group (alkyl, aryl, alkenyl) attached through Si-C bond Fully condensed: 1.5 oxygens per Si Three siloxane bonds per silicon
Where are the organic and inorganic phases?
•Segregation only at sub-molecular length scales. •Hybrid, synergistic properties come from very high surface area contact between phases
Silsesquioxane Polysilsesquioxane Silicon 1.5 Oxygens Many
The name silsesquioxane comes from the abbreviated forms sil from silicon, sequi meaning 1.5 in latin and oxane meaning oxygens attached. A poly prefix means that the number of monomers connected together must be pretty big. Polymers are those macromolecules that are big enough that they behave in a non Newtonian fashion. Many Many generally means more than 10,000 Dalton Mw
Oligosilsesquioxane A few Silicon 1.5 Oxygens
Oligo means > 1 and < (depends on Mw or R group) Oligomers are two or monomer monomers bonded together in the same fashion as polymers. There is just fewer of them. Oligomers are multiple monomers bond together without the non-Newtonian properties due to entanglement of polymer chains-viscoelastic properties.
Nomenclature of silsesquioxanes
Polymers: poly(name of organic-silsesquioxane) eg. R = Ph or phenyl poly(phenylsilsesquioxane) These are some examples of how we write their names and show their structures. If you really need to name them, please look up the IUPAC macromolecular nomenclature purple book (its free on line).
Nomenclature of silsesquioxanes
oligomers: oligo(name of organic-silsesquioxane) eg. R = Ph or phenyl Oligo(phenylsilsesquioxane) Again some examples on how to name oligomers.
Nomenclature of silsesquioxanes
Polyhedral oligomers: need to describe size of rings eg. R = Ph or phenyl T8: n = 8 Here are some formal names of some of the polyhedral olidosilsesquioxanes (POSS). Very hard to name this way. Go get the name from Scifinder if you wish to be abolutely correct. IUPAC Name: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15-octaphenyl pentacyclo[ ,9.15,15.17,13]octasiloxane Polyhedral refers to multi-sided geometric shapes like cubes.
Drawing bridged polysilsesquioxane structures:
And here are some examples of how to draw silsesquioxanes. The monomers are on the left. The polymers on the right. The top cartoon is the most entertaining but is the least useful scientifically. The bottom two repeat unit structures are better. Fully condensed: 1.5 oxygens per Si. Methylene-bridged polysilsesquioxane
bridged polysilsesquioxane nomenclature:
Note silsesquioxanes are not silica. Never have been. Never will be. However, this rule is broken daily by people with too little sense. Methylene-bridged polysilsesquioxane Not “methane-bridged” Not “methano-bridged” Not “methano-silica” Not “methylene modified silicate” These are not silicas These are not silicates
Different ways to put hybrids together
Class 1: No covalent bonds between inorganic and organic phases Example: particle filled polymer Class 2: Covalent bonds between inorganic and organic phases The most common method for classifying hybrids is based on how the organic and inorganic are connected. Class 1 has no covalent bonds between the two phases and class 2 has covalent bonds. Further divisions in each class are based on the size and morphology of the phases and how they are introduced. It is possible to have characteristics of class 1 and class 2 in a single material. Close-up of hybrid particle Monomers in solvent Gel or dry gel (xerogel)
In practice, how do you make these hybrids?
Inorganic Organic Physical mixing Colloidal dispersion Aggregation or coalescence So, hybrids have these two relatively incompatible phases that have very different surface characteristics. How do we keep them from segregated into oil and water like domains. If it is a physical process, we can use the small size of the inorganic phase (if it is dispersed) to slow sedimentation or floatation (if the inorganic is lower density). Better yet, use high viscosity continuous phase-like a melted polymer or a very concentrated solution- to slow segregation. Physical mixing requires some care with regards to ensuring that everything is homogeneously dispersed or thoroughly mixed. Like oil and water Class 1:Try to use high viscosity of polymer to hinder aggregation Class 2: Use covalent bonds to prevent aggregation of phases
Making Hybrid Materials: Class 1A (pre-formed particles and fibers)
As was said earlier, this is the oldest human made hybrid class (see paint with pigments) and is one of the easiest to make. It may also have problems with precision based on how reproducible you mix the components together. Characterization needs to be by microscopy on a fracture surface: free the sample with liquid nitrogen and break it to create surface for SEM. Otherwise, mechanical and thermal testing. NMR and IR will probably not tell you much. Transparency, small angle x-ray scattering, gas permeability will tell you more. Addition of lots of inorganic particles will do several things: The more you add the harder it gets to mix. It is pretty hard to get more than 40 weight percent into a polymer. Generally much less before you can no longer mix the material. Physical mixing of particles in melt or solution Easiest hybrid to make
Inorganic Phases Metal Oxide Networks
Organically modified Metal Oxide Networks Making the inorganic phase for class 1A, if you don’t just buy the particles premade. Premade inorganic are probably a good idea when looking at developing a product. A number of sources are out there for well defined silica, metal oxide and even silsesquioxane particles. Later are available from Nissan chemical described as organosilica sol, for example.
Inorganic Phases Preformed inorganic clusters Silica Particles POSS
Ti12O16(OPri)16 Ti17O24(OPri)20 Ti18O22(OBun)26(Acac)2 Ti(OR)4-x(acac)x Silica Particles POSS Pre-formed inorganic phases are predominantly oligomeric particles of metal oxides or silica or silsesquioxanes. Depending on their size they may actually be soluble. Others are insoluble. By preforming the particles, then adding them to the organic phase (in solution), relatively large quantities of inorganic phase can be introduced homogeneously and, once the solvent has evaporated, a composite material is obtained. This approach allows better control over size and quantity of particles than in situ techniques. Another advantage of preforming particles Is that their surfaces can be more readily modified than in situ approaches. Most metals are very reactive with water to the point where precipitates will form instead of gels or well defined compounds. Metals like titanium will form oligomeric complexes by forming additional links through alkoxide group lone pairs. Alternative, chelate ligands can be added to slow the chemistry down and allow the formation of discrete oligomeric species. For larger, narrow size dispersity metal oxide particles, microemulsions can be used. Silica particles can also be made with microemulsions, but they can also be made from tetraethoxysilane without surfactants in aqueous rich ammonical ethanol. Silsesquioxane partilcles can be made, albeit with more difficulty than silica. The interesting silsesquioxane species is the POSS which is essentially a molecular sized particle. These have widely been used as fillers for polymers, though they perform better if covalently attached. Overall, the problem with non-covalent integration of inorganic phases is they may very well aggregate or settle during processing, So ensuring homogeniety is important.
Making silsesquioxanes as inorganic phase
To make a silsesquioxane “inorganic” phase, you must be able to polymerize the monomer into a solid particle. The POSS (far right) are solids though many of them actually melt. Usually we don’t think of a high modulus inorganic phase melting, but here you could use that to make mixing easier. Melt the POSS and the polymer and blend together. Then cool. Surface modified inorganic
Class 1A: POSS physically dispersed in polypropylene
Here (in this TEM) are POSS distributed in polypropylene. Each black dot represents a single POSS. Some are deeper in the field than others making them look slightly smaller. In Transmission electron micrographs things with higher Z,higher atomic weight atoms, block the electron beam giving rise to a dark spot. The silicon atoms in the POSS are 3rd row of the periodic table while everything else in this polymer is second or first row.
Inorganic Phases Isolated metal atoms in polymeric architectures (organometallic polymers) Polysilanes are a type of polymer called a catenate. The backbone atoms are all silicon (can also be all Ge or Sn) with two organic groups per Si. It is impossible to prepare the carbon analog with two organic groups per carbon. Due to the d-orbital contributions to bonding along the chain, polysilanes are semiconducting and absorb UV light. They are also good precursor materials for silicon carbide ceramics. Available commerically in research quantities. Polyphosphazenes are insulating polymers-many of which are elastomers with very low glass transition temperatures making them of interest for rubber used in arctic regions Backbone will degrade to phosphate and ammonia making them of interest for biodegradible materials. Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF’s) were recently discovered (Omar Yaghi) and are one of the hottest areas of research in materials science. It may very well lead to a Nobel prize. Made by reacting organic carboxylic acids with metal salts. They have the highest known surface areas of any material and are currently of strong interest as hydrogen storage materials as they have reportedly achieved over 10wt% hydrogen without cryogenics and only moderate pressure. Polysiloxanes are the most widely sold hybrid material. The alternating Si-O bonds are very flexible due to the d-orbitals of the silicon, making these materials rubbery down to -123 °C. They are thermally more stable than organic polymers and only burn when a flame is held to them. They give off white smoke when they burn (silica). Hydroxyterminated polysiloxanes are useful in reacting with metal oxide monomers to make terminal crosslinked hybrid composites. Polymetallophthalocyanines are presently regaining a great deal of interest because their photoconducting properties and great stability to UV and heat as a dye make them extremely attractive as components in photovoltaic cells. While formally “inorganic” these behave more like organic
Organic phases: Polymers
The organic phases can be small molecules include dyes, biocides, odor agents, and surfactants to list a few. At this length scale, the organic really is not a separate chemical phase but is dispersed or dissolved in the continuous inorganic phase. In class 1 the organics are physically mixed with the inorganic phase. In class two they are covalently or chemically attached. The Rhodamine dye would be physically encapsulated. The Dansylsilane dye would be covalently attached (Class 2). Organic phases can also be macromolecules with molecular weights in the thousands or even millionsof grams/mole. The polyethers, vinyl polymers and polyamides shown are just a few of the many polymers used in hybrids. The polyethers are polar polymers that can be used to phase separate and template meso scale inorganic structures. We will talk about templating in detail as it is the way that biomimetic materials are made. The polyphenyl ether at the bottom has silyl groups attached at the ends of the macromolecules to permit covalent attachment to the inorganic phase. Commercially available from Dow, BASF \ or from research chemical vendors: Aldrich or Polyscience
Inorganic Phases Carbon Buckeyballs, nanotubes and graphene
Organic need more than just carbon: CHNO Fullerenes or buckyballs are polyhedral carbon forms very similar to the somewhat smaller polyhedral oligosilsesquioxanes (POSS). Fullerenes generally come as the C60 and C70 sizes. They are relatively non-polar so integrating into aqueous rich sol-gel doen’t work well without surface modification of the fullerenes. Unforntunately this also modifies the elctronic properties of the fullerene. Carbon nanotubes were discovered ten years after buckyballs by NEC researchers. This linear analog of fullerenes can be prepard in single wall and multiwall forms (think onions) and can be dispersed into sols and formed into gels and aerogels. Graphene is a more recent discovery than continues this expansion of the field of carbon based materials into well defined forms. Graphene is a single sheet of graphite that has been exfoliated from the stack. Fullerenes in hybrids are interesting for optical applications. Nanotubes and graphenes are attractive to strengthen the hybrid. Nature Materials 9, 868–871 (2010)
Class 1: No covalent bonds between inorganic and organic phase (easiest hybrid to prepare)
Example: particle filled polymer 1) First need to prepare or buy inorganic particles 2) then, depending on polymer melting point, mix into melt or solution of polymer 3) Cool (if melt) or evaporate solvent (if solution) The most common method for classifying hybrids is based on how the organic and inorganic are connected. Class 1 has no covalent bonds between the two phases and class 2 has covalent bonds. Further divisions in each class are based on the size and morphology of the phases and how they are introduced. It is possible to have characteristics of class 1 and class 2 in a single material. If you were making this hybrid, what would you be worrying about? And how would you check experimentally?
Making Hybrid Materials: Class 1B (in situ particle growth)
Growing particles in situ is generally done with solvent free systems. A liquid monomer is diffused into a film made of an organic polymer that already contains a catalyst and possibly permeated water. The sol-gel polymerization will proceed slowly, generally requiring heating and eventually particles will precipitate form the polymer. The approach works best above the glass transition temperature of the polymer and in systems without a lot of crystallinity. It can be done in the melt of the polymer as long as water can be present for siloxane or metal oxide bond formation. Actual final wt% catalyst is difficult to get to levels possible with preformed particles. No Solvent except for monomer(s) Generally uses low tg organic polymers or in polymer melts (< 100 °C). Viscous environment. Confined growth.
Making Hybrid Materials: Class 1B (in situ particle growth)
Growing particles in a polymer is a useful way of creating an inorganic phase that is integrated into a polymer entanglement. However, it requires that no solvent be used and the monomer and co-reactants must be soluble. In many cases you cannot add water, but must rely on the ambient humidity to provide to oxygen for hydrolysis and condensation. Many of this type reactions are performed in humidity chambers where the humidity is kept at 100% relative humidity. Because no solvent is added, the viscosity is very high and once the particles have phase separated they don’t grow very fast. Generally filler loadings (concentration) are very low. What must happen for this method to work?
Making Hybrid Materials: Class 1C (Polymerizing in pores)
Porous metal oxide Liquid monomer (no solvent) UV, heat, radiation Non-porous composite material This is an easy approach. Just pour liquid monomer(s) into the inorganic material. In this approach a porous metal oxide is soaked in an organic monomer (e.g. styrene) with a free radical initiator (photoacid generators can be used for Lewis acid catalyzed polymerizations). Porous silica or metal oxides will soak up liquid until the pores are filled and still remain free-flowing powders. Once the polymerization is complete, the porosity will be most gone. While most vinyl polymerizations are accompanied by shrinkage, the pores are generally small enough that this does not lead to enough stress to cause damage. Same issues as in 1B, but organic polymerization must not be chemically hindered by metal oxide What polymerization chemistry is incompatible with silica or silsesquioxanes? Why?
Making Hybrid Materials: Class 1D (encapsulation of small organics)
Polymerize metal oxide around organic pores must be small or leakage will occur Solid state dye lasers, filters, colored glass © Asahi-Kirin By placing soluble organic dyes into the polymerization solution for a silica or silsesquioxane, it is possible to physically entrap or encapsulate some of the dye. This especially true if the dye is large and the pores are small. However, there will be a considerable amount of dye that is left in the solvent and on the surface of the metal oxide. And this dye will leach out or will need to be thoroughly rinsed off unless the metal oxide is a strong mordant. Describe how the starting materials must behave for this to work
Ancient Humans also made Hybrid organic-inorganic materials: Maya Blue
Indigo + white clay palygorskite (Mg,Al)2Si4O10(OH)·4(H2O) (also called Fullers Earth) Class 1B or Class 1C or Class 1D?? This is slightly different as the inorganic matrix already exists. Here the organic is diffused into the inorganic pore structure but isn’t polymerized. When the organic is a polymer, it is melted and mixed with high shear with clays. The shear forces and the macromolecules work together to delaminate and completely disperse the layers of silicate. The resulting clay-polymer hybrids are much more thermally robust than the polymer and have superior mechanical properties. L. A. Polette, N. Ugarte, M. José Yacamán and R. Chianelli, Sci. Am. Discovering Archaeology, 2000, July–August, 46
Making Hybrid Materials: Class 1E (Interpenetrating network)
Here you just mix the two monomers together with coreactants as needed. Some care with timing is important, particularly if one of the resulting polymers phase separates during polymerization. The method is easy because the monomers are both small molecules and likely to be miscible in each other. In reality is hard to find systems whose chemistries don’t interfere with each other. Both organic and inorganic phases grow simultaneously Timing is more difficult Reproducibility is a challenge May need to use crosslinking organic monomers to ensure solid product What does this assume about the reaction kinetics?
Making Hybrid Materials: Class 2A (Covalent links at molecular level)
This approach is how most sol-gels are made. A monomer with organic and inorganic groups is made and polymerized by hydrolysis and condensation reactions if a silicon alkoxide system or through ligation if a MOF. This is also the approach used to make the various organometallic polymers discussed earlier. Many monomers are commercially available. Some have to be synthesized. These are rarely phase separated and include, for purposes of discussion, all of the linear organometallic polymers. Unfortunately, this area requires the greatest experience in chemistry as there are hundreds of different polymerization chemistries out there, each with its own peculiarities. Chromatographic Materials Organic group is attached to network at molecular level Hypercrosslinking is possible Pendant or bridging monomers Bridging groups can be small or macromolecule This class also includes the organometallic polymers Low K Dielectrics Photoresists for Lithography
Making Hybrid Materials: Class 2B (Covalent links at polymer level)
IN this system, a polymer with carboxylic acid groups is mixed with a metal oxide that has an affinity to carboxylate groups, such as a tin oxide. The two are melted together allowing the carboxylic acid groups to form bonds with the tin. Relatively underutilized strategy. Yet is uses off the shelf materials in many cases. ligands attached to polymer Reaction rates slow unless in sol. or melt
Making Hybrid Materials: Class 2C Templating with block copolymers and surfactants
The templating uses the surfactants or block-copolymers mentioned earlier. This area only developed in the last twenty years, but literally has dominated materials chemistry during that time. Once it was worked out that it could be done, it was surprisingly easy to duplicate. This is essentially beaker chemistry. The difficulty is determining if it worded. You need to use low angle x-ray powder diffraction and high resolution electron microscopy to see the patterns. You need to be able to assign the Miller planes and solve the structure based on this data. Why is this a complication? XRD and TEM and SEM cost money to run and take time. Your turn-around is longer than if you are just trying to make a gel. Self-assembly surfactant into 3-D biphase system then polymerize in one of the phases (usually in the water phase)
Making Hybrid Materials: Class 2C (Templating) Shown here with block copolymer
Mean-field prediction of the thermodynamic equilibrium phase structures for conformationally symmetric diblock melts. Phases are labeled as: L (lamellar), C (hexagonal cylinders), G (bicontinuous cubic), S (body-centered cubic spheres). fA is the volume fraction. Heat polymer then cool or cast from solvent
Making Hybrid Materials: Class 2C (Templating) Shown here with block copolymer
polyisoprene Sol-gel system Block copolymer PEO, Al2O3 and RSiO1.5 When the glycidaloxypropyltrimethoxysilane and triisobutylaluminum were added to the block copolymer and cast, the resulting mixture would phase separate into structures that depended on the block size used in the copolymer. The sol-gel components dissolved into the polar polyether phaseleaving the polyisoprene block as simple organic. The resulting alumina and silsesquioxane and ring opened epoxy provided a solid matrix that is easy to discern and is resist to dissolution. This allows the block copolymer to be extracted from the system leaving the templated hybrid behind. Block copolymer Multiple phases created by varying size of blocks
Templating with surfactants:(Class 2C)
1. Davis, H. T., Bodet, J. F., Scriven, L. E., Miller, W. G. Physics of Amphiphilic Layers, 1987, Springer-Verlag, New York • First prepare two phase surfactant system • Add monomer. Sol-gel monomers move into aqueous phase with hydrolysis • Filter precipitate • remove surfactant by calcining or extraction Surfactants or other amphiphilc species will phase segregate when placed into water to hide their water insoluble portions from the continuous aqueous phase. At low surfactant concentrations, this results in micelle. With higher and higher concentrations of surfactant, structures are possible that have the hydrophobic phase continuous through the volume of the mixture. These structures include hexagonal closed packed hollow cylinders, lamellae, and a variety of cubic structures. Now the oil can be your unhydrolyzed monomer (most often the case) or it can be an added unreactive hydrophobic “pore” former whose job is to make larger pore in the final templated material. Note that a lot of these phases use a lot of surfactant!!!! You are not talking a few parts per hundred like when you wash dishes. You are are talking more surfactant than monomer. Many different phases can be accessed
Surfactant templating to make hierarchical materials (Class 2C)
Surfactant templating involves adding a surfactant to water with acid base or fluoride as catalyst. Once the surfactant/water system has had a chance to organize into whatever phase is accessible to the conditions used, the monomer is introduced (usually dropwise). The monomer hydrolyzes to the hydroxyl substituted species that are water soluble and the hybrid polymer forms in the water phase surrounding the surfactant template. The the reaction run for anywhere from a couple of hours to days before, extracting with alcohol to remove the surfactant or calcining if metal oxides are used. Usually, the product is collected as a precipitate that forms a few hours after the reaction starts. The materials are characterized by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and xrd at smaller than normal angles (small angles for the larger structures-its an inverse relationship between angle and d-spacing). Since the materials are porous, nitrogen sorption porositmetry should also be used to determine surface area and pore size.
Surfactant templating (Class 2C)
Surfactant templating silsesquioxanes has resulted in the widely popular “mesoporous” organosilicas. These materials exhibit long range order in mesopores that makes them appealing to the eye. However, it is not clear that there is any advantage to surfactant templating over simple sol-gel polymerization-which generally is easier and faster and cheaper and gives materials with very high surface areas and relatively narrow pore size distributions. Benzene-silica hybrid material with 3.8 nm pore diameter (Inagaki, Nature, 2002).
Classes 2D Covalent coupling agents
Attaching organic group onto inorganic material Surface modification of silica has been widely used since the 1960’s to prepare glass or silica fillers to be used in plastics. The surface silanols are reacted with organosilanes (often silsesquioxane). While a monolayer does not form, a low tg oligomer may form that sticks to the surface and provides a pliant interphase to help curb cracking of the resulting composite. Less common is the modification of organics with polymerizable silyl groups. Since vinyl triethoxysilane is a relatively poor monomer, triethoxysilyl groups are generally added by post polymerization modification. Usually by radiation generation of radicals along the chin in the presence of a sea of vinyl triethoxysilane. Once in place simple hydrolysis with humidity is enough to convert alkoxysilyl groups to silanols that can react to afford siloxane cross-links –likely during extrusion or calendaring. Coupling agents are often prepared by adding the organotrialkoxysilane monomer to a vast excess of water buffered to be at pH 5. Remember at pH5 condensation reactions of silsesquioxanes are at a minimum rate (their slowest). The inner surface of whatever container the mixture is in is completely silated with a layer a nanometer thick or so, but there is still more in solution. Apply the aqueous solution to whatever you wish to be modified and the silsesquioxane’s residual silanols form covalent bonds to the surface silanols.
Classes 2E Covalent coupling agents-Attaching inorganic group onto organic polymer
Surface modification of silica has been widely used since the 1960’s to prepare glass or silica fillers to be used in plastics. The surface silanols are reacted with organosilanes (often silsesquioxane). While a monolayer does not form, a low tg oligomer may form that sticks to the surface and provides a pliant interphase to help curb cracking of the resulting composite. Less common is the modification of organics with polymerizable silyl groups. Since vinyl triethoxysilane is a relatively poor monomer, triethoxysilyl groups are generally added by post polymerization modification. Usually by radiation generation of radicals along the chin in the presence of a sea of vinyl triethoxysilane. Once in place simple hydrolysis with humidity is enough to convert alkoxysilyl groups to silanols that can react to afford siloxane cross-links –likely during extrusion or calendaring. For tough electrical wire coating & shrink fit wrap
Summary Silsesquioxane nomenclature is hard to pronounce
Organosilica is improper nomenclature Mixing polymer with anything is hard & may not work Good mixing is necessary for hybrids Surfactants can template hierarchical structures
Quiz2: 20 minutes to take quiz 2
Work by yourself on quiz; no collaborations Your name (pin yin) and student number and today’s date at top Then we will go over answers to quiz
Quiz 1: Write your name, and ID number at top of page
Quiz 1: Write your name, and ID number at top of page. Then write the answers to 1-8 in English. 1) What is the inorganic component in sea urchin (echinoderm) spines? 2) Plants and sponges make structures from what inorganic? 3) Why is mother of pearl (nacre) 3000 X stronger than pure calcite or argonite? 4) What is the first step of phase separation? 5) Is the polymerization of silsesquioxane monomers, RSi(OMe)3, exothermic or endothermic? How can you tell? 6) What does silsesquioxane mean? 7) How can you mix a class 1A hybrid of a solid polymer and an inorganic particle? 8) Is the structure in the photo (right) isotropic or anisotropic or tropical ?
Answers to quiz2 After you have turned in your quizes (with your name and student number) we will discuss the questions. Please be ready to identify yourself and give your name when you are called to answer the question. Several people will be called to answer each question. Remember class participation is a part of your grade
Quiz 2 Problem 1: What is the inorganic component in sea urchin (echinoderm) spines?
Quiz 2 Problem 1: What is the inorganic component in sea urchin (echinoderm) spines? Calcium carbonate, CaCO3 How about the inorganic in bone?
Quiz 2 Problem 1: What is the inorganic component in sea urchin (echinoderm) spines? Calcium carbonate, CaCO3 How about the inorganic in bone? Calcium apatite or calcium hydroxyapatite Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2
2) Plants and sponges make structures from what inorganic?
2) Plants and sponges make structures from what inorganic? Silica, SiO2 Diatomaceous earth is called what? Do you know what is is used for?
3) Why is mother of pearl (nacre) 3000 X stronger than pure calcite or argonite?
Protein acts as pliable glue to make inorganic tough.
3) Why is mother of pearl (nacre) 3000 X stronger than pure calcite or argonite? Bricks or argonite are glued together in a tight matrix with joints off set. Small volumes mean fewer defects. Protein acts as pliable glue to make inorganic tough.
4) What is the first step of phase separation?
4) What is the first step of phase separation?
Nucleation How can you tell when nucleation has occurred?
5) Is the polymerization of silsesquioxane monomers, RSi(OMe)3, exothermic or endothermic? How can you tell?
5) Is the polymerization of silsesquioxane monomers, RSi(OMe)3, exothermic or endothermic? How can you tell? Exothermic. It gets hot. Can you think of any endothermic reactions?
6) What does silsesquioxane mean?
6) What does silsesquioxane mean?
Silicon 1.5 Oxygens
7) How can you mix a class 1A hybrid of a solid polymer and an inorganic particle?
7) How can you mix a class 1A hybrid of a solid polymer and an inorganic particle?
By physically mixing the particles in the melted polymer or Adding the particles to a solution of the polymer, then evaporate the solvent away
8) 8) Is the structure in the photo (right) isotropic or
anisotropic or tropical ?
Anisotropic 8) 8) Is the structure in the photo (right) isotropic or
anisotropic or tropical ? Anisotropic “not equal manner”
中秋节快乐 See you on October 10th
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