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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 1.

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Presentation on theme: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 1

2 Probability and Significance

3 Topics to be covered Features of normal distribution curve
Normal curve empirical rule Confidence limit Probability and significance Revision activities

4 Features of normal distribution

5 Normal Distribution Curve
Is a theoretical , bell shaped unimodal curve that extends to + / - infinity & not touch base line Completely Described by Two Parameters , mean & standard deviation



8 Normal Distribution Curve
- 2 SD SD Mo SD SD

9 Unimodal Curve

10 Bimodal Curve

11 Normal Distribution Curve
Negative tail Positive tail

12 Normal Distribution Curve
- The shape of the distribution curve depends on the scale of plotting of the frequency - The frequency can be plotted using histogram & frequency polygon - If the 2 tails of the curve are equal , the curve is symmetric but if one tail is longer than the other , the curve is skewed or asymmetric

13 Normal Distribution Curve
- If the mean & median values are equal or nearly equal , data are symmetrically distributed - If the mean value is less than the median , data are positively skewed - If the mean value is more than the median , data are negatively skewed

14 Ungrouped data Mean = Ʃ x / n Grouped data Mean = Ʃ f X / n
Mean Equation Ungrouped data Mean = Ʃ x / n Grouped data Mean = Ʃ f X / n Where f refers to the frequency and x refers to the observations and n is the number of observations

15 Median : is the number that bisects the observations into equal values
Median Equation Median : is the number that bisects the observations into equal values To obtain the median , arrange the values by order from the highest to lowest or from the lowest to highest then the order of the median value will be : ( n + 1 ) / 2 If the data are odd number ( n / 2 ) & ( n/ 2 ) + 1 If the data are even number

16 Symmetric

17 Asymmetric

18 Normal Curve Empirical Rule

19 Normal Distribution Curve
The empirical rule states that for a normal distribution 68% of the data will fall within 1 standard deviation of the mean 95% of the data will fall within 2 standard deviations of the mean (99.7%) of the data will fall within 3 standard deviations of the mean



22 Confidence Limit

23 Confidence Limit X ± 1 SD = 68% of observations X ± 2 SD = 95 % of observation and this is the confidence limit

24 Confidence Limit The confidence limit Negative tail Positive tail


26 If you go back to the previous slide you will find that :
Confidence Interval If you go back to the previous slide you will find that : X = 1.4 Upper limit cut off point (X + 2SD ) = 1.7 Lower limit cut off point (X - 2SD ) = 1.1 The area highlighted red is the area between upper & lower limit cut off points and it is the confidence interval

27 Confidence Limit & Interval
You are confident that any data within the range of mean ± 2 SD are within the curve Example : the mean age is 50 years and the SD is 10 , so the age range 30 – 70 years is confidently lying under the curve

28 Region of Rejection

29 Probability and Significance

30 Probability & Significance
Probability ( P ) Is the probability of being under the curve If P is less than 5% , this means that the observation is outside the confidence limit so it is significantly different from the curve

31 Probability & Significance
Probability ( P ) Is the probability of being under the curve If P is more than 5% , this means that the observation is inside the confidence limit so it is insignificantly different from the curve

32 Probability & Significance
If P > 0.05 ( not significantly different from the curve → Insignificant ) If P > 0.05 ( significantly different from the curve → Significant )

33 Probability & Significance
If P > 0.01 ( highly significantly different from the curve → Highly significant ) If P > ( Very highly significantly different from the curve → Very highly Significant )

34 Revision Activities

35 Activity 1 The following are three groups of height data with the universe mean = 160 cm , Please construct histogram for each group and comment on the distribution of these data whether symmetrically or asymmetrically distributed

36 Group 1 Frequency Height 2 155 8 160 12 175 20 185 27 190 32 195 17 200 205

37 Group 2 Frequency Height 28 120 37 125 40 130 33 135 22 140 13 150 7 160 3 165

38 Group 3 Frequency Height 7 130 18 140 34 150 45 160 29 170 12 180 5 190

39 Activity 2 Using the mean and median principle , please identify whether the following groups of data are symmetrically or asymmetrically distributed

40 Group 3 Group 2 Group 1 130 120 155 140 125 160 150 175 135 185 170 190 180 195 200

41 Activity 3 95% of students at school are between 1.1m and 1.7m tall.
1 - Assuming this data is normally distributed can you calculate the mean and standard deviation? How many standard deviations , a student of m is from the mean ?

42 The End Thanks

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