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The McGuffey Coat of Arms

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1 The McGuffey Coat of Arms
Pro Rege By Matthew Maguffee March 2016

2 The Arms

3 Motto: Pro Rege Meaning “For the King”
Expression of common human heritage Motto relates to Nationalism Common Human Heritage: The cultural inheritance from the past that all people share and that is preserved in world heritagbe sites, traditional skills and knowledge and the artas

4 Symbols and what they Represent
Expression of National Interest National Interest: The interests of the people of a nation. National interest may include economic prosperity, security and safety, and beliefs and values -The sword is said to be the emblem of military honor -Incite the bearer to a just and generous pursuit of honor and virtue. -Symbolic of liberty and strength. -In the Middle Ages, the sword was often used as a symbol of the word of God. -The ship is an emblem of joy, happiness and adventure. -It usually points to some notable quest at sea. -The first bearer became famous because of adventures at sea. - Ancient bearings the emblem may have simply been derived from a longstanding seafaring tradition.

5 Colors and what they Represent
- Azure (from the French word for "blue") - The color of an eastern sky on a clear day - Corresponds to the metal tin - Piety and sincerity - Equated with autumn. -Sable (Archaic or literary English for black) - The coldest of the colors - Corresponds to lead Symbolic of sadness Humble color, suitable for the deeply religious Denotes the qualities of knowledge, piety, serenity and work Engravers represent it with numerous horizontal and vertical lines crossing each other. - Argent (from the French for silver) - one of the two metals used in heraldry. - Nobility, peace and serenity. - Associated with purity and chastity, because the metal withstands the test of fire. Colors have to do with rules OF IDENTITY. LOYALTY = COMMITMENT and CONTENDING LOYALTIES. Armor identified who you were when in battle to ensure you didn’t fight an allie. These colors represented and continue to represent, the identity of my family. Azure showing sincerity of us in our actions. Argent because of its relation to nobility or, showing excellence, an important value for our family. And lastly, sable because of its connection to religion which is a core part and principle of our family’s identity. - Or (from the French word for - Noblest color - One of two metals used in heraldry - Worn only by princes - Excellence and achievement and valor. - Represented by the color yellow, and in engravings by an indefinite number of small points.

6 The Crest Demi Lion (Lion Rampant)
-Demi lions refers to a lion where only the upper half is shown. -Easier in the crest portions of the Arms which is typically1/3 the size to the Arms. -The lion has always held a high place in heraldry as the emblem of deathless courage -Lions also came to symbolize Christ. -The lion, with such repute of its noble nature and having the position and title of king of the beasts -”A lion rampant is shown upright with the left paw on the ground and the rest of the legs in an attacking position. Rampant is often referred to as the "fighting position” and thus reflects an awareness, readiness or alert attitude of the bearer.” Credit:

7 Variations of the Name McPhee Guffy Maguffee McGuffey

8 My Personal Coat of Arms
OU Cross Cherokee symbol of family Music

9 My Personal Motto Luths Sgil Glic

10 Luths Lúths lùths /Luːs/ fir. gin. lùiths 1 energy, strength, vigour 2 force 3 energy (in science) from: **English translated to Gaelic

11 Sgil Sgil /sgʲil/ fir. iol. -ean aptitude, skill
from: **English translated to Gaelic

12 Glic Glic glic /gliçgʲ/ bua. coi. -e 1 wise, sage, prudent 2 smart, shrewd from: **English translated to Gaelic

13 What my Coat of Arms means to Me

14 Changing Identity Identity and nation change with time
One generation a family might identify as a part of one nation the next another

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