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Receiving Holy Communion

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1 Receiving Holy Communion
Quick reminder of Do’s and Don’ts during Mass.

2 ALL students are expected to:
Remain silent before, during, and after mass except when responding and singing Respond and SING LOUDLY (seriously) Use hands to set down and put up kneelers Hold hands during the Our Father Strong handshake while making EYE CONTACT

3 If you are a catholic Student and have received holy communion
Clean hands If you are wearing long sleeves, they should not be covering your hands Make eye contact or look at the host and say “Amen.” Raise your hands high enough for the Priest/EM to place the host in your hands Fold your hands. Do not place them next to each other You should receive that host in your left hand and pick it up with your right.

4 Have you received your first holy communion?
If not, that’s Ok! You will still walk up to the Priest or Eucharistic Minister. Cross your hands over your chest They Priest or EM will bless you Look them in the eye and say, “Amen.” Go back to your seat and say a prayer.

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