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All packed up and ready to go?

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Presentation on theme: "All packed up and ready to go?"— Presentation transcript:

1 All packed up and ready to go?

2 Contents Vet checks and shared adoption Disclaimers Pre adoption talk Getting home On-going support

3 Vet Checks and Shared Adoption
Each dog will receive a medical check hours before they leave the centre Pet insurance is a huge market in the UK Pre existing conditions Financial support for on-going or retrospective conditions Up to date with flea, worm and vaccinations and neutered. DAP collar fitted

4 Disclaimers Written and signed by owner. Medical Behavioural
Kennel cough Behavioural On lead Muzzle Cat / small furries

5 BMP’s Adopters of dogs with BMP’s in place One to one with TBA team
Additional on-going support after going home Generally more rigorous rehome process.

6 Pre Adoption Talk (PAT)
Every owner MUST have a pre adoption talk before taking a dog home. Run three times per week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, times vary. Usually in a group setting Can be individual if necessary Opportunity to get our message across in a formal setting.

7 Pre Adoption Talk (PAT)
Contents – Clinical history Legal obligations Poop scoop fines Under 16’s Car insurance Dog tag Microchipping New environment – Settling in Don’t test them! Give them time Don’t hold a welcome home party! Set them up for success

8 Pre Adoption Talk (PAT)
Other pets in the home Introductions Feeding Toys Understanding cats Body Language Overview of worried behaviour appeasements What to do if these behaviours are seen

9 Pre Adoption Talk (PAT)
First day and night Settling first night Toilet training Consistency and routine Coping alone Some dogs will have BMP for this.

10 Getting Home Staff assist dogs getting into cars Suitably restrained
Exiting cars at home?

11 On-going Support Call-backs Telephone behavioural advice One-to ones
24-48 hours 7 days Telephone behavioural advice One-to ones Home visits Return to kennel Refunds

12 On-going support We are here for the rest of the dogs life and will offer as much support as it practicable to give.

13 Summary Getting a new dog can be worrying and exciting.
Set people (and dogs) up to succeed Give verbal and written support Be available when the dog goes home If it doesn’t work out, refund? review and don’t judge!

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