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EDA ASP 2011-2014 Revised August 2011/Updated Dec
EDA ASP Revised August 2011/Updated Dec. 2011/Updated March 2012 Committee Members: Judy Ingram, Chair (ME) _________ (President-elect) ______________ (BOG) Patty Pursell (CT) Chick Hungerford (PA) Bob Rausch (MA) Carol Ciotto (CT) Lisa Sherman (NY) John Helion (Ex-officio) J. Richard Polidoro (Ex-officio)
Aligns with AAHPERD Goal #4
GOAL #1: To enhance, diversify and increase membership and leadership opportunities. Aligns with AAHPERD Goal #4 Increase Membership
Critical Indicators /Action Items
GOAL #1 To enhance, diversify and increase membership and leadership opportunities Timeline Responsible Parties 1. Increase attendance of EDA and State Leaders at the Leadership Conference Increase by 15% the number of emerging leaders at the 2013 LC from those at the 2010 LC (Total of 20 attended) President-Elect 2. Each Ex. Board member will select an EDA Committee member or a State Representative to the Council for Services or the Council for Conventions or an emerging leader from their State to mentor each year At the 2012 May Board meeting each year thereafter, mentors identify their candidate and report on the year's accomplishments at the Convention Board meeting. President (Overseer) President-Elect Past President Vice Presidents Vice Presidents-Elect Student Advisor Parliamentarian BOG Rep 3. Appoint members to an EDA Committee who have never served on a committee or in a leadership role: State Representatives on Council for Conventions and Council for Services, young professionals and emerging State leaders 1 member appointed each fall who has By 2014, at least 5 members who have never served on a committee or in a leadership role are appointed President-Elect
Critical Indicators /Action Items
GOAL #1 To enhance, diversify and increase membership and leadership opportunities Timeline Responsible Parties 4. least 2 unsuccessful candidates who ran for office to a committee or to a leadership role 2 members appointed each Fall following the Annual Convention President-elect 5. Officers, Executive Director, BOG Rep The 3 Presidents or their designee visit State Conventions to promote EDA membership . least 3 new members each year Executive Director President President-elect Past President BOG Rep Vice Presidents Vice Presidents-Elect 6. Recognize excellence in service and leadership to the District Compared to the # nominated in (2 Honor Award, 4 OPA, 11 TOY), increase the total number of members being nominated for awards by 10% by 2014 each year Award Selection Committee Chairs: TOY/POY Honor OPA Nominations Committee
Critical Indicators /Action Items
GOAL #1 To enhance, diversify and increase membership and leadership opportunities Timeline Responsible Parties 7. Review EDA Award Nomination Forms to determine if they are a deterrent to soliciting nominees. Bring to Ex. Board Forms amended Spring 2012 Award Selection Committee Chairs: TOY/POY Honor OPA Fantasia 8. Amend Officer Nomination Forms to include a request for the name & address of the candidates‘ supervisor & local paper. Forms amended by Spring 2012 Nominations Chair 9. Amend Award Nomination Forms to include a request for the name & address of the candidates‘ supervisor & local paper. EDA/National Awards Chair 10. Send press releases re: election of each officer & award winners honored. Press releases sent one month after each EDA Convention Executive Director 11. Letters of commendation sent to supervisors recognizing leadership and service. Letters sent one month after each EDA Convention Letters for service sent by: Ex Director (Board) President (Committee Chairs) President-elect (C4S) Past President (C4C)
Critical Indicators /Action Items
GOAL #1 To enhance, diversify and increase membership and leadership opportunities Timeline Responsible Parties 12. Increase future professional membership. Increase 2010 totals of undergraduate (1,174) and graduate (549) student membership by 5% collectively between Executive Director 13. Appoint a Presidential Committee to investigate the use of technology in order to attract more candidates for leadership roles in EDA - use of Google Groups, Skype,, etc. in place of face to face meetings Final report Spring 2013 President 14. Appoint a Presidential Committee to explore the possibility of a college/university awarding Continuing Education Credits/Professional Development Hours to members of the Executive Board for their leadership & service to EDA 15. Establish a "Follow The Leader" program for students and first-time attendees at EDA Conventions Beginning 2013 and thereafter, members of the Council for Services adopt a student or a first-time attendee. Goal least 10 leaders and 10 followers President–elect facilitates Council for Services Student Advisor
Critical Indicators /Action Items
GOAL #1 To enhance, diversify and increase membership and leadership opportunities Timeline Responsible Parties 15. Continue membership incentives when the Executive Committee Board members visits State Conventions 2013 Evaluate effectiveness President President-Elect Past President Executive Director BOG Rep 16. To increase student membership and communication, establish a list of Colleges & Universities within the District that offer a major’s program. Spring 2012 Student Advisor Student Representatives President-elect/Council for Services Executive Director 17. Once list is establish, Include the names and contact information of the Major’s Club Advisors. Student Reps connect with other majors to share what’s going on in EDA Beginning fall 2012, connect with students each semester and/or when there is important information to share Student Advisor Student Representatives 18. Welcome new members via /letter in a timely manner Welcoming letters sent monthly beginning 2012 and thereafter President 19. President appoints an Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate a new position on the Executive Board for Retirees to have a voice & vote Ad Hoc Committee formed Spring 2012 to include reps from CAAD & Bylaws, overseen by the Parliamentarian. Final report 2013 Bylaws & Operating Code Parliamentarian CAAD
Aligns with AAHPERD Goal #1 Increase Advocacy Efforts
GOAL # 2: To advocate EDA's mission by promoting programs, products and services. Aligns with AAHPERD Goal #1 Increase Advocacy Efforts Aligns with AAHPERD Goal #6 Provide an array of programs, products and services related to AAHPERD’s mission, vision and goals
GOAL #2 Critical Indicators /Action Items Timeline Responsible Parties
To advocate EDA’s mission by promoting programs, products and services Timeline Responsible Parties 1. Identify and obtain quality speakers from the states as first time presenters at each EDA Convention. Beginning 2013, approve at least 1 first-time speakers from each state Past President Vice Presidents Council for Conventions 2. Offer CEU's, CHES and Professional Development Hours (PDH) at the EDA Convention. Goal least 10 participants each year. CHES: Health VP contacts AAHE CEU's and PDH: Past President contacts a college/university to sponsor 3.Council for Services, with input from the Executive Director, simplify the Special Projects Grant application process to ensure it is not a deterrent to states applying. Provide recommendations by Spring 2013 President-Elect Council for Services Executive Director 4. Provide Professional Development Grants for first time conference attendees. Council for Services recommend recipients to the Ex. Board. Award 10 grants per year Council for Services Executive Director Web Manager 5. Every 2 years, the President initiates the use of Survey Monkey to identify members' needs and share with the Ex. Board. Council for Services interpret results and recommend changes 2012 2014 President President-elect
GOAL #2 Critical Indicators /Action Items Timeline Responsible Parties
To advocate EDA's mission by promoting programs, products and services Timeline Responsible Parties 6. Convention programming will include at least 5 sessions for each area: senior citizens, special populations and allied discipline to address issues of concern and/or hot topics 5 Sessions in each area 2014 Past President Council for Conventions Vice Presidents Adapted Physical Activity Committee CAAD 7. Increase the number of nominations for the Outstanding Professional Award (OPA) 4 nominees in additional nominee each year thereafter Vice Presidents-Elect OPA Award Selection Committee Chair 8. Encourage the OPA recipients to submit proposals for convention sessions Yearly Vice Presidents 9. President appoints a committee to create a Speaker's Bureau to assist states in planning State Conventions; distribute @ the Leadership Conference Fall 2012 President 10. Monitor EDA information on the Extranet to ensure accuracy and that information is current Quarterly Executive Director
GOAL #2 Critical Indicators /Action Items Timeline Responsible Parties
To advocate EDA's mission by promoting programs, products and services Timeline Responsible Parties 11. Look for collaborative and affordable opportunities to utilize the National Associations Yearly Past President Council for Conventions Vice Presidents 12. President appoints a committee to create strategies to educate the non-professional public re: importance of physical education, physical activity, healthy lifestyles. Use AAHPERD position papers Committee appointed Spring 2012 President Public Legislation & Advocacy Chair 13. The Awards Committee and Discipline Vice Presidents ensure EDA TOY non-finalists are invited to submit proposals for the EDA Convention Beginning the 2013 Convention and thereafter, at least 3 non-finalists present each year Awards Committee Vice Presidents 14. Presidential Committee appointed to review and update the Convention Manual to align with protocols and policies in the Leaders Manual Committee of former Convention Managers appointed Spring 2012. Work completed Spring 2013
Aligns with AAHPERD Goal #3 Increase Non-dues Revenue
GOAL #3: To identify and pursue external funding, sponsorships or partnerships and fundraising events Aligns with AAHPERD Goal #3 Increase Non-dues Revenue
GOAL #3 Critical Indicators /Action Items Timeline Responsible Parties
To identify and pursue external funding, sponsorships or partnerships and fundraising events Timeline Responsible Parties Executive Committee and Exhibits Manager identify and secure sponsors using 2006 Sponsorship Menu Template Each year least 1 new sponsor for the Leadership Conference, EDA workshops or Convention Executive Director President Exhibits Mgr President-elect Past President Vice Presidents Vice Presidents-Elect Council for Services Council for Conventions Student Advisor 2. Working with the Exhibits Manager, the Editor secures advertising in the Easterner Express Beginning Spring 2012, obtain at least 1 advertiser each year Easterner Express Editor Exhibits Manager 3. Increase the number of new Exhibitors for the EDA Convention Increase of 1 each year from the 47 at the 2011 Convention Exhibits Manager 4.Review and act on the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee to "Examine Sponsorships and Develop a Plan" Spring 2012 Executive Director President 5. Publicize and actively solicit donations to the Robert Pate Scholarship Fund For the EDA Convention, obtain 1 additional donation and thereafter Easterner Express Editor Scholarship Committee
Aligns with AAHPERD Goal #2
GOAL 4: To increase communication with members and collaborations with State Associations Aligns with AAHPERD Goal #2 Facilitate effective collaborations with allied organizations and States
Critical Indicators /Action Items
GOAL #4 To increase communication with members and collaborations with State Associations Timeline Responsible Parties 1. BOG Representative provides reports at each Executive Board Meeting and to State Leaders at the Leadership Conference Each Board meeting and to State the LC BOG Rep 2. Establish a "Lesson of the Month" for each discipline, post on the web page and publicize it to members Each month during and in 2014 evaluate usefulness Vice Presidents-Elect Web Manager 3. BOG Representative meets with District SAM whenever possible to keep them informed and updated on Alliance matters EDA Convention Leadership Conference BOG Rep 4. Post the Leadership Conference Programs on the web prior to the conference 2012 and thereafter President-Elect Web Manager 5. Electronic Easterner Express fall/convention issue sent to State Executive Directors and request they send to their state members who are not AAHPERD members. If that is too complicated, then to all their members Implement Fall 2012 and thereafter. Evaluate effectiveness. Easterner Express Editor Executive Director
Aligns with AAHPERD Goal #5
GOAL #5: To ensure compliance with the ASP and ongoing long range planning to fulfill EDA’s Mission Aligns with AAHPERD Goal #5 Ensure that the structure of the Alliance enables it to fulfill its mission.
GOAL #5 Critical Indicators /Action Items Timeline Responsible Parties
To ensure compliance with the ASP and ongoing long range planning to fulfill EDA’s Mission Timeline Responsible Parties 1. Develop an ASP checklist specific for each Officer/Committee Chair/Presidential Committee to be attached to reports to the Ex. Board and Rep Assembly Fall 2011 ASP Committee Completed Fall 2011 2. When there’s an Action Item for their Office, the ASP Checklist is included with end-of-year reports in order for the ASP Committee the Executive Board and Representative Assembly to document when Critical Indicators are addressed and met Annually and evaluate usefulness President President-Elect Past President Vice Presidents Vice Presidents-Elect Parliamentarian Executive Director BOG Rep Council for Conventions Council for Services Student Advisor Student Representatives Committee Chairs: Adapted Physical Activity ASP Awards Chair Bylaws & Operating Codes Credentials & Election Convention Site CAAD Easterner Express Editor Exhibits Manager Finance Leaders Manual Editor Necrology Nominating Pub. Leg & Advocacy Research Scholarship Web Manager
GOAL #5 Critical Indicators /Action Items Timeline Responsible Parties
To ensure compliance with the ASP and ongoing long range planning to fulfill EDA’s Mission Timeline Responsible Parties 3. Post ASP Goals at the Annual Convention and invite attendees to add ideas/action items Beginning at the 2013 Convention and evaluate ASP Chair Past President 4. ASP Committee will review the ASP Checklists attached to end-of-year reports to determine if Critical Indicators were addressed/met and report to the Ex. Board in May Beginning 2012 and annually thereafter ASP Committee 5. Once AAHPERD’s transition is completed, appoint a President's Committee to Review EDA's Mission Statement for possible updating to better reflect EDA Mission with AAHPERD's Mission. Appointed Spring 2013 President 6. ASP Committee will meet at the Annual Convention to review the status of ASP and report to the Board annually. In 2013 begin the revision process. Meet at the EDA Convention and report to the Board annually. 2013 Begin revision process
Aligns with AAHPERD Goal #5
GOAL # 6: To ensure that fiscal responsibility and the organizational structure enables EDA to fulfill its Mission Aligns with AAHPERD Goal #5 Ensure that the structure of the Alliance enables it to fulfill its mission.
Critical Indicators /Action Items
GOAL #6 To ensure that fiscal responsibility and the organizational structure enables EDA to fulfill its Mission Timeline Responsible Parties 1. Finance Committee and Executive Director review and update all Fiscal Policies to ensure they support EDA's Mission and align with AAHPERD's requirements. Report to the Ex. Board. Bring to Bylaws & Operating Codes Committee. Bring to Leaders Manual Editor. Work begins Spring Report due Spring 2013 Executive Director Finance Committee Bylaws & Operating Codes Committee Leaders Manual Editor 2. President establishes a formal 5 year review schedule for updating all Operating Codes Schedule recommended to the Ex. Board Fall 2013 President 3. Presidential Committee appointed to review and update the General Policies and Resource Sections of the Leader's Manual to ensure an organizational structure that fulfills EDA's Mission. Bring to the Bylaws and Operating Codes Committee for their review. Bring to the Leaders Manual Editor. Committee appointed Spring 2012 Work completed Spring 2013 Bylaws and Operating Code Leaders Manual Editor 4. President establishes a formal 5-year review schedule for updating the General Policies and Resources sections of the Leaders Manual Recommendation to the Ex. Board Fall 2013
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