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Disaster Management Training

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1 Disaster Management Training
Module 2: Disaster Management & Local Church Topic: Disaster Management and Local Church In this topic we will be looking at: How local church links in with local government disaster management arrangements The LCAQD Disaster Resilience Framework Content time: 10 minutes Activities: 1 x 5 minutes Total time: 15 minutes approx

2 Know where local church fits in with the big picture
Welcome to Module 2 of the LCAQD Disaster Management Training – Disaster Management and Local Church In this module we will be making ourselves familiar with the disaster management arrangements in Qld so that we can gain an understanding of how church can work effectively in disaster, as outlined in the LCAQD Disaster Resilience Framework This module will take approximately 15 minutes to compete, including the activity time.

3 When you’re connected to the big picture:
Be in the Know! When you’re connected to the big picture: You have up to date information You understand the needs Your response is relevant to those needs You don’t waste your resources Wasted efforts and resources can occur in disaster management when local church acts independently of existing disaster management arrangements. Successful disaster management requires a collaborative approach. Therefore, for us to understand our role in disaster, we need to understand how we, as local church fit with the wider, formal disaster management arrangements . When your disaster response fits in with the big picture You have up to date information You understand the needs Your response is relevant to those needs You don’t waste your resources

4 This illustration outlines the Queensland Disaster Management Arrangements. It is a is a multi-tiered system of committees and coordination centres at state, district and local levels. Starting at the top of the pyramid, when there is an emergency in a community it is first dealt with at local level, if the response exceeds the capability of that local council, they will refer to the next leve, the District Disaster Management group for assistance and so on. These arrangements recognise that each level of the arrangements must collaborate to ensure the effective coordination of planning, services, information and resources necessary for comprehensive disaster management.

5 Designated Service Providers
Local Council Responsible for Overall Coordination of Disaster Response efforts Designated Service Providers Have agreements in place with Local Council for their respective roles in disaster Local Church and Other Agencies Collaborate with local council and designated service providers to meet identified needs As we saw previously, the local government will be responsible for coordinating the disaster response activities at a local level, this is done through the Local Disaster Management Group. The LDMG will have agreements in place with designated service providers. What is a designated service provider: While the agencies may be able to respond across a number of areas, for the purpose of coordination, each is delegated a specific responsibility, for example, the Red Cross may manage the evacuation centres, the Salvation Army may be responsible for providing meals to evacuees and volunteers, the Police Chaplain will be responsible for coordinating chaplaincy etc The effects of disaster on a community can be both long reaching and long term. The impacts will be varied and therefore require a collaborative approach to ensure the identified needs of a community are met. So where does local church fit? Local church response activities will be guided by the local council, in collaboration with the designated service providers and other support agencies.

6 Hit the Mark! Connect Collaborate Coordinate
In times of disaster, with limited resources, it’s all about hitting the mark with our response and recovery efforts. We have a responsibility to be good stewards with the time, money and other resources that we are given to help those in need. Connect with local council: In the aftermath of a disastrous or emergency event, the local council and police will need to conduct an assessment to determine the extent of damage, support needed and the needs of the people who have been impacted. As impatient as we are to act, it is important that our actions are guided by the best information and not heresay. This is a good time to make up baskets of hope, love bombs and other gifts of love, while we wait. By connecting with the local council to provide support, we can be sure that we will have correct, up to date information In collaborating and coordination our support efforts with the local council and local support agencies we can maximise the impact of our efforts. There will be a number of small groups making hampers, providing meals etc. By collaborating we can reduce the risk of duplication of effort and also ensure that no one who needs assistance is missed.

7 Church brings something unique to disaster management and response to disaster … our faith in Jesus Christ… Because of this faith we, as Christians are able to provide practical support to be delivered in a spirit of love with a message of hope and new beginnings The LCAQD recognising this, decided to take measures to equip its churches to be disaster ready, to be able to respond and support people who experienced disaster, and so the LCAQD Disaster Resilience Framework was commissioned. Practical support delivered in love with a message of hope and new beginnings.

8 The disaster resilience framework is an innovative initiative in disaster management. A first for church in Qld, it’s a blueprint to equip local church to respond in disaster in a responsible, collaborative way. A copy of the Disaster Resilience Framework is located on the LCAQD website. The Framework provides a detailed outline of disaster management arrangements, the role of the church and congregations in disaster management and provides information to help your church create its own disaster plan.

9 “Attempt something so great for God that it is doomed to fail unless he is truly in it.”
Philippians 4:13 – I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me Matthew 19:26 - Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Our experience in previous disaster response work has proved that we cannot do this work alone. God must be in it with you and He must lead your efforts. You may think your church is too small or people don’t have enough time or it’s simply too difficult to take on a role in disaster management. But we are people of faith, even if that faith be a small as a mustard seed, God will move mountains for us. Our closing activity for this module is one of prayer. Prayer is an important part of our work in disaster management, it strengthens us, it unifies us, it keeps God central to all that we do. Please pray together as a group that God will speak to your hearts, that He will work through you and give you the faith that is needed to take on challenges that are bigger than you Next

10 Review the LCAQD Disaster Management Framework - understand your church’s role in disaster management Be familiar with the Qld disaster management framework – there are many moving parts Don’t respond in isolation of the local government disaster response efforts – connect, collaborate and communicate Be prayer warriors This brings module 2 to a close To summarise: Review the LCAQD Disaster Management Framework - understand your church’s role in disaster management Be familiar with the Qld disaster management framework – there are many moving parts Don’t respond in isolation of the local government disaster response efforts – connect, collaborate and communicate Pray, pray, pray … Keep God central to all you do When you are ready, please proceed to Module 3 where we will be looking at the elements needed to create a local church disaster plan. End

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