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The Treaty of Versailles

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1 The Treaty of Versailles
Lesson starter: Give three examples of Terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

2 Today we will… Describe the terms of the Treaty of Versailles I can…
Create a replica of the Peace Treaty

3 As we know, the ‘Big Three’ and people from other countries met in Paris in January 1919
They wanted to draw up a Peace Treaty to stop any more wars The Big Three made up a treaty and gave it to Germany. If Germany rejected it, the war would start again

4 On 28 June 1919, five years after the assassination at Sarajevo, two Germans signed the Treaty of Versailles in The Hall of Mirrors This was very humiliating for Germany Treaties were also signed with Austria Hungary and Germany’s allies

5 America did not want Germany to be humiliated.
They wanted Germany to pay the winning countries some money. They wanted to make peace in Europe

6 France wanted Germany to pay for all costs of the war
They also wanted Germany to have their Army and Navy taken away This is called disarmament

7 Britain wanted Germany to be punished also but not too harshly
They wanted to take control of Germany’s Navy so they could not threaten Britain again

8 Now we will learn what the Treaty of Versailles meant for Germany

9 Terms of the Treaty of Versailles

10 Germany lost 13% of her land
Territory Germany lost 13% of her land All her colonies were handed over to other countries

11 The Rhineland was demilitarised
Demilitarisation The Rhineland was demilitarised The Rhineland would be occupied by Allied troops

12 Disarmament The German Army reduced to 100,000
Navy reduced to 6 battleships Conscription was banned The Air Force was taken away

13 Germany were banned from joining up with Austria
Anschluss Germany were banned from joining up with Austria


15 Germany had to accept all the blame for the war
War Guilt Clause Germany had to accept all the blame for the war They had to say it was all their fault

16 Reparations Since Germany was blamed for the war, they had to pay huge sums of money to The Allies £6600 million

17 Creating the Treaty of Versailles Success Criteria
Has a suitable heading Outlines at least 8 terms of the Treaty Has the correct date (28th June 1919) Is signed by the ‘Big Three’ Is signed by the German representative – Friedrich Ebert Has an official seal

18 Extension Task Write out the terms of the Treaty of Versailles
Next to each explain The Consequence of that term for Germany i.e. Germany’s army was reduced to 100,000 – this meant that Germany would be unable to defend itself

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