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Information Sources for Doing Literature Survey

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1 Information Sources for Doing Literature Survey
T. S. Kumbar Resource Centre DA-IICT July 28 & Aug. 17, 2010

2 Outline Introduction Types of Information Sources Research Process
Literature Survey Information Sources (subscribed & free) Bibliographical databases Institutional Repositories & E-Print Archives Books ( bibliographic information) Full Text of Articles Websites- virtual libraries Theses & Dissertations Patents & Standards Technical Reports & Reference/Citation Style Resources Sources for Staying Current & Web Searching Techniques Conclusion

3 Introduction Information is published in different types & forms
Web has revolutionized publishing- more in digital form Web serves as source and means to access Knowing right source of information- a challenge Use scholarly resources for research Scholarly Resources authoritative, credible, accurate and objective Peer reviewed and highly valued in academia and research community Understanding search techniques has become more important Retrieving pertinent information is needed Literature survey- an important part of research

4 Types of Information Sources
In an information professional’s terminology, the scholarly information sources are grouped in to, Primary Sources Secondary Sources Tertiary Sources

5 Primary Sources Sources that include first publications of original research findings, record of events, original thoughts, ideas etc. Journals & magazines Conference proceedings Dissertations/Theses Patents Standards Technical reports Working papers Research monographs Autobiographies Manuscripts Annual reports Correspondences Speeches Plan & policy documents, etc.



8 Secondary Sources Sources that digest, analyze, evaluate, interpret & present information in organized manner contained in primary sources Indexing, abstracting and bibliographic databases Citation databases Review db, e.g. Annual Reviews, Advances, Surveys Bibliographies on specific subjects, themes Book reviews Encyclopedia Handbooks Dictionaries and Thesauri Directories Geographical sources- Atlases, Almanacs etc. Biographical sources and many such other sources



11 Tertiary Sources These sources are compilation of primary and secondary sources. These serve as a guide in locating various primary and secondary sources information sources on specific subjects Usually compiled keeping in view researches and academicians in mind Library Subject Guides, Guide to Resources (pathfinders) Guide to Information Sources in Engineering Using the Engineering Literature Computer Science and Computing: A Guide to the Literature Computer Science Resources Guide to Information Sources in Mathematics and Statistics.


13 Research Process Selecting an area of interest
Reading background information Selecting research problem (proposal) Determining types of information needs Searching literature- from all types of sources Refining the topic & restating the problem Analyze the literature Work on the research problem, get results Putting it together (writing) By following specific reference & citation format/style Listing references & citation of sources used Presenting the final report/dissertation/thesis

14 Literature Survey… What is Literature Survey?
Process of locating, reviewing, analyzing and documenting published and unpublished information from various types of information sources in areas of specific interest to researcher Need for literature survey To know what others have done To follow the trend and identify the problem To avoid duplication To support your argument To follow theoretical, empirical, methodological and design work of related fields To gather data to extend your methods, findings & discussions Basically, it serve as basis for presenting new research findings

15 Literature Survey ( suggested steps)
Selecting specific area Split in to sub topics Identify keywords, phrases, subject headings, etc. Subject Dictionaries, Thesauri, etc. Selecting materials for background reading (use RC resources) Encyclopedia Handbooks Text books, Monographs Select articles, reviews, (print& e-resources) Dissertations (previous batch) & other sources Refine your area/select the topic/proposal Write down the statement, proposal with scope, objective, hypothesis, methodology, data collection and analysis, deciding style format, compiling bibliographies

16 Bibliographical Databases
Sources for Doing a Comprehensive Literature Survey (Subscription based) Bibliographical Databases

17 For Comprehensive Literature Survey…
INSPEC Direct (IET & IEEE) Subjects covered: Electrical & electronics engineering, communication, Computer science, control engineering and information technology Over peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings are covered Over 11 million abstracts from 1898 and onwards COMPENDEX: Engineering Index (Elsevier) Comprehensive & covers all engineering disciplines Indexes articles from5600 journals and conference proceedings Over 12 million records from 1884 & onwards




21 For Comprehensive Literature Survey…
Web of Science (Thomson) Bibliographic and citation database Mainly from Science & Technology disciplines Covers over 10,000 high impact journals & 1, 10,000 conference proceedings from 1900+ SCOPUS ( Elsevier)- All disciplines Index to articles from18,000 peer reviewed journals, 3.6 million conf. papers from 40 million records, includes 23 million patent records and 435 million web pages 435 million scientific web pages



24 For Comprehensive Literature Survey…
ACM Guide to Computing Literature Bibliographic database. Covers ACM & few other publishers publications Covers bibliographic records of books, articles, conference papers, Doctoral and Masters Theses and Technical reports Holds 1.2 million records from 1950+ ACM Computing Reviews Review of select book and journal articles in the area of computer science and information technology Reviews by the experts in the respective area High quality database for identifying most relevant articles and books



27 Sources for Doing a Comprehensive Literature Survey (Free/Open Access)
Bibliographical Databases

28 For Comprehensive Literature Survey…
IngentaConnect (e-journal aggregator) Platform for accessing e-journals from most disciplines Hosts over 45,47,834 articles Provides free access to bib. Information Scitopia ( from 21 learned societies) Federated Search Portal/Engine Index to articles from journals & conference pub. Hosts over 3.5 million documents spanning 150 years literature



31 For Comprehensive Literature Survey…
Scirus (Elsevier) Comprehensive science specific search engine Indexes over 370 million web page & latest reports, peer-reviewed articles, patents, pre-prints and journals Major publishers & repositories are participating Google Scholar Search engine for retrieving scholarly literature Searches across many subjects Sources include peer-reviewed material Considered as comprehensive source for recent literature



34 For Comprehensive Literature Survey…
CiteSeer.IST (old) Search engine for computer & inf. science literature Indexes peer-reviewed articles & covers over 7, 67, 558 documents Does automated citation indexing & uses citation linking method CiteSeerx Beta (new) Scientific Literature Digital Library and search engine Index to over 1,625,228 articles Provides links to 31,527,460 citations Provides details about most cited documents, authors, impact ratings etc.


36 For Comprehensive Literature Survey…
Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies Contains 3 million references of articles, conference papers and technical reports clustered in to 1500 bibliographies Further lists over 0.6 million cross references Links to over 1 million full text of papers (free) DBLP Computer Science Bibliography Provides bibliographic information on Computer Science Indexes more than 1 million articles Contains 10,000 links to home pages of Computer Scientists



39 For Comprehensive Literature Survey (Institutional Repositories & e-Print Archives)
WorldCat OAIster Index to 23 million resources available in 1153 institutional repositories Index to 37 million documents from over institutional repositories and archives BASE: Bielefeld Academic Search Engine Index to over 25 million academically and research oriented documents from 1720 repositories : an e-print archive Covers preprint and post print papers Over 6.1 million papers in physics, maths. computer science and related areas

40 Sources for Finding/Locating Books (bibliographic information)

41 Sources for Finding/Locating Books
Your Library Catalogue (OPAC) Catalogues of National Libraries Library of Congress, British Library, Europian Library National Library of Australia National Library Singapore Union Catalogues IndCat: Online Union Catalogue of Books (INFLIBNET) WorldCat (OCLC) COPAC: Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL) Libraries Australia AMICUS (Library and Archives Canada) Melvyl: Catalogue of University of California Libraries Catalogues of Major Libraries IITs, MIT, CalTech, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge

42 Sources for Finding/Locating Books
Major Publishers Catalogue CRC Press/ Taylor and Francis group Elsevier Cambridge University Press John Wiley & Sons McGraw-Hill Oxford University Press Pearson Education Springer World Scientific & other publishers Online Bookshops Infibeam A1Books India, flipkart Barnes & Noble online bookstore & others


44 Sources for Finding Full Text of Research Papers (Subscription based)

45 Sources for Finding Full Text of Papers…
IEEE Xplore Publications of IEEE & IET and few others Covers 165 journals, 175 annual conferences, 1800 IEEE standards going back to (older in some cases) Hosts over 2.3 million articles ACM Digital Library ACM and affiliated organizations publications Covers 70+ journals , 100+ conferences, 45 newsletters Covers papers from 1950 and onwards JSTOR Archive Serves as archive for journal back volumes Covers journals in S & T, Soc. Sci. & Humanities Covers only journals (1866 titles) from vol. & issue No1.




49 Sources for Finding Full Text of Papers…
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (Springer-Verlag) Series in Computer Science & Communications Covers mainly conference proceedings and some research monographs, Tutorials, state of the art surveys and hot topics included 6200+ volumes and 500+ volumes added every year Grouped in 7 sub-libraries Theoretical computer science, information systems, security and cryptology, computer communication networks and telecommunications, image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition and graphics, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics

50 Sources for Finding Full Text of Papers…
ASA (Acoustical Society of America) Digital Library Collection of papers from journals, magazines, newsletters and conferences Covers from 1929 & onwards Content pages of books, standards etc USENIX ( Advanced Computing Systems Association) Publications Conference, symposia and workshop papers from 1993 Compendium best papers :login magazine Network and System Administration

51 Sources for Finding Full Text of Papers
ScienceDirect (Computer & Communication) Online access to over 142 journals Covering the period from 1995 Springer Online Journal Collection Online access to over 1600 journals Covering the period from 1997 till date Other Major Publisher Journal Collection Professional Societies & Universities OUP,CUP,SPIE,SIAM,AMS Commercial Publishers: ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, Wiley, Taylor & Francis Many other publishers






57 Sources for Finding Full Text of Research Papers (Open Access/Free)

58 Sources for Finding Full Text of Papers…
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals Covers free full text quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals from all major disciplines Covers over 5218 journals with 4,27,245 articles Initiated as a project of Lund university and is one of the popular free resources Open J-Gate An initiative by Informatics India Pvt. Ltd. Provides access to 7,379 open access journals Of which, 4334 are peer reviewed journals



61 Sources for Finding Full Text of Papers…
WorldCat OAIster Index to 23 million resources available in 1153 institutional repositories Index to 37 million documents from over institutional repositories and archives BASE: Bielefeld Academic Search Engine Index to over 25 million academically and research oriented documents from 1720 repositories : an e-print archive Covers preprint and post print papers Over 6.1 million papers in physics, maths. computer science and related areas





66 Sources for Finding Scholarly Web Resources (Virtual Libraries/Subject Gateways)

67 Virtual Libraries/Subject Gateways
INFOMINE Virtual library of internet resources High quality resources identified and catalogued by librarians and faculty members Has over 1,00,000 web resources covering all major subjects Organized by subject using the classification system Intute Provides access to high quality web resources selected and catalogued by subject specialists Covers all major subject disciplines Other Virtual Libraries Internet Public Library (Librarian’s Internet Index) BUBL NSDL WWW Virtual Library




71 Electronic Theses & Dissertations
Sources for Finding Electronic Theses & Dissertations

72 Sources for Finding Electronic Theses and Dissertations…
IndCat: Theses Bibliographical database of Doctoral Theses submitted to universities (238) in India Contains lakhs bibliographical records Centre (Full Text- new) Vidyanidhi: E-scholarship Portal and Digital Library Project initiated by University of Mysore Over 1.5 lakh bibliographic records and 12000 full text theses submitted to Indian universities Ethos: Electronic Theses Online Service (British Library. UK) Single point access to thesis submitted to UK higher education institutions Provides access to over 2.5 lakhs theses






78 Sources for Finding Electronic Theses and Dissertations…
Theses Canada (Library and Archives Canada) Central access point for theses submitted to Canadian universities Holds over 3 lakhs theses (50,000 are in e- form) ADT-Australasian Digital Thesis Program Database of theses produced by 43 uni. in Australia A gateway to major collection of Australian Theses NDLTD: Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (mainly US) Union catalogue of theses contributed by 100+ member universities Provides access to metadata and large number of full text theses




82 Sources for Finding Electronic Theses and Dissertations…
DART-Europe E-Theses Portal Provides access to over 1,64,461 full text research theses from the universities in 13 European countries Contributed through European libraries and consortia Serves as single access point for European theses PQDT OPEN: ProQuest Digital Theses Provides access to full text of theses submitted by the researcher himself under open access initiative Mostly covers, but not restricted to, US theses



85 Sources for Finding Patents & Standards
Indian Patent Office Indian Patents Facilitating Centre (TIFAC) European Patents United States Patents & Trademarks Office and others Standards Bureau of Indian Standards Online Catalogue ISO Online Catalogue IEEE Standards International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R)- Recommendations International Electro-technical Commission












97 Sources for Finding Technical Reports
Virtual Technical Reports Center ( Uni. of Maryland) National Technical Information Service (NTIS) MIT Online Technical Reports Hewlett Packard Technical Reports IBM Technical Reports/Papers






103 Reference /Citation Style Resources
IEEE Editorial Style IEEE Computer Society Style Guide IEEE Standards Style Manual Chicago/Turabian Style AIP Style Manual AMA Citation Style APA Style MLA Style Harvard Style For more resources visit RC site

104 Bibliography/Citation Management Tools
Subscription based EndNote ProCite Reference Manager RefWorks Bookends Biblioscope OpenSource/Free Bibdesk HyperBIBTEX Citeulike Refbase Zotero

105 Sources for Staying Current
Journal Literature : Table of Content Alerts Journal Table of Contents Service (ticTOC from JISC, UK; Zetoc: British Library's Electronic Table of Contents, UK) IEEE Journals ACM Journals ScienceDirect SpringerLink & other publisher sites Conference Alerts Visit RC site regularly Join based discussion forums Visit Blogs Visit professional/R&D org. sites Visit major publisher sites Subscribe to research news Visit professional peer’s sites









114 IPR issues/ Plagiarism
Copyright Patents Designs Trademarks Plagiarism Be aware & avoid Visit RC site to see the list of free software

115 General Tips for Effective Searching…
What are you really searching/ looking for? What kind of search tools available now? Where should I begin? What other tools/sources exist to find information through the Internet? Know your search tool Understand search techniques specific to each search tools Prepare search strategy Start with simple search Use advanced search mode when necessary

116 General Tips for Effective Searching
Use unique terms to retrieve more specific results Use subject special search engines, Virtual Libraries, Subject Gateways Use more than one search tools Use meta search & natural language search tools to begin and / or refine a search. Do not go beyond search results

117 Search Techniques/Features…
Basic Searching Searching for ALL or ANY keyword E.g information literacy program in engineering library E.g, information literacy OR engineering OR library Capitalization Capitalization does not matter in most search engines Common words E.g. a, and, the, who, how and in etc are eliminated If we want to include, then use “ “

118 Search Techniques/Features…
Include a keyword + + intellectual + property+ patents Finds websites where the term after + appears in results Exclude a key word - +intellectual + property – patents Search for a phrase “ “ “how to do library research” Search within the title of a website title: Title: library research Search within a site or domain site: Library research Site : or site: or edu or org

119 Search Techniques/Features
Search using truncation * librar*research Use Boolean operator AND library AND research Use Boolean operator OR library OR research Use Boolean operator NOT library NOT research Search using nesting () (college OR university) “ bookstore” Search file type Filetype: ppt site:edu “global warning”

120 Ranking Search Results (web resources)
Search engines use algorithms to sort the results and rank them according to relevancy Presumed that, most relevant sites appear in top Some basic criteria used by search engines are, Number of terms matched Proximity of terms to each other Location of terms within the document Frequency of terms in the document Number of links to the page

121 Evaluation of Web Resources…
Authority Accuracy Objectivity Currency Coverage

122 Evaluation of Web Resources
Is it somebody’s personal page? What type of domain does it come from? Is it published by well known organization? Is the page dated? Is it current enough? What are the author’s credentials on the subject? Are sources documented with footnotes or links? If it is reproduced information ( from some other source), is it complete, not altered, not fake or forged? Are there links to other resources on the topic? Is the page listed in one or more reputable directories or virtual libraries? What do others say about the author or responsible body?

123 Avail RC Services & Assistance
Send us your research topics to assist you better Assistance in literature searching/locating Inter Library Loan Service Document Delivery Services Purchase of Reading Materials Permission to visit other libraries Delivering documents when you are off campus Any question with regard to information required for successfully completing your dissertation work

124 Conclusion Use appropriate resources
To start with, make use of RC resources & services Look up on the web for scholarly resources Seek RC assistance in, Getting documents not available in RC Locating required information Literature survey Searching web Stay in touch with recent developments Refer resources with due credit to authors

125 Questions & Clarifications?

126 Thank you for the kind attention!

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