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American revolution! By nikki and selena!.

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1 American revolution! By nikki and selena!

2 Navigation acts 1650-1700s Proclamation of 1763
the navigation acts were for putting the theory of mercantilism into actual practice. laws were passed in 1651, 1660, 1662, 1663, 1670 and 1673. In 1763 a royal decree was issued that the north American colonists from maintaining settlements west of a line running down the crest of the Appalachian mountains.

3 Stamp act 1765 Currency act 1764 The national debt had doubled and the cost of military protection for the North American colonies had soared. The British were inclined to ask the American colonist for money . So George Grenville, thought of the idea of a stamp tax to pay some of these expenses.

4 Quartering act 1765 Declaratory act 1765

5 Townshend acts 1767 Boston massacre 1770 the riots in England convinced Charles Townshend that tax relief was needed at home but he hoped to reduce the national debt by imposing taxes in the colonies.

6 Coercive acts 1774 Tea act/Boston tea party 1773 The tea act placed no new taxes on tea. it actually gave a tax break to the East India Tea company.

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