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The naming of molecules

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Presentation on theme: "The naming of molecules"— Presentation transcript:

1 The naming of molecules
Nomenclature The naming of molecules

2 What the formula means…
What the heck is with all the numbers? C2O8 Mg(NO3)2 Element Quantity Element Quantity What the formula means… Element Symbol Element or Group Symbol Group Quantity

3 Electronegativity

4 Covalent Ionic Round 1 Is there a metal or two nonmetals?
Sharing electrons, or similar atoms Ionic Exchanging electrons, or forming ions Round 1

5 Diatomic Different Round 2 - Covalent
Are the atoms the same (O2) or are they different (CO2)? Diatomic Exist paired in nature Go to 7, make a 7, and don’t forget H N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2, H2 Different Uses prefixes First element must be >1 for prefix Second element always gets a prefix Round 2 - Covalent

6 Diatomic Different Round 3 – Covalent Rules Name the element Done!
Name first element, use prefix if >1 Use prefix with second element Add a suffix –ide to second element Done! Different Round 3 – Covalent Rules

7 Round 4 – Covalent Practice
P2O2 S3O8 Oxygen Carbon Monoxide Iodine Diphosphorus Dioxide Trisulfur Octoxide Round 4 – Covalent Practice

8 Binary Polyatomic Round 2 - Ionic
Is there two atoms or multiple atoms? Binary Usually called salts Includes Cation and Anion Charges must equal 0 Complex salts, acids, and bases Includes Cation and Polyatomic ion Found in your reference packet Charges must equal 0 Polyatomic Round 2 - Ionic

9 Regular Transition Round 3 – Binary Ionic
Is the cation a regular metal or a transition metal? Regular Alkali, Alkaline Earth metals Aluminum (+3), Zinc (+2), Silver (+1) Multiple cations per element Must calculate charge Represented by a roman numeral Titanium (II) Oxide = TiO Transition Round 3 – Binary Ionic

10 Round 4 – Binary Ionic Rules
Name the cation Name the anion Add suffix –ide to anion Done! Regular Name the cation Calculate the charge Add roman numeral in parenthesis Name the anion Add suffix –ide to the anion Done! Transition Round 4 – Binary Ionic Rules

11 Round 5 – Binary Ionic Practice
NaCl MgO K2O MnCl2 Fe3N2 Sodium Chloride Magnesium Oxide Potassium Oxide Manganese (II) Chloride Iron (II) Nitride Round 5 – Binary Ionic Practice

12 Regular Transition Round 3 – Polyatomic
Is the cation a regular metal or a transition metal? Regular Alkali, Alkaline Earth metals Aluminum (+3), Zinc (+2), Silver (+1) Multiple cations per element Must calculate charge Represented by a roman numeral Titanium (II) Carbonate = TiCO3 Transition Round 3 – Polyatomic

13 Round 4 – Polyatomic Rules
Name the cation Name the polyatomic ion Done! Regular Name the cation Calculate the charge Add roman numeral in parenthesis Name the polyatomic ion Done! Transition Round 4 – Polyatomic Rules

14 Round 5 – Polyatomic Practice
NaC2H3O2 MgCO3 K2SO4 VPO4 Cu(NO3)2 Sodium Acetate Magnesium Carbonate Potassium Sulfate Vanadium (III) Phosphate Copper (II) Nitrate Round 5 – Polyatomic Practice

15 Formulas What’s in the name?

16 Electronegativity

17 Covalent Ionic Round 1 Is there a metal or two nonmetals?
Sharing electrons, or similar atoms Ionic Exchanging electrons, or forming ions Round 1

18 Diatomic Different Round 2 - Covalent
Is there an element or are there prefixes? Diatomic Exist paired in nature Go to 7, make a 7, and don’t forget H N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2, H2 Different Uses prefixes First element must be >1 for prefix Second element always gets a prefix Round 2 - Covalent

19 Diatomic Different Round 3 – Covalent Rules Write element symbol
Add quantity of 2 as subscript Done! Diatomic Write element symbol Add quantity of 1st element as subscript if >1 Write 2nd element symbol Add quantity of 2nd element as subscript Done! Different Round 3 – Covalent Rules

20 Round 4 – Covalent Practice
Hydrogen Dinitrogen Dioxide Fluorine Diphosphorous Decachloride Tetrasulfur Pentoxide H2 N2O2 F2 P2Cl10 S4O5 Round 4 – Covalent Practice

21 Binary Polyatomic Round 2 - Ionic
Can I find the name on my reference packet? Binary Usually ends in –ide Easily identify two different atoms Can end in –ide, -ate, or –ite Found in reference packet Context clues can give you hints as to what is in the ion (Hydroxide = OH-1) Polyatomic Round 2 - Ionic

22 Regular Transition Round 3 – Binary Ionic
Is the first element a regular metal or a transition metal? Regular Alkali, Alkaline Earth metals Aluminum (+3), Zinc (+2), Silver (+1) Multiple cations per element Must calculate charge Represented by a roman numeral Titanium (II) Oxide = TiO Transition Round 3 – Binary Ionic

23 Round 4 – Binary Ionic Rules
Regular Write symbol for first element Write symbol for second element Calculate element quantities using common charges Write quantities for each element as subscripts if >1 Done! Transition Round 4 – Binary Ionic Rules

24 Round 5 – Binary Ionic Practice
Sodium Chloride Calcium Oxide Potassium Sulfide Manganese (II) Bromide Iron (III) Carbide NaCl CaO K2S MnBr2 Fe4C3 Round 5 – Binary Ionic Practice

25 Regular Transition Round 3 – Polyatomic
Is the first element a regular metal or a transition metal? Regular Alkali, Alkaline Earth metals Aluminum (+3), Zinc (+2), Silver (+1) Multiple cations per element Must calculate charge Represented by a roman numeral Titanium (II) Carbonate = TiCO3 Transition Round 3 – Polyatomic

26 Round 4 – Polyatomic Rules
Write symbol for first element Write symbols for polyatomic ion Calculate element quantities using common charges Write quantity for 1st element as subscript if >1 If polyatomic ion quantity is 1 then you are done! If polyatomic ion is >1 add parenthesis to show more than 1 group and add subscript Done! Regular Transition Round 4 – Polyatomic Rules

27 Round 5 – Polyatomic Practice
Beryllium Sulfate Lithium Permanganate Sodium Acetate Cobalt (IV) Carbonate Copper (II) Phosphate BeSO4 LiMnO4 NaC2H3O2 Co(CO3)2 Cu3(PO4)2 Round 5 – Polyatomic Practice

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