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Annotated Timeline From 596AD-.

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1 Annotated Timeline From 596AD-

2 596AD, 605AD, & 664AD 596AD Pope Gregory sends Augustine with Monks to Britain to preach to the English. The Battle of Raith was fought in present day Kirkcaldy. 605AD Pope Gregory Dies. Last great Roman-Persian War ( AD). 664AD The Synod of Whitby settled the question of when Easter was going to be. First Arab Siege of Constantinople ( AD).

3 680AD, 1454AD, 1475AD, & 1509AD 680AD Hilda Dies. First Bulgarian Empire established (681AD) 1454AD Development of printing with moveable type. War of the Roses ( AD). 1475AD Earliest editions of Bede’s work published. Burgundy Wars ( AD). 1509AD Death of Henry VII and Accession of Henry the VIII. The ‘Great Plague’ in Tudor England.

4 AD & 1517AD AD Erasmus lives in England teaching at Cambridge University and complains bitterly about the weather. (Ryrie, 73) 1517AD Martin Luther writes against indulgences. Sweating sickness plagues Tudor England. How I envision Erasmus complaining It may not be Luther but it's amusing.

5 1527AD, 1533AD, & 1534 1527AD Henry VIII begins campaign for divorce. Sack of Rome and end of the Italian Renaissance. 1533AD Thomas Crammer becomes Archbishop of Canterbury. Elizabeth Tudor is born. 1534AD Act of Supremacy- England sticks it to Rome. The Ottomans capture Baghdad. The Taunting scene from Monty Python's Holy Grail

6 1547AD, 1548-49AD, &1558AD The Prayer Book has a Liturgy for this.
1547AD Death of Henry VIII. Ivan the Terrible becomes first Russian Tsar. AD The Book of Common Prayer is Published. Firearms used for the first time in battle in Japan. 1558AD Accession of Elizabeth I. England looses Calais to France. The Prayer Book has a Liturgy for this.

7 1571AD, 1585AD, & 1688AD 1571AD The Thirty-Nine Articles. Pius V completes The Holy League as a united front against the Ottomans. 1585AD Act of Association. The colony at Roanoke is founded in North America. 1688AD William and Mary and the Bloodless Revolution. The Spanish Armada is deterred by the English.

8 1689AD, 1724AD, & 1725AD How I imagine Wesley's studies going.
1689AD The Act of Toleration. The Treaty of Nerchinsk creates border between Russia and China. 1724AD John Wesley receives baccalaureate degree. Treaty of Constantinople between Persia, Ottoman Empire, and Russia. 1725AD Wesley begins study for ordination. Chinese encyclopedia printed (1726AD). How I imagine Wesley's studies going.

9 1726AD, 1728AD, &1758AD 1726AD Wesley receives Lincoln fellowship.
1728AD Wesley is ordained. Anglo-Spanish War ( ). 1758AD “A Preservative Against Unsettled Notions in Religion” is published by Wesley. Wolfe’s Manifesto issued.

10 1760AD, 1775AD 1760AD “Sermons on Several Occasions” is published by Wesley. George III becomes King of England. !775AD British preachers leave America. American Revolutionary War ( AD). I believe this is historically accurate to how they left America.

11 1829, 1833, & 1844 1829 Catholic Emancipation Act in Ireland. Greece receives autonomy from the Ottoman Empire. 1833 Irish Church Temporalities Bill dissolves ten redundant bishoprics which subsequently starts the Oxford Movement. Britain takes Falkland Islands. 1844 John Newman converts to Catholicism. The first telegram is sent.

12 1846, 1847, & 1853 1846 Keble becomes Pusey’s Confessor. Mexican- American War starts. 1847 Jane Eyre is published. Salt Lake City is established by Brigham Young. 1853 Villette is published- Charlotte Bronte’s last book and most heavily Anglican. The Ottoman Empire starts war with Russia I 'Believe' this is how the Mormons expressed their excitement at founding Salt Lake City.

13 , 1867, & 1928 ,500 Anglican churches are built in England. American Civil War rages. 1867 Lambeth Conference was first held. The first volume of ‘Das Kapital’ is published by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. 1928 The Episcopal Book of Common Prayer was revised. Joseph Stalin sets in motion the First Five Year Plan.

14 1940, 1976, 1982, 1993, & 2007 1940 The Episcopal Hymnal is revised from the 1916 edition. Leon Trotsky dies from an ice axe to the head in Mexico. 1976 The Book of Common Prayer is revised. Apple computer company is formed. 1982 The Episcopal Hymnal is revised from the 1940 edition. Prince William, Duke of Cambridge is born. 1993 Anglican Reform starts in opposition of ordination of women and holds a conservative view of homosexuality. President Bill Clinton takes office. 2007 Anglican Communion Covenant is first drafted. I begin attending Colorado State University for a Classical Dance degree (one day it might be world history).

15 Fin.

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