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How to finance mercury-reducing projects in ASGM?

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Presentation on theme: "How to finance mercury-reducing projects in ASGM?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to finance mercury-reducing projects in ASGM?
UNIDO’s experience

2 Before 2008 – many projects, little coordination
Many projects, by many actors sometimes in the same country No information sharing Competition for funding Little learning CASM was the only platform

3 From 2008 –Global Mercury Partnership
UNIDO & NRDC proposed as lead of the ASGM area Many partners (academic, consultants, governments) talking to each other and sharing experience ASGM-specific Global Forum Success in developing projects: SAICM projects GEF projects Bilateral projects

4 Programme for Francophone West Africa
In December 2009, UNIDO organised a sub-regional meeting in Bamako including 6 countries. The conclusions were: The problems faced by Governments are similar Extractions techniques are similar Miners are transient and move from country to country In order to maximise efforts, a regional approach should be developed

5 Programme for Francophone West Africa
Between 2010 and 2011, UNIDO and its partners collected information Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal committed to co-financing actions In an effort to build up momentum, US DoS supported AGC in an ASGM project in Burkina Faso to support technology transfer ARM established initial contacts with the FFEM on Fair-Mined Gold UNIDO developed a SAICM project in Mali Total programme: $3,230,000 including $990,000 from the GEF

6 Programme for Francophone West Africa
Inventory of ASGM sites Development of a National Strategic Action Plan Raise awareness through health campaigns Transfer of technologies eliminating mercury emissions and reducing mercury use Facilitate market access through the introduction of the Fairmined standard Disseminate results

7 Conclusions To develop a successful GEF project, one should:
Collect information on ALL active and past projects in the area of interest (baseline, needs) Contact active projects to assess the potential for collaboration (co-financing) Identify current gaps (incremental analysis) Identify project partners (implementation arrangements) Share information in order to generate more support and avoid duplication on developing pipeline For this, the ASGM partnership is the ideal platform

8 Thank you for your attention

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