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5 Tweets You should know about….. Mrs. Schmidt

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1 5 Tweets You should know about….. Mrs. Schmidt

2 I grew Up in the Area… Richboro Middle. CR North. Basketball. Player and coach. Former teachers still here. Love RMS. Hope to stay here till I retire. Long time away.

3 I am the youngest in my family
2 Older sisters. All married. Karen Philly 2 kids. Colleen Boston 2 boys. Baby of the family. Love it. Spoiled. Family is everything.

4 I’ve taught in other places
Graduated college. Moved to Hawaii. Thought for one year. Stayed for 3. Palm trees classroom. Beach after work. No worries. Virginia. 1 year. Missed home.

5 I Am Married with 3 kids and a Dog.
Married 9 yrs. Husband teacher CB. Fishing captain. Eric 7. Owen 5. Henry 18 months. Hyper. Silly. Super fun. Love. Border Collie Bandit. Crazy. Love my family.

6 I Spend my summers at the Shore in LBI
Beach. Fishing. Crabbing. Boat rides. Lazy summer days. Games. Rides Ice-cream. Funnel cake. Seafood. Cabin. Relax. Boardwalk. Sunsets. Love summer.

7 Tweet What I should know about you...
Your Task: Prepare a similar list of things about you to share with the class on Friday. (Family, hobbies, goals for school, summer, friends, school likes/dislikes) Create a slide show (using PowerPoint). Try to be creative and original so that we really learn a bit about you and your personality. You can expand on what you tweet when you present. Only include things that you want everyone to know (nothing too embarrassing or personal, please). Only 140 characters max. A space is a character.


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