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Research and Information Sources in Computer Science at Purdue

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1 Research and Information Sources in Computer Science at Purdue
Topics, research questions, information sources & doing a lit review, research plan, citation management, copyright & open access/science CS Li Michael Witt Associate Professor of Library Science Computer Science Librarian

2 Three take-aways Ask a Librarian
The library is a gateway to authoritative sources of information There are many ways to get the same paper If you can’t find what you need or the library doesn’t have it, please ask: we’ll get it for you Ask a Librarian

3 Overview Nine examples of finding different kinds of resources
Accessing resources from off-campus Registering an ORCID identifier Citation management

4 Finding… Conferences in ACM Digital Library
Journals by title in IEEE Xplore Journal articles and conference papers using the Libraries catalog and Google Scholar eBooks in Safari Books in physical library collections (MATH and course reserves) Theses in ProQuest Chapters in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Foundations and Trends in Purdue CS libguide Purdue CS technical reports in Purdue e-Pubs

5 Accessing resources from off-campus
Full text is often only available with a Purdue IP address Links from Purdue Libraries website and Purdue CS libguide are proxied (best option) Some resources also available with a VPN connection to Purdue’s network

6 Registering an ORCID identifier
Uniquely identifies you as a scholar You own your identifier, you can update it when you get a job or move to another university Helps you track your scholarly output, helps others find it more precisely Many publishers and funders require it Visit:

7 Citation management demo (Zotero)

8 Three take-aways Ask a Librarian
The library is a gateway to authoritative sources of information There are many ways to get the same paper If you can’t find what you need or the library doesn’t have it, please ask: we’ll get it for you Ask a Librarian

9 Contact info Michael Witt Computer Science Librarian Office: STEW 174G (Next to Convos) BOOKMARK: Purdue CS Library Guide (libguide) Plagiarism (documents and code); copyright; open access & open science

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