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CNS 3370 Algorithms.

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1 CNS 3370 Algorithms

2 Generic Algorithms Are all Templates
Can process homogeneous sequences of any type arrays, vectors, lists, anything that meets STL requirements (iterators, certain other member functions) There are lots of them!

3 Algorithms: A First Look
C06/CopyInts.cpp C06/CopyStrings.cpp How does copy( ) work?

4 A First Try at copy( ) template<typename T> void copy(T* begin, T* end, T* dest) { while(begin != end) *dest++ = *begin++; }

5 A Vector example vector iterators are not necessarily real pointers
they could be, or not other containers cannot use pointers as iterators Their data is not contiguous But C06/CopyVector.cpp works! why? Because it uses iterators

6 A Second Try at copy( ) template<typename Iterator> void copy(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Iterator dest) { while(begin != end) *dest++ = *begin++; } Type deduction the iterator type Must support !=, ++, and *

7 Non-mutating Algorithms #include <algorithm>
for_each find find_if find_first_of adjacent_find count count_if mismatch equal search find_end search_n

8 Mutating Algorithms transform copy generate generate_n copy_if remove
copy_backward swap iter_swap swap_ranges replace replace_if replace_copy replace_copy_if fill fill_n generate generate_n remove remove_if remove_copy remove_copy_if unique reverse reverse_copy rotate rotate_copy random_shuffle

9 Ordering Algorithms Sorting sort stable_sort partial_sort
partial_sort_copy nth_element merge inplace_merge partition stable_partition Set Operations includes set_union set_intersection set_difference set_symmetric_difference Heap Operations push_heap pop_heap make_heap sort_heap

10 Ordering Algorithms continued...
Searching binary_search lower_bound upper_bound equal_range Min/max min max min_element max_element lexicographical_compare Permutations next_permutation prev_permutation

11 New C++0x Algorithms all_of any_of none_of find_if_not copy_if copy_n
iota minmax minmax_element partition_copy is_partitioned partition_point is_sorted is_sorted_until is_heap is_heap_until move move_backward iota is like APL’s iota, but returns the next value starting from a specified value upon each call.

12 A Sort Example (But Don’t do it this way!)
Implements Selection Sort with min_element also illustrates iter_swap tests sortedness with adjacent_find See selsort.cpp use sort() instead.

13 Text Example Write a program that consults a dictionary for all permutations of a string to find valid words handy for cheating at Text Twist :-) See permutations.cpp uses next_permutation sorts string first uses an unordered_set (hash table)

14 Numeric Algorithms #include <numeric>
accumulate(beg, end, init) accumulate(beg, end, init, bin_function) inner_product partial_sum adjacent_difference Will see accumulate later

15 Predicates Functions that return a bool
Many algorithms have alternate versions that apply predicates to sequence elements find_if, count_if, etc. Examples: copy_some_ints.cpp C06/CopyStrings2.cpp C06/ReplaceStrings.cpp

16 Stream Iterators Facilitates reading/writing a sequence from/to a stream without you doing an explicit loop ostream_iterator<T>(ostream&, const string& sep) Examples: C06/CopyInts3.cpp, C06/CopyIntsToFile.cpp istream_iterator<T>(istream&) Example: C06/CopyIntsFromFile.cpp

17 Standard Function Objects #include <functional>
Arithmetic plus minus multiplies divides modulus negate Predicates equal_to not_equal_to greater less greater_equal less_equal logical_and logical_or logical_not Show the code for a few of these Reminder: Function objects are types that overload operator( )

18 A plus Function Object template<class T> struct Plus {
T operator()(const T& m, const T& n) { return m+n; } }; int main() { Plus<int> p; cout << p(2,3) << endl; // 5 Plus<string> p2; cout << p2("carrot","top") << endl; // carrottop

19 An equal_to Function Object
template<class T> struct EqualTo { bool operator()(const T& t1, const T& t2) { return t1 == t2; } }; int main() { EqualTo<int> p; cout << p(2,2) << endl; // 1 EqualTo<string> p2; cout << p2("carrot","top") << endl; // 0

20 Using a Standard Function Object
#include <functional> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { greater<int> g; cout << g(3, 4) << endl; // Prints 0 (for false) cout << g(5, 4) << endl; // Prints 1 (for true) }

21 std::bind A Function Object Adaptor (C++0x Only)
Allows customizing “callables” for use with algorithms (including member functions) For example, convert a standard binary function object to a unary function object by fixing one of the parameters bind( ) creates a function object that stores the function and the fixed argument(s) It overloads operator( ) so you can provide the missing arguments

22 Using std::bind C++0x Only
bind(fn, arg1, arg2, … argn) Can provide only some of the args For missing args, use placeholders _1 = the first subsequent argument _2 = the second subsequent argument, etc. defined in namespace std::placeholders placeholders can be repeated, ignored, reordered See copy_some_ints2.cpp

23 Bind Example Fix 1st arg as 10
int main() { using namespace std::placeholders; auto bf = bind(plus<int>(), 10, _1); // Fix left operand as 10 cout << bf(99) << endl; // Complete the call array<int,5> a = {1,2,3,4,5}; transform(a.begin(), a.end(), a.begin(), bf); copy(a.begin(), a.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " ")); cout << endl; } /* Output: 109 */

24 Bind with Non-static Member Functions
The first parameter is the object: bind(&Class::memfn,<obj>,parm1,…parmn); Even the object can be deferred Works transparently with object pointers Example: bindmem.cpp (Note: static member functions work just like stand-alone functions with bind) bind is magic!

25 Lambda Expressions C++0x Only
Anonymous functions can be created at their point of use Can be assigned to a variable Can access surrounding variables Can be returned from a function Syntax: [<capture directives>](<args>){return <expr>} [<capture directives>](<args>)->type{<body>} See copy_some_ints3.cpp, sortlambda.cpp (<args>) is optional when empty. Return type must be used when more than a simple return is used.

26 std::function C++0x Only
A generic type that matches any “callable” functions, function objects, lambdas with the same call signature Example: function<int(int,int)> f int add(int x, int y) {return x+y;}; f = &add; f = plus<int>(); f = [] (int x,int y) {return x+y;}; See function.cpp I use the term “call signature” to include arguments that are convertible to the declared type.

27 Capture Directives Allow referring to enclosing local and non-local variables in a lambda Necessary when returning a lambda, since those variables disappear when the outer function returns Copies are made (reference captures are possible, but useless for lambda returns) See gtnf.cpp To capture data members, capture this see capturethis.cpp [=] captures all enclosing (by value) on demand

28 std::accumulate Computes a sequence’s sum by default
You can change the accumulating operation By providing an “applicator” function Takes two args: the running result the next value to combine into the result See accumulate.cpp

29 A Generic Programming Session
Function “Composition” c(x) = f1(f2(f3(…fn(x)…))) Can hold callables in a sequence of std::function e.g., function<double(double)> Applies functions backwards Uses accumulate to form result Overview on next slide…

30 From Specialization to Generalization
compose1.cpp (functions of double) compose2.cpp (functions of T) compose3.cpp (generalizes sequence type) compose4.cpp (generalizes the callable type) Using std::function compose5.cpp (deduces T) Using std::function::result_type and std::iterator_traits compose6.cpp (uses std::accumulate) compose7.cpp (deduces iterator type) compose8.cpp (uses a lambda applicator) This exemplifies the natural process for lifting concepts from type-specific code to make it generic. CNS Templates

31 Notes for Program 5

32 Finding the .dat files Windows: UN*X:
system("dir /b *.dat > datfiles.txt 2>nul"); UN*X: system("ls *.dat > datfiles.txt 2>/dev/null"); system() is defined in <cstdlib> After processing all the .dat files: explicitly close your stream, then… remove("datfiles.txt"); // defined in <cstdio>

33 Using Modern C++ Use stream iterators for I/O when feasible
Use copy to copy data Use range-based functions as applicable Use transform to negate and smooth data Use accumulate to compute area Use a bitset to track ini parameters Use lambdas when feasible Other algorithms to consider: count_if, for_each, max_element The range-based functions are insert, assign, erase, and constructors, and covered in the Containers slide deck.

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