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Key Definitions & rules of the game

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Presentation on theme: "Key Definitions & rules of the game"— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Definitions & rules of the game
What is politics? Key Definitions & rules of the game

2 Part I: What is politics?

3 Our definition of politics:
Politics is: the authoritative allocation of things of value.

4 getting other people to do what you want them to do.
What is power? Power is: getting other people to do what you want them to do.

5 the legitimate right to use power. (i.e., the decision-maker).
What is authority? Authority is: the legitimate right to use power. (i.e., the decision-maker).

6 Your assignment: Before next class, identify a recent political dilemma in which you found yourself. Think about what was of value, who was in a position of authority and how you tried to wield power. Be prepared to write about the result.

7 Coach Hall’s Rules of Politics
Part II: Coach Hall’s Rules of Politics

8 Individual survival/ ambition.
Rule #1 Individual survival/ ambition.

9 Hillary Clinton recently criticized Obama on foreign policy.
Rule #1 - Example Hillary Clinton recently criticized Obama on foreign policy. “Great nations need organizing principles and “Don’t do stupid stuff” is not an organizing principle.” -- Atlantic Monthly interview, Aug. 10, 2014

10 Obama foreign policy approval rating
Rule #1 - Example Why would Hillary try to distance herself from Obama? Obama job approval Obama foreign policy approval rating

11 Build/maintain party strength.
Rule #2 Build/maintain party strength.

12 Rule #2 - Example Since the 2012 election, many Republican leaders support a path to citizenship for illegals. Hispanic Vote

13 Make good policy. Rule #3 Important Note: Good POLITICS is one thing.
Good POLICY is very often something different.

14 Part III: Wedge issues

15 A Wedge Issue is: What is a wedge issue? an issue that unites
your party, appeals to independent voters, and divides the opposition.

16 Partisan Identification
Do you consider yourself: Democrat = 31% Republican = 26% Independent = 40% Source: Gallup poll, Aug., 2014

17 Partisan Identification (cont.)
Asked of self-proclaimed Independents, which way do you lean? Democrats (w/ leaners) = 46% Republican (w/ leaners) = 42% Neither = 12% Source: Gallup poll, Aug., 2014

18 Wedge Issues: Example #1
Guns. Republicans: 2nd Amend guarantee. 73% of Americans favor. Democrats: Background checks for all gun purchases. 83% of Americans favor. Source: Gallup poll, Apr., 2013

19 Wedge Issues: Example #2
Immigration. Democrats: Dream Act/Dream-Lite. 84% of Americans favor. Republicans: Tighter border security. 77% of Americans favor. Source: Pew poll, June, 2013

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