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Presentation on theme: "FORMS of GOVERNMENT."— Presentation transcript:


2 I. Types of Government A. Every country in the world has their own type of govt. B. All shaped by traditional beliefs of it’s people & history

3 C. Govts fall into two different categories:
Nondemocratic govts Democratic govts

4 II. Nondemocratic Governments
A. Monarchy = govt where a king or a queen, called a monarch, reigns (rules) over a kingdom. -EX: Great Britain, Morocco, Sweden

5 B. A autocracy = a person rules with complete & absolute power
B. A autocracy = a person rules with complete & absolute power. There are 3 types…

6 1. Absolute Monarchy = a person has complete power by being born into a family of rulers
2. Dictatorship = a military leader takes power by force 3. Oligarchy = a type of dictatorship that is run by a small group of people

7 C. A theocracy = controlled by one or more religious leaders who claim rule on behalf of God or the gods worshipped in their country. Vatican City

8 D. Socialism = an economic system where a country has power over all goods that are produced. E. Communism =the ruling party owns the means of production and no private ownership is allowed.

9 III. Democratic Governments
A. Democracy = people of a nation either rule directly or elect officials who act their behalf. EX: United States, Greece, & Brazil

10 B. The word “democracy” comes from the ancient Greek, meaning “rule of the people”.
C. There are two forms of democracy…

11 1. Direct democracy = ALL of the voters in a community meet in one place to decide laws and government actions ALL of the time

12 2. Representative democracy = the people elect representatives to carry on the work of gov’t for them. When the people give consent, or permission, to be ruled by elected officials the country is called a republic.

13 IV. Functions of Government
A. Keep Order- Laws and rules allow people to live peacefully – helps us cooperate B. Providing Services – each level of govt (local, state, federal) has to provide services for the people EX: Education – our state govts create public school systems to educate our children C. Providing Security –Armed Forces D. Guide the Community – Plan for the future, manage the economy and foreign relations

14 V. NO GOVERNMENT A. Anarchy = the absence of govt.

15 Forms of Gov’t Foldable: DUE FRIDAY
Fold your paper like a pamphlet – the names of different govt’s as the outside cover. On the inside of you pamphlet provide a definition for each government and an example if you can. On the white side draw a picture illustrating that type of government. INSIDE Picture Definition & Examples OUTSIDE COVER

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