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Intro to Genetics.

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1 Intro to Genetics

2 Key Terms Trait – A physical characteristic encoded by a gene
Ex: Eye color, hair color, freckles Allele – One possible version of one specific gene Represented by letters Ex: F = freckles f = no freckles

3 Key Terms Dominant – Type of allele that may mask the effect of others
Represented by capital letters Ex: B for brown eyes Recessive – Type of allele that may be masked by others Represented by lowercase letters Ex: b for blue eyes

4 Key Terms Homozygous – Two alleles of the same type are present
Ex: BB bb Heterozygous – Two different alleles are present Ex: Bb

5 Key Terms Phenotype – Physical appearance of trait
Described with words: Purple flower, white flower Genotype – Genetic makeup (alleles) Represented by letters: PP, Pp, pp Represented by words: Homozygous dominant, homozygous recessive, heterozygous pp Pp PP

6 Examples of Genotypes gg GG Gg
For a parrot with feathers, green feathers are dominant (G) and blue feathers are recessive (g). What genotype is a homozygous recessive parrot? What genotype is a homozygous dominant parrot? What genotype is a heterozygous parrot? gg GG Gg

7 Green is dominant to blue
Monohybrid Crosses Punnett Square – method used to predict outcomes of simple genetic crosses Monohybrid cross – genetic cross for a single trait G g G g GG Gg Gg Gg Gg gg Green is dominant to blue

8 Red hair (R) is dominant over blond hair (r)
Red hair (R) is dominant over blond hair (r). Make a cross between a heterozygous red head and a blond. R r r Rr rr What percentage of the offspring will have red hair? 50%

9 T t Tt tt t In pea plants, tall pea plants (T) are dominant
Let’s try some more… In pea plants, tall pea plants (T) are dominant over short pea plants (t). Construct a Punnett Square for a heterozygous tall pea plant and a short pea plant. T t What are the percentage of phenotypes? Tt tt t 50% tall 50% short

10 Heterozygous Homozygous
Flashcards For each key term, write the definition and draw a picture to help you remember. Get them checked off by me for a grade! Genotype Phenotype Allele Trait Dominant Recessive Heterozygous Homozygous

11 Trait Brochures Pretend you are writing a pamphlet explaining the difference between the following terms: Genotype Phenotype Allele Trait Dominant Recessive Heterozygous Homozygous Use any three sets of terms, please include definitions and pictures! If you want to do a comic, set of memes, or anything else, please let me know. 

12 Non-Mendelian Genetics

13 Complete Dominance One allele completely masks the other
Use uppercase and lowercase versions of the same letter

14 Incomplete Dominance rr ww rw Neither allele is dominant
Heterozygotes show a blended phenotype Use different, lowercase letters rr ww rw

15 Codominance BB WW BW Both alleles are dominant
Heterozygotes show a mixed or patterned phenotype (both alleles show equally) Use different, uppercase letters BB WW BW

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