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Tuning Charge Transfer Property of MoS2 via Focused Laser Beam Based Technique Poster 116.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuning Charge Transfer Property of MoS2 via Focused Laser Beam Based Technique Poster 116."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuning Charge Transfer Property of MoS2 via Focused Laser Beam Based Technique
Poster 116

2 Why Focused Laser Beam Technique?
Ability to precisely control position of laser beam for fine tuning of charge transfer properties at selected areas Improves functionality of MoS2 Allows for structural manipulation of MoS2 Thinning, patterning and property modification in the nanoscale range Source: Lu, J., et al., Improved photoelectrical properties of MoS(2) films after laser micromachining. ACS Nano, (6): p

3 Atomic Healing of MoS2 Mo S

4 Atomic Healing of MoS2 Mo S

5 Atomic Healing of MoS2 O2- O2- O2- O2- Mo S

6 Atomic Healing of MoS2

7 Deposition of Au NPs

8 Deposition of Au NPs


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