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Presentation on theme: "Climate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate

2 Heat energy carried by ocean currents has a strong influence on climate around the world.

3 Oceans, holding a large amount of heat, have major effects on climate.

4 Because the oceans are such large bodies of water, they hold a large amount of heat. Therefore, the oceans have a great impact on climates.

5 The cycling of water in and out of the atmosphere plays an important role in determining climatic patterns.

6 Earth’s climate is influenced by elevation, latitude, surface currents, geography, and prevailing winds.

7 Climate and weather are not influenced by longitude.

8 Climate Zones are divisions of Earth's climates into general climate zones according to average temperatures and average rainfall.

9 The three major climate zones on the Earth are the polar, temperate, and tropical zones.

10 Temperatures in these three climate zones are determined mainly by the location, or latitude, of the zone.

11 Polar climate zone is the coldest climate zone
Polar climate zone is the coldest climate zone. The temperatures are almost always below freezing. 

12 Temperate climate zones have moderate temperatures and moderate rainfall year-round.

13 Temperate climate zones contain most of the Earth’s land masses

14 Tropical climate zones have the warmest average temperatures and get the most rain.

15 Draw a picture of the three major climate zones on Earth.

16 Elevations affect climate and weather. Higher elevations are colder

17 An urban heat island is the term used for cities that have warmer weather than the area in the same climate zone. Because cities have large amounts of concrete, steel, and glass it will be hotter since these objects attract and retain heat longer than vegetation.


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