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Therapeutics Tutoring

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1 Therapeutics Tutoring
Sarah Darby August 30, 2017

2 Ischemic stroke Hemorrhagic stroke Hypertension

3 Local thrombus vs. embolism Hemorrhagic
Stroke Ischemic Majority of strokes Local thrombus vs. embolism Hemorrhagic Intracerebral hemorrhage Subarachnoid hemorrhage

4 Ischemic Stroke BP: only treat when > 220/120 mmHg or aortic dissection, acute myocardial dysfunction, pulmonary edema, hypertensive encephalopathy Why? NIHSS (0 to 42)

5 Ischemic Stroke Acute treatment Reperfusion Alteplase (rt-PA)
Antiplatelet Aspirin

6 Ischemic Stroke Acute Treatment Alteplase (rt-PA) aids in reperfusion.
Gold standard of therapy MOA: binds to fibrin in a clot and promotes conversion of plasminogen to plasmin Risk? Bleeding Should be given within 4.5 hours Increases likelihood of a favorable outcome LONG LIST of exclusion criteria Dose: 0.9mg/kg total over 60 minutes 10% given as a bolus over 1 minute Maximum dose is 90mg

7 Ischemic Stroke 70 yo female, presents to ER 1h after sx onset
Is Alteplase (rt-PA) therapy appropriate in each of the following settings? BP = 200/120 Platelets = 120,000/mm3 Received heparin infusion 24 hours prior Stable on warfarin with INR of 2.0 No history of intracranial hemorrhage

8 Ischemic Stroke 70 yo female, presents to ER 4h after sx onset
Is Alteplase (rt-PA) therapy appropriate in each of the following situations? Hx of T2DM and ischemic stroke Warfarin tx with INR of 1.5 NIHSS = 28

9 Ischemic Stroke 70 yo female, 55.5kg, presents to ER 1h after sx onset
The healthcare team deems Alteplase appropriate. What is her dose? 50mg infusion over 60 min. 5mg bolus over 1 min., followed by 45mg over 60 min. 50mg bolus over 1 min., followed by 40mg over 60 min. 5mg bolus over 1 min., followed by 85mg over 60 min.

10 Ischemic Stroke 65 yo male, 105kg, presents to ER 1h after sx onset. His BP is 205/100. Which agent is not an acceptable choice to lower his BP? Labetalol 10-20mg IVP Diltiazem 25mg IVP Clevidipine 2mg/h titrated Nicardipine 5mg/h titrated

11 Ischemic Stroke 65 yo male, 105kg, presents to ER 1h after sx onset
The healthcare team deems Alteplase appropriate. What is his dose? 9.5mg bolus over 1 min., followed by 85mg over 60 min. 95mg infusion over 60 min. 9mg bolus over 1 min., followed by 81mg over 60 min. 95mg bolus over 1 min., followed by 5mg over 60 min.

12 Ischemic Stroke Acute Treatment when not t-PA eligible
Give antiplatelet as soon as possible Choose Aspirin or Clopidogrel Don’t pick dipyridamole (bad headaches)

13 Ischemic Stroke Anticoagulation
Unclear cause? Monitor heart rhythm for AF Cardioembolic origin needs anticoagulation Initiate within 14 days

14 Ischemic Stroke Secondary prevention Non-cardioembolic Antiplatelet
Aspirin, Clopidgorel, or Aggrenox Cardioembolic Anticoagulation Warfarin, Dabigatran, Apixaban, Rivaroxaban, Edoxaban Atherosclerosis statins All patients BP reduction

15 Hemorrhagic Stroke Intracerebral hemorrhage Gradual increase in sx
Causes: think anticoagulation and HTN BP: SBP is mmHg Decrease to <140 quickly SBP is >220mmHg Use CIVI and monitoring to get to <140 Management Cont. Inf.: Clevidipine and Nicardipine Boluses: Hydralazine and Labetalol

16 Hemorrhagic Stroke Reversing Bleeds
Kcentra and FEIBA are both 4 factor prothrombin complex concentrates Difference: FEIBA has activated factor 7 Warfarin Vit K Kcentra FEIBA FFP Dabigatran Kcentra FEIBA Hemodialysis Praxbind Rivaroxaban Kcentra FEIBA Apixaban Kcentra FEIBA

17 Hemorrhagic Stroke DVT Prophylaxis Intracerebral hemorrhage
LMWH started 1-4 days after bleeding stops in immobile patients Subarachnoid hemorrhage No treatment until aneurysm is protected via surgery LMWH or UFH started 24 hours after surgery When to restart anticoag? No heart valves: wait at least 4 weeks Aspirin monotherapy can be started back sooner Controversy over mechanical valves

18 Hemorrhagic Stroke Subarachnoid hemorrhage “worst headache”
Sudden onset Highest risk of re-bleeding in first 72 hours BP: Get below 160mmHg Use same drugs as ICH, except lower target with ICH Special: Nimodipine Only indicated for reducing vasospasm associated ischemia after SAH

19 Hemorrhagic Stroke 72 yo female presents to ER with vomiting and severe headache Pt currently taking warfarin 5mg daily for AF Her current BP is 230/135mmHg. What do you recommend for treatment of her blood pressure? Labetalol continuous infusion Clevidipine continuous infusion Amlodipine bolus No therapy; she’s fine with that BP!

20 Hemorrhagic Stroke 78 yo male presents to ER with vomiting and severe headache Pt currently taking Rivaroxaban 20mg daily for AF What reversal strategy do you recommend? Hemodialysis to quickly pull of the Rivaroxaban Kcentra Vitamin K LMWH No treatment

21 Hemorrhagic Stroke 78 yo male presents to ER with vomiting and severe headache Pt currently taking Rivaroxaban 20mg daily for AF (no mechanical valve) When can we safely restart his anticoagulation? Immediately 7 days 1 year 4 weeks

22 HTN

23 HTN Staging patients with hypertension Systolic Diastolic Normal
<120 <80 Pre-HTN 80-90 Stage 1 90-99 Stage 2 ≥160 ≥100

24 HTN TH is a 56 yo male who comes into your pharmacy today for his first MTM session. His BP reading today is 156/90. What BP stage is this? Normal Pre-HTN Stage 1 Stage 2 Can’t know

25 HTN JT is a 49 yo male who comes into the clinic today for a follow up visit. You last saw him on August 1st, and his BP reading was 148/92. Today his BP is 155/98. Normal Pre-HTN Stage 1 Stage 2 Can’t know

26 HTN HK is a 62 yo female. At her last visit on August 1st her BP was 150/105. Today her BP is 155/110 . Normal Pre-HTN Stage 1 Stage 2 Can’t know

27 HTN Which activity does not impact measuring blood pressure?
Recent caffeine intake Talking during the reading Going to the bathroom right before Placing the cuff over a shirt sleeve

28 HTN Determining BP goals Age Disease

29 HTN

30 HTN Let’s look at specific patient populations… Age>80 yo
Goal is <150/90 According to all guidelines Gen. Pop ≥60 yo JNC8 says goal is <150/90 ASH/ISH says goal is <140/90 Gen. Pop<60 yo Goal is <140/90 Diabetes CKD According to JNC8, ASH/ISH, and KDIGO KDIGO makes special recommendation for albumin excretion ≥30mg/24h

31 HTN In other words… Choose a goal of <140/90 EXCEPT
General patients ≥60 yo (JNC8) Patients >80 yo (ASH/ISH) CKD patients with albumin excretion ≥30mg/24h (KDIGO)

32 HTN What is the BP goal for an 85 yo female according to JNC8?
<150/90 <140/90 <130/80

33 HTN What is the BP goal for an 65 yo female according to JNC8?
<150/90 <140/90 <130/80

34 HTN What is the BP goal for an 85 yo female according to ASH/ISH?
<150/90 <140/90 <130/80

35 HTN What is the BP goal for an 65 yo female according to ASH/ISH?
<150/90 <140/90 <130/80

36 HTN At what age do the JNC8 guidelines increase the goal BP from <140/90 to <150/90? 60 65 70 75 80

37 HTN At what age do the ASH/ISH guidelines increase the goal BP from <140/90 to <150/90? 60 65 70 75 80

38 HTN MR is a 55 yo male with T2DM and CKD. His urine albumin excretion is 15mg/24h.What is his BP goal according to the ADA guidelines? <150/90 <140/90 <130/80

39 HTN MR is a 55 yo male with T2DM and CKD. His urine albumin excretion is 40mg/24h. What is his BP goal according to the ADA guidelines? <150/90 <140/90 <130/80

40 HTN MR is a 55 yo male with T2DM and CKD. His urine albumin excretion is 36mg/24h. What is his BP goal according to the KDIGO guidelines? <150/90 <140/90 <130/80

41 HTN Determining agent of choice – JNC8

42 HTN Determining agent of choice – JNC8 TLC for EVERYONE!!!
Then pick out specific disease populations Consider age for BP goal Consider race If SBP>20mmHg above goal, start with 2 drug therapy

43 HTN - JNC8 Non-black Thiazide ACEI or ARB CCB Diabetes No CKD present
Look at race Black Thiazide CCB CKD No matter what race ACEI or ARB +/- other agents

44 HTN Determining agent of choice – ASH/ISH

45 HTN Determining agent of choice – ASH/ISH TLC for EVERYONE!!!
Then consider what stage of HTN Consider race Consider age

46 HTN - ASH/ISH Stage 1 Stage 2** Non-black ACEI or ARB
Age<60 – ACEI or ARB Age≥60 – CCB or thiazide Stage 2** ACEI or ARB AND CCB or thiazide **start with 2 drugs Black CCB or thiazide

47 HTN JT is a 68 yo white male with stage 1 HTN. No significant PMH. According to JNC-8, what is his BP goal? <150/90 <140/90 <135/85 <130/80

48 HTN JT is a 68 yo white male with stage 1 HTN. No significant PMH. According to JNC8, what is your initial treatment recommendation? Metoprolol Clonidine Lisinopril Furosemide

49 HTN JT is a 68 yo white male with stage 1 HTN. No significant PMH. According to ASH/ISH, what is your initial treatment recommendation? Amlodipine Lisinopril Metoprolol Losartan

50 HTN DK is a 58 yo AA female with stage 2 HTN. No significant PMH. According to ASH/ISH, what is your initial treatment recommendation? Amlodipine Chlorthalidone Amlodipine + Chlorthalidone Amlodipine + Lisinopril Lisinopril + Losartan

51 HTN DK is a 58 yo AA female with stage 2 HTN. No significant PMH. Therapy has been maximized on Amlodipine and Lisinopril, but his BP is still not at goal. What additional treatment do you recommend? Losartan Benazepril HCTZ Atenolol

52 HTN BH is a 62 yo AA male with T2DM and CKD. According to JNC8, what is your initial treatment recommendation for his HTN? Chlorthalidone Benazepril Felodipine Atenolol

53 HTN In which scenario is recommending a beta- blocker and ACEI not appropriate? Coronary artery disease HFrEF Stroke Post-ACS

54 HTN In what patient would you recommend spironolactone as add-on therapy? CKD HFrEF Stroke DM

55 HTN According to the ISHIB guidelines, what is the target BP for an AA male with CVD and CrCL=40ml/min? <150/90 <140/90 <130/80 <135/85

56 HTN Which lifestyle modification has the biggest impact on blood pressure reduction? Weight loss Sodium reduction Alcohol reduction Exercise

57 HTN Crises DS is a 65 yo male presenting to the ED with a BP of 232/145. His wife states he has been confused for the past few days with SOB starting in the last hour. PMH: COPD, HF. Physical exam is WNL except for pulmonary edema noted on CXR and papilledema noted on ophthalmic exam. How should this patient be treated? HTN emergency – admit the patient for inpatient treatment HTN urgency – admit the patient for inpatient treatment HTN emergency – send patient home with oral antihypertensive HTN urgency – send patient home with oral antihypertensive

58 HTN Crises DS is a 65 yo male presenting to the ED with a BP of 232/145. His wife states he has been confused for the past few days with SOB starting in the last hour. PMH: COPD, HF. Physical exam is WNL except for pulmonary edema noted on CXR and papilledema noted on ophthalmic exam. How fast should his BP be lowered? Reduce the BP as quickly as possible to <140/90 Reduce the MAP by 50% in the first hour, then to less <140/90 in the next 24 hours Reduce the MAP by 20-25% in the first hour, then <160/110 in the next 24 hours Reduce the MAP by 20-25% in the first hour, then <160/110 in the next 2-6 hours

59 HTN Crises DS is a 65 yo male presenting to the ED with a BP of 232/145. His wife states he has been confused for the past few days with SOB starting in the last hour. PMH: COPD, HF. Physical exam is WNL except for pulmonary edema noted on CXR and papilledema noted on ophthalmic exam. Which agent do you prefer to lower the BP? Nicardipine 20mg PO TID Nicardipine 5mg/h IV SL Nitroglycerin Labetalol 40mg IV bolus q 10 min

60 HTN Crises TH is a 59 yo female presenting to clinic with BP of 225/238. She takes Lisinopril 10mg daily but states has forgotten a few doses this week. Physical exam shows neuro, cardio, and ophthalmic exam are normal. How should this patient be treated? HTN emergency – admit the patient for inpatient treatment HTN urgency – admit the patient for inpatient treatment HTN emergency – send patient home with oral antihypertensive HTN urgency – send patient home with oral antihypertensive

61 HTN Crises TH is a 59 yo female presenting to clinic with BP of 225/238. She takes Lisinopril 10mg daily but states has forgotten a few doses this week. Physical exam shows neuro, cardio, and ophthalmic exam are normal. How fast should her BP be lowered? Reduce the BP as quickly as possible to <140/90 Reduce the MAP by 20-25% in the first hour, then <160/110 in the next 2-6 hours Reduce the BP to <160/110 over hours to days Reduce the BP to <140/90 over hours to days

62 HTN Crises TH is a 59 yo female presenting to clinic with BP of 225/238. She takes Lisinopril 10mg daily but states has forgotten a few doses this week. Physical exam shows neuro, cardio, and ophthalmic exam are normal. What do you recommend for treatment? Lisinopril 20mg PO daily Losartan 50mg PO daily Nicardipine 5mg/h IV Nicardipine 20mg PO TID

63 HTN Crises What is the DOC for BP reduction in eclampsia? Hydralazine
Enalaprilat Nitroglycerin Sodium nitroprusside

64 HTN Crises Which agent is not given via intermittent bolus?
Hydralazine Enalaprilat Labetalol Clevidipine

65 HTN Crises Which agent does not increase intracranial pressure?
Hydralazine Nicardipene Nitroglycerin Sodium nitroprusside

66 HTN Crises Which agent causes “coronary steal?” Nitroglycerin
Sodium nitroprusside Nicardipine Clevidipine

67 HTN Crises Which agent is the DOC for hypertensive emergencies associated with renal disease? Labetalol Fenoldopam Hydralazine Esmolol

68 Therapeutics Tutoring Questions?
Sarah Darby August 30, 2017

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