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Prefixes, Suffixes, Roots Morgan County High School

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Presentation on theme: "Prefixes, Suffixes, Roots Morgan County High School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prefixes, Suffixes, Roots Morgan County High School
Veterinary Science Terminology Drills Prefixes, Suffixes, Roots By Tim Savelle Agriculture Teacher Morgan County High School Georgia, 2004

2 -emia Blood condition

3 Anti- Against, Opposing

4 -ectomy To surgically remove

5 De- Down, From

6 Dys- Difficulty

7 Brady- Abnormally Slow

8 A- , an- Without, Lack of, Not

9 -cyte Cell

10 Excessive, Abnormally High
Hyper- Excessive, Abnormally High

11 -itis Inflammation

12 Insufficient, Abnormally low
Hypo- Insufficient, Abnormally low

13 Mal- Bad, Poor

14 Tachy Abnormally fast

15 -penia Deficiency

16 Poly- Many, Much, Multiple

17 -logy Study of

18 -oma Tumor

19 Instrument for examining
-scope Instrument for examining

20 -tomy Cutting, incision

21 Cardi/o Heart

22 -pnea Breathing

23 Cephal/o Head

24 Dent/i, dent/o Teeth

25 Nas/o Nose

26 Ophthalm/o Eye

27 Mamm/a, Mamm/o Mammary Gland

28 Ot/o Ear

29 Iso- Equal, same

30 Steth/o Chest

31 Trache/o Trachea

32 Ep-, Epi- On, upon

33 Cyan/o Blue

34 Neo- New

35 Pan- All

36 Ur/o Urinary system

37 Thorac/o Thorax

38 Peri- Around

39 -megaly Abnormally large

40 Post- After

41 Uni- One

42 -al, -ic, -ac, -ous Pertaining to

43 -graphy Recording of

44 Eu- (yoo) Normal

45 -ist One who studies

46 Involuntary contraction
-spasm Involuntary contraction

47 Abdomin/o Abdomen

48 Gingiv/o Gums

49 -lysis Destruction of

50 Multi- Many, much

51 -natal Birth

52 -oxia Oxygen

53 -toxin Poison

54 -phagia Eating, swallowing

55 Peritone/o Peritoneum

56 Copr/o Feces

57 Derm/o, Dermat/o Skin

58 Enter/o Intestines

59 Erythr/o Red blood cell

60 Hepat/o Liver

61 Hydr/o Water

62 -ectomy To surgically remove

63 Dys- Difficulty

64 -cyte Cell

65 Excessive, Abnormally High
Hyper- Excessive, Abnormally High

66 Insufficient, Abnormally low
Hypo- Insufficient, Abnormally low

67 Mal- Bad, Poor

68 Tachy Abnormally fast

69 Anti- Against, Opposing

70 -penia Deficiency

71 De- Down, From

72 A- , an- Without, Lack of, Not

73 -emia Blood condition

74 -itis Inflammation

75 -pnea Breathing

76 -logy Study of

77 -oma Tumor

78 Instrument for examining
-scope Instrument for examining

79 Poly- Many, Much, Multiple

80 -tomy Cutting, incision

81 Cardi/o Heart

82 Cephal/o Head

83 Dent/i, dent/o Teeth

84 Brady- Abnormally Slow

85 Nas/o Nose

86 Mamm/a, Mamm/o Mammary Gland

87 Iso- Equal, same

88 Thorac/o Thorax

89 Ot/o Ear

90 Steth/o Chest

91 Trache/o Trachea

92 Ep-, Epi- On, upon

93 Neo- New

94 -al, -ic, -ac, -ous Pertaining to

95 Pan- All

96 Ophthalm/o Eye

97 Peri- Around

98 Ur/o Urinary system

99 -megaly Abnormally large

100 -ist One who studies

101 Post- After

102 Uni- One

103 -graphy Recording of

104 Eu- (yoo) Normal

105 -natal Birth

106 Cyan/o Blue

107 Involuntary contraction
-spasm Involuntary contraction

108 -lysis Destruction of

109 Abdomin/o Abdomen

110 Gingiv/o Gums

111 Hydr/o Water

112 Multi- Many, much

113 -oxia Oxygen

114 -phagia Eating, swallowing

115 Copr/o Feces

116 Derm/o, Dermat/o Skin

117 Enter/o Intestines

118 -toxin Poison

119 Erythr/o Red blood cell

120 Hepat/o Liver

121 Peritone/o Peritoneum

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