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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT DISSEMINATION"— Presentation transcript:

PV 2 Medialogy Fall 2011 Lars Peter Jensen Billede: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

2 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
What do we mean by information / dissemination, feedback and communication? Written documentation of project work. Oral presentation of project work. Learning goals: Get a basic understanding of what communication means Get some guidelines of how to present your project © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet Billede:

3 Dissemination, different ways:
Written/printed Oral, face to face Automatic, News etc. Kilde: Algreen-Ussing, 1990 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

4 Exercise 1 What characterizes a good written documentation of a project (the project report)? Billede:

5 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Report: Synopsis/Abstract Fore word Table of content Introduction 1. Part: problem analysis Problem formulation and boundary 2. Part: problem solving Conclusion References Appendix Synopsis skal være kort og præcis. Problematikken skal bøjes i neon. De primære metoder skal nævnes. Hovedkonklusionen skal også med! Logikken skal være klar - I dette projekt undersøges…Ved at…kom vi frem til…. Forord: Motivationen bag projektet - relation til semesterets tema. Målgruppe. Praktiske informationer som fx. kildehenvisninger, brug af appendiks etc. Tak til de personer der frivilligt har hjulpet jer i projektforløbet. Dato og underskrifter Indholdsfortegnelse: Overvej antallet af kapitler i forhold til samlet sidetal. Overvej overskueligheden - antallet af niveauer. Er overskrifterne sigende. KONKLUSION: Fremhæv resultater, relationer, svar på problemformulering, forbehold og perspektiver. Appendiks: Selvstændigt arbejde, som kan fjernes fra hovedrapporten uden tab af væsentlig information; f.eks. dybdegående teorier, detaljerede beregninger, konstruktionstegninger etc. Bilag: Væsentlig information ‘udefra’, f.eks. produktbeskrivelser, datablade, projektoplæg fra vejleder etc. Der er delte meninger om definitionen af appendiks og bilag - så snak med jeres vejleder om det! Billede: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

6 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
We know from PV1 Synopsis/Abstract Fore word Table of content Introduction 1. Part: problem analysis Problem formulation and delimitation 2. Part: problem solving Conclusion References Appendix © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

7 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
A fast overview The report must have a logical flow => a good structure The report must contain all necessary information - and no more The report should not contain comments about the workflow/process The report must be consistent, both graphically and linguistically The reader should easily and quickly identify the report's relevance to their own qualifications / interests. Main Chapters Billede: Algreen-Ussing, 1990 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

8 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Step by step The reader should be able to read the report step by step: If the receiver is only interested in results, read the introduction and conclusion. These must therefore be able to stand alone (unless otherwise indicated). If the reader becomes curious, read the main sections which he / she finds interesting. Each section must be able to stand alone - otherwise, references to earlier chapters must be indicated. If the receiver is further interested, read the rest of the main sections. If the recipient needs all details, also read appendices and annexes. Algreen-Ussing, 1990 Billede: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

9 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Top & Tail Draft introductory "Top" Key words for main text "Body" Draft conclusion "Tail" © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

10 Critical points in writing a project report
A precise synopsis A telling table of content Help the reader so the coherence and relevance of contents is obvious Interplay and balance between text and illustrations Making the disseminating scientific Billede: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

11 Good advices for the synopsis
It shall be short and concise The problem must be bent in neon The primary methods included The main conclusion included The logic shall be clear © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

12 Good advices for the table of content
Consider the number of chapters in relation to the project's total number of pages Consider the clarity in the TOC - have you divided the chapters into too many levels? Consider the information value – are the headlines understandable so that the reader can get an overview just by reading them? Billede: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

13 Help the reader all the way
Make a readers guide in the foreword that explains which chapters can be read separately In the introduction, each chapter can be introduced and the links between them made visible – e.g. by a diagram showing the structure of the report Although the structure of each chapter is logical the reader should be presented for the purpose, what the content is and how the text is structured Billede: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

14 Readers Guide This report is made by first semester students at AAU and touches many subjects, some of which are only briefly discussed, but the most of them are explained in full. We dive into the gaming technology over the last years and try to give a basic understanding of how the development has shaped the technologies of today. The possibilities of these technologies are discussed later in the report and we try to make a connection between the state of the art and the commonly available ones. Some psychology is discussed in this report but it is self explanatory and requires little to no prior knowledge of this subject. We have done this because we thought that the reader should have a basis of knowledge concerning the target group of our product and the possible uses of this. Our report should give an overview of the gaming industry and the use of edutainment, and how these could be combined for the use in schools.

15 Diagram of the structure of a project report

16 The interaction between text and illustrations
Remember Captions and No. Remember a reference to the figure A figure must be explained if it is not self-explanatory There must be the same logic in words as in the picture Billede: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

17 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Credibility THAT IS: personal ideas / observations must be stated assessments should be presented with the assessment criteria and the basis for assessing project boundaries must be stated clearly project's methods must be transparent conditions for the conclusions must be stated be sure that possible. political, religious or moral standards appears as such Algreen-Ussing, 1990 Billede: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

18 Restrict foreign words
Avoid speech language Restrict foreign words

19 Exercise 2 What characterizes scientific communication/dissemination?

20 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Scientific writing Refer to sources in accordance with recognized standards (see PV1) Remember to consider the source credibility Remember to seek evidence for claims Remember to argue for your choice Remember to explain the methods used Remember to reflect on applied theory and methodology Remember that we do not see / look at - but examine, treat e.g. Remember that we do not think and believe, we assume (if necessary) without scientific evidence and concludes when we have sufficient evidence Remember that not everyone is so pleased with the collective WE Billede: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

21 How to write Before writing (the group):
Preparation: receiver, message, outline Brainstorm: e.g.. Post-it Writing (individually): Go for it : write without criticism – one headline at a time (in arbitrary order) Structure – structure the writing, creating overview and consistency Edit – make the writing easy to read After writing (the group or others) Review

22 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Scientific Integrity A quote is legal under copyright law, if: (Ministry of Culture, 2006) The quotations comes from lawfully published texts The quotation is in accordance with "good practice“ It is quoted "to the extent determined by the purpose“ The author of the text is credited and acknowledged Billede og dowloadmulighed: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

23 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Remember !! References and quotations: The Chicago method (Jensen, 2001a:21) Literature is the listed alphabetic: Jensen, Hans (1999a): ” Elektroniske System, AAU Forlaget, Aalborg By numbers [2] Literature is the listed by numbers: [4] Hans Jensen, Elektroniske System, AAU Forlaget, Aalborg 1999a Referencelisten skal indeholde så præcise oplysninger som muligt: Bøger: Forfatter(e), år, titel,forlag, udgivelsessted, evt. ISBN-nummer. Tidsskrifter: Samme + tidsskrift navn, nummer og dato/måned. Internet: Så mange oplysninger som muligt, inkl. dato for downloading. Personer: Navn, titel, virksomhed/institution. Chicago-metoden: Nummermetoden: We have to know all possible information's to be able to find the quoted source: Books: Author(s), year, title, publisher, ISBN or ISSN no. Journals: As above + name of journal, number and date Internet: URL and date for downloading Persons: Name, title, company © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet Billede:

24 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Plagiarism and fraud quotation Conditions that can make the quote illegally: (Ministry of Culture, 2006) Missing source (plagiarism) This quote is too long This quote is wrong credited The quotation is corrupted (quote fraud) Billede: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

25 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Plagiarism is illegal… From the study regulations for all educations at Aalborg University: "Plagiarism is totally unacceptable and will result in rejection of the report and exclusion of students from Aalborg University, if discovered in a report handed in " Billede: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

26 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Project Presentation For project participants For stake holders/licensees For decision makers For students For examiner and censor © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

27 Experience tells us that….
There is no right way to present, each person has his own presentation style. Make sure you have identified the main message, and get it out. Make sure you are adequately prepared: Consider whether you need a full manuscript What keywords you need Whether you need your notes at the presentation and the mirror can be a good friend in need Billede: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

28 A business perspective
7 guidelines from the communications director at Grundfos: timing so that the message does not come too early or late, breaking down the message so it will be readily understood to ensure that the message does not leave unanswered questions to be aware of the interaction between medium and message to evaluate the message relevance to ensure message credibility and to use visualization to facilitate understanding Kilde: Holgaard, 2003 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

29 Remember the target audience
who are they, how many are they, why are they here and what do they know already Hayes, 1992 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

30 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Expectations….. Think not only of the target group's expectations for you, but also your expectations to the audience - and suppose always the best Billede: Hayes, 1992 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

31 Exercise 3 How can we use humans as a medium?

32 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Face to face Use the fact that you are in face to face interaction: Keep eye contact Consider your body language Consider your dress Consider your tone of voice Rhythm Pace Height Influence "mood" Inspireret af Eisenberg, 1982 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

33 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet
Find the balance Use eventually several media at once, e.g. Slides blackboard Consider the flow of the presentation Congestion thin periods Use multiple codes Photos Graphs Tables Words Stories Inspireret af Eisenberg, 1982 © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

34 The physical environment
How is light and acoustics How can your audience best be arranged in relation to the center of the presentation Create the necessary space for dialogue Are all the necessary things in place, ranging from crayons, markers and pointer to technological devices Inspireret af Eisenberg, 1982 Billede: © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet

35 How you see yourself are important

36 Picture:

37 Picture: http://mozziestar. files. wordpress

38 Next time: Experience exchange from P0 (PV 3)
Monday September 26th 2011 The Process analisys has to be handed in next day at 12.00 Now: Excercises in your group rooms (see the exercises in Moodle) © SLP-gruppen, Aalborg Universitet


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