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Standard Operating Procedure

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1 Standard Operating Procedure
DADS-MCO Reports

2 Agenda Introduction DADS-MCO Reports Additional Information

3 Purpose The purpose of this document is to give a brief description of the reports found in the DADS-MCO section of the VinCENT system.

4 Scope This document is applicable to those participating in the Texas EVV Mandate.

5 General Requirements The following requirements must be met. The user must have access to the reports section of the VinCENT system.

6 Agenda Introduction DADS-MCO Reports Additional Information

7 DADS-MCO Reports 01 EVV Visit Log 01a EVV Visit Log Printed 01nr EVV Visit Log 02 Units of Service Summary 02a Units of Service Summary Calendar 03 Attendant Providing Services by Individual 03a Attendant Providing Services by Indv Printed 04 Provider Agency/FMSA List 04a Provider Agency/FMSA List Printed

8 DADS-MCO Reports 05 MCO Provider List of SDA's
05a HHSC/DADS Provider List of Contracts 07 Alternative Device Order Status 07a Alternative Device Order Status Printed 08 HHSC/DADS EVV Compliance Plan Summary – CSV 08a HHSC/DADS EVV Compliance Plan Summary – Print 09 HHSC/DADS EVV Compliance Plan Daily – CSV 09a HHSC/DADS EVV Compliance Plan Daily – Print 10 MCO Compliance Summary Snapshot – CSV

9 DADS-MCO Reports 10a MCO Compliance Summary Snapshot – Print 10.5 MCO Compliance Daily – CSV 10.5a MCO Compliance Daily – Print 11 Reason Code Free Text Report 11a Reason Code Free Text Report no Desc 11a Reason Code Free Text Report Printed 12 Reason Code Use Report 12 Reason Code Use Report no Desc 12a DADS Reason Code Usage Report Printed

10 DADS-MCO Reports 12a Reason Code Usage Report Printed 13 CDS Employee List 13a CDS Employee List Printed

11 DADS-MCO Reports 01 EVV Visit Log
This report is used to verify the hours of services delivered by whom and to whom as well as to verify that all visits were complete and accurate prior to the submission of a visit for billing. Only completed visits eligible for billing display on this report. This report exports to a CSV file.

12 DADS-MCO Reports 01a EVV Visit Log Printed
This report is the same as 01 EVV Visit Log but displays in the Generate or Preview/Export option.

13 DADS-MCO Reports 01nr EVV Visit Log
This report is the same as 01 EVV Visit Log with no rounding. This report exports to a CSV file.

14 DADS-MCO Reports 02 Units of Service Summary
This report is used to display the Pay Hours by day, week, or month per client. This report exports to a CSV file.

15 DADS-MCO Reports 02a Units of Service Summary Calendar
This report is the same as 02 Units of Service Summary, but displays in a calendar format. This report displays in the Generate or Preview/Export option.

16 DADS-MCO Reports 03 Attendant Providing Services by Individual
This report is used to verify which attendants/nurses/other provider staff provided services to a particular individual for a requested date range. This report exports to a CSV file.

17 DADS-MCO Reports 03a Attendant Providing Services by Indv Printed
This report is the same as 03 Attendant Providing Services by Individual but displays in the Generate or Preview/Export option.

18 DADS-MCO Reports 04 Provider Agency/FMSA List
This report is used to gather provider information and to determine the last time a provider interacted with the EVV system. This report exports to a CSV file.

19 DADS-MCO Reports 04a Provider Agency/FMSA List Printed
This report is the same as 04 Provider Agency/FMSA List but displays in the Generate or Preview/Export option.

20 DADS-MCO Reports 05 MCO Provider List of SDA's
This report is used to show which active providers are in the EVV system and what Service Delivery Areas they are in. This report exports to a CSV file.

21 DADS-MCO Reports 05a HHSC/DADS Provider List of Contracts
This report is used to show which provider contracts are in the EVV system for DADS. This report exports to a CSV file.

22 DADS-MCO Reports 07 Alternative Device Order Status
This report is used to verify that Small Alternative Devices have been ordered and to track the status of those orders. This report exports to a CSV file.

23 DADS-MCO Reports 07a Alternative Device Order Status Printed
This report is the same as the 07 Alternative Device Order Status but displays in the Generate or Preview/Export option.

24 DADS-MCO Reports 08 HHSC/DADS EVV Compliance Plan Summary – CSV
This report contains compliance information and statistics vs. program expectations aggregated by CONTRACT NUMBER over a specified time frame. The data is captured on an ongoing basis and is locked down after a 60 day time period where it will not change after that point. This report exports to a CSV file.

25 DADS-MCO Reports 08a HHSC/DADS EVV Compliance Plan Summary – Print
This report is the same as the 08 HHSC/DADS EVV Compliance Plan Summary but displays in the Generate or Preview/Export option.

26 DADS-MCO Reports 09 HHSC/DADS EVV Compliance Plan Daily – CSV
This report contains compliance information and statistics vs. program expectations aggregated by CONTRACT and then by DATE over a specified time frame. This report exports to a CSV file.

27 DADS-MCO Reports 09a HHSC/DADS EVV Compliance Plan Daily – Print
This report is the same as 09 HHSC/DADS EVV Compliance Plan Daily but displays in the Generate or Preview/Export option.

28 DADS-MCO Reports 10 MCO Compliance Summary Snapshot – CSV
This report contains compliance information and statistics vs. program expectations aggregated by TAX ID and NPI (MCOs) and over a selected date range for the specified time frame. This report exports to a CSV file.

29 DADS-MCO Reports 10a MCO Compliance Summary Snapshot – Print
This report is the same as 10 MCO Compliance Summary Snapshot but displays in the Generate or Preview/Export option.

30 DADS-MCO Reports 10.5 MCO Compliance Daily – CSV
This report contains compliance information and statistics vs. program expectations aggregated by TAX ID and NPI (MCOs) and by DATE for the specified time frame. This report exports to a CSV file.

31 DADS-MCO Reports 10.5a MCO Compliance Daily – Print
This report is the same as 10.5 MCO Compliance Daily but displays in the Generate or Preview/Export option.

32 DADS-MCO Reports 11 Reason Code Free Text Report
This report is used to review a provider's use of reason codes and to ensure all required free text entries were made. This report can also be used by compliance staff to review potential misuse. This report exports to a CSV file.

33 DADS-MCO Reports 11a Reason Code Free Text Report no Desc
This report is the same as 11 Reason code Free Text Report but does not contain the Reason Code Descriptions. This report exports to a CSV file.

34 DADS-MCO Reports 11a Reason Code Free Text Report Printed
This report is the same as 11 Reason Code Free Text Report but displays in the Generate or Preview/Export option.

35 DADS-MCO Reports 12 Reason Code Use Report
This report shows which reason codes were used, how often, and in what percentage of verified visits, and offers a comparison to overall usage of those reason codes during the specified timeframe. It can be used by DADS compliance staff to look for potential misuse of preferred reason codes. This report exports to a CSV file.

36 DADS-MCO Reports 12 Reason Code Use Report no Desc
This report is the same as the 12 Reason Code Use Report but does not contain the Reason Code Descriptions. This report exports to a CSV file.

37 DADS-MCO Reports 12a DADS Reason Code Usage Report Printed
This report is the same as 12 Reason Code Use Report with the exception that it aggregates around Contract Number and Region. This report displays in the Generate or Preview/Export option.

38 DADS-MCO Reports 12a Reason Code Usage Report Printed
This report is the same as the 12 Reason Code Use Report but displays in the Generate or Preview/Export option.

39 DADS-MCO Reports 13 CDS Employee List
This report is used to verify which Attendants/CDS Employees are associated with which CDS Employer/Individual and includes the employees' hire and termination dates as well as the first date the employee provided services to the requested individual. This report displays in a CSV file.

40 DADS-MCO Reports 13a CDS Employee List Printed
This report is the same as the 13 CDS Employee List but displays in the Generate or Preview/Export option.

41 Agenda Introduction DADS-MCO Reports Additional Information

42 Contact Information Direct questions about this document to the MEDsys training department at .

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