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Peanut butter pioneer: A deep-dive into Universal Life

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Presentation on theme: "Peanut butter pioneer: A deep-dive into Universal Life"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peanut butter pioneer: A deep-dive into Universal Life
Pam Handmaker Sr. Director, Product & Innovation Trustmark Voluntary Benefit Solutions David Fisher Regional Sales Director, Carolinas & Virginia Trustmark Voluntary Benefit Solutions

2 Maximize protection and purchasing power
Grow the policy value with no effort Benefit while still living, not just for beneficiaries Listening to the needs of our customers

3 Maximize Protection Grow Value Living Benefit Listening to You
Different – how? Maximize Protection Grow Value Living Benefit Listening to You

4 12 MILLION 40% 100% 70% 75% 50% 18-64 100% of us will eventually die
50% lack enough coverage 100% 40% 70% 75% 50% 70% over 65 will need LTC 18-64 40% receiving LTC are 18-64 75% LTC claims under 65


6 Trustmark is the Pioneer in offering Universal Life with LTC Benefits that are the most extensive in the industry. -Our coverage is not a “use it or lose it concept” rather it provides life “AND” LTC protection in a single solution -An Insured can “double” their protection with our single policy.

7 Families with young children Average issue age: 40
Who are our customers? Families with young children Average issue age: 40 Annual premium: $416 Face amount: $50,000 Add talking points for target industries

8 Term Life Whole Life Less expensive Fixed premium Specified term
Flexible Living benefits Guaranteed renewable Age 100 Less expensive Specified term Fixed premium More expensive

9 Universal and Term: A perfect combination
Trustmark is the Pioneer in offering Universal Life with LTC Benefits that are the most extensive in the industry. -Our coverage is not a “use it or lose it concept” rather it provides life “AND” LTC protection in a single solution -An Insured can “double” their protection with our single policy.

10 TRUSTMARK-AIRE Now that David has gone into some of the overview of our UL- we’re going to dive into the details. And what better way to do that than to play ‘Who Wants to be A Trustmarkaire?’ I’m going to ask some questions, follow them with the details. I know that many of you are new – and you probably won’t know the answers, but I hope that there’s at least one veteran here who can play along!

11 For the LTC Rider, how is the benefit paid?
Is this your Final Answer? Yes No $100 $2500/month 2%-6%/month Reimbursement 4% of benefit / month

12 John Hancock Withdrawing From Long-Term Care Market
Genworth Financial, Jan., 2013 Genworth Announces Suspension of Multi-Life and Long-Term Care Business Solutions Programs Wall Street Journal, Nov., 2010 MetLife Steps Back From Long-Term Care Market, March, 2012 Prudential Financial latest U.S. Life Insurer to Exit Individual Long-Term Care, Nov., 2016 John Hancock Withdrawing From Long-Term Care Market It should come as no surprise that the LTC market is a dying breed, no pun intended. Carriers are leaving the market or raising their rates so much that policy holders can’t afford to keep them. That’s where we come in..

13 Let’s take a deeper look…

14 Now, you can see a visual on how it all pulls together..

15 At what age does UNIVERSAL LIFE EVENTS reduce?
Is this your Final Answer? Yes No 70 or after 15 years 65 Retirement What’s ULE?

16 Standard Universal Life Universal LifeEvents®
Benefits based on an $8 premium for a 35 year old employee Standard Universal Life Universal LifeEvents® $57,376 $57,376 $57,376 Death + LTC benefit $36,820 $36,820 Death benefit LTC LTC $19,125 Death benefit LTC Death benefit All Years Working Years Retirement Years (After 70)

17 Which feature annually increases your benefit amount for Life and LTC?
Is this your Final Answer? Yes No ValueCity IncreasUL EZ Value Add a buck?

18 Initial benefit - $8 5 years - $13 10 years - $18 $117,660
Standard Universal Life Universal LifeEvents® $91,596 $75,785 Death + LTC benefit $57,376 $58,889 Death + LTC benefit $36,820 Death + LTC benefit Death + LTC benefit Death + LTC benefit Death + LTC benefit Initial benefit - $8 5 years - $13 10 years - $18

19 Compensation for an $8/week policy (sample illustration)
Policy Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total Commission with no EZ Value $416 $20.80 $12.48 $615.68 Commission with 10 year EZ Value $72.80 $75.40 $78.00 $80.60 $83.20 $85.80 $88.40 $91.00 $93.60 $87.88 $1,252.68 First year commission is paid to the broker for each EZ Value benefit increase


21 The Perfect Sundae LTC with Restoration / Extension
EZ Value for 10 years


23 Win #1 – Employee Win #2 – Beneficiaries Win #3 – Broker (or was it Trustmark)

24 Pam Handmaker David Fisher Sr. Director, Product & Innovation
Trustmark Voluntary Benefit Solutions David Fisher Regional Sales Director, Carolinas & Virginia Trustmark Voluntary Benefit Solutions

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