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Aperture and Shutter Speed

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1 Aperture and Shutter Speed
Meghan Truscott

2 Aperture Aperture – ‘a space through which light passes in an optical or photographic instrument, especially the variable opening by which light enters a camera.’ The aperture stop of a photographic lens can be adjusted to control the amount of light reaching the film or image sensor. In combination with variation of shutter speed, the aperture size will regulate the film's or image sensor's degree of exposure to light. Typically, a fast shutter will require a larger aperture to ensure sufficient light exposure, and a slow shutter will require a smaller aperture to avoid excessive exposure.

3 Shutter Speed Shutter Speed – ‘the nominal time for which a shutter is open at a given setting.’ Shutter speed is one of several methods used to control the amount of light recorded by the camera's digital sensor or film. It is also used to manipulate the visual effects of the final image. Images taken with a lower shutter speed invoke a visual sense of movement. Exposure time 3 seconds. Slower shutter speeds are often selected to suggest the movement of an object in a still photograph. Excessively fast shutter speeds can cause a moving subject to appear unnaturally frozen. For instance, a running person may be caught with both feet in the air with all indication of movement lost in the frozen moment.

4 Aperture Balanced Shot
This shot has different uses of light and dark, making the image scattered. Although it defines the object more so. Under Exposure This image has picked up no light, making it unclear, of what the photo should be showing. Over Exposure This image is over exposed, making it bright, whilst being blurry and unclear.

5 Shutter Speed This is an 1/250 of a second shutter speed. This shows the movement being more clear. This is an 1/8 shutter speed. The setting is to fast, so the subject doesn’t appear clear, and it is vague on seeing the subjects body.

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