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Preserving Your Family History Memories

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1 Preserving Your Family History Memories
By Shirley-Ann Pyefinch Director Ottawa Ontario Stake Family History Centre The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Website:

2 Outline Definition of preservation or conservation
What is the preservation or conservation of your family history memories? Who to turn to for conservation needs? What are some typical types of family history objects? What to keep? How to preserve your family history? (Handling and storage practices) Resources available to help you Questions?

3 What is Preservation or Conservation?
“All actions aimed at the safeguarding of cultural property for the future. The purpose of conservation is to study, record, retain and restore the culturally significant qualities of the object with the least possible intervention.” The term conservation in the current museum context is defined as: “All actions aimed at the safeguarding of cultural property for the future. The purpose of conservation is to study, record, retain and restore the culturally significant qualities of the object with the least possible intervention.” NOTE: The term “preservation” and the term “conservation” for the purpose of this presentation are being used interchangeably. The emphasis on limiting intervention is the key point to remember. We want to slow or limit the amount of decay of an object.

4 What is the preservation or conservation of your family history memories?
All actions aimed at safeguarding your family history objects for the future, regardless of media or format. What is the preservation or conservation of your family history memories? All actions aimed at safeguarding your family history objects for the future, regardless of media or format. The family history objects that we will focus on today are considered to be resources of information value. These information resources require our preservation or conservation measures.

5 Who to turn to for Conservation needs?
Canadian Association for Conservation “Selecting and Employing a Conservator in Canada.” Use a professional conservator A conservator “is someone who is involved in the care and treatment of objects.” Important to remember that when conservation is applied to an object that there is always some level of risk to the object being treated so it is important to use a qualified conservator. Refer to publications by CAC (Canadian Association for Conservation) CAC – has a publication available on line called “Selecting and Employing a Conservator in Canada.” Another resource that you can contact is the CAPC (Canadian Association of Professional Conservators)

6 Finding a Professional Conservator
Canadian Association of Professional Conservators CAPC which is the Canadian Association of Professional Conservators – keeps a registry of conservators who are part of their association, members have to meet education requirements and adhere to a code of ethics Membership in professional associations also shows that a conservator wants to keep abreast of the current practices and new techniques available in the world of conservation – continuing education/training programs are often offered through professional associations Conservation is a highly specialized field, usually conservators specialize in one or two types of media –for examples paintings, textiles, books and paper documents, artifacts, etc. So find out what the conservator specializes in before hiring. Conservators should be willing to: show examples of their work discuss openly their methods and materials Be able to provide references Be willing to discuss their training and experience Be members of at least one conservation organization (CAC – Canadian Association for Conservation, AIC – American Institute for Conservation, or IIC – International Institute for Conservation) Usually a conservator would provide a written report describing the present condition of the object A written proposal for treatment (or they may recommend against treatment which is a valid outcome of an examination) An explaination of the expected results of treatment An explanation of the potential risks involved in the proposed treatment Information on the type and the extent of treatment report you will receive upon completioin of the work A cost estimate An estimated completion date

7 Using a professional conservator
An example of before and after photos of treatment for a book by Kyla Ubbink. Courtesy of Kyla Ubbink’s Treatment Gallery on her website at:

8 Before and After Treatment (Courtesy of Kyla Ubbink’s Treatment Gallery on her website - ) Here is another example of a certificate of marriage from the treatment gallery of Kyla Ubbink which shows the before and after treatment. So you can see the repairs that were completed on the object and this paper document would have also received a treatment to de-acidfiy the paper in order to stabilize the document from further degradation.

9 What are some typical types of family history objects?
Paper documents Photographs Books Textiles Audio and Visual Recordings Artifacts - paintings, sculptures, etc. What are some typical types of family history objects? Paper documents Photographs Books Textiles Audio and Visual Recordings Artifacts – paintings, sculptures, etc.

10 What to keep? Family History Information Resources: People
Documents (civil, church, military, school, etc.) Publications (books, newspapers, etc.) Audio & Visual Recordings (CDs, DVDs, tape cassettes, etc.) Internet (Google, familysearch, ancestry, blogs, forums, etc.) Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc. Paper & Electronic records What to keep is becoming quite a problem. There is so much information that we are flooded with on a daily basis, but what is the best information resources that will help us document our family history? We need to be selective in our choices. Choosing the best information resources may be challenge, but it must be done in a concise and organized manner that will help us to be efficient and effective in documenting our family history memories for the present and future generations.

11 What to keep? You may have to be selective in what you decide to keep, choosing the best items of archival or enduring value. Photographs Journals, books, audio and visual recordings Original Records/Documents We want to focus on photographs, journals, books, audio and visual recordings and original records/documents. For photographs you may want to weed through the photographs, not keeping duplicates, but keeping photographs that display the subject clearly and concisely. The most accurate records of our ancestors were usually created at the time of an event. We call these the original records. For example, a birth record, usually has the most accurate information about an individuals birth, because the birth record was created at the time of the event, as compared to a death record, which may not contain the most accurate birth information for the same individual.

12 How to preserve your family history?
Quality products A conservator Storage and handling practices How to preserve your family history? Use the best quality products that you can afford to buy Name brands may not guarantee the quality of the product It may necessary to test the product’s performance while in use The quality of products can either lengthen or shorten the lifespan of an object (for example; using acid free paper) Using the services of a professional conservator A conservator can extend, stabilize, renew and prevent damages to your family history objects. Storage and handling practices will either lengthen or shorten the lifespan of your family history objects.

13 Using the best quality products
Paper – acid free paper CDs – high quality CDs (gold) Toner – manufacturer’s Archival safe products Using the best quality products: When dealing with paper records use acid free paper. When storing electronic files on CDs use high quality CDs (gold) archival quality Toner – use the recommended manufacturers toner in printers and photocopiers, this will be a better choice in the stability of the toner In general use archival safe products. These are products that are suitable for different types of media, acid free paper, Mylar for storing photo negatives, plastic corrugated supports for canvases, archival boxes with reinforced corners and support for paper storage.

14 Storage and Handling Practices
Understanding and caring for photographic materials

15 Care and Handling of Negatives
2 degrees Celsius RH 25 % (+-5%) Care and Handling of Negatives: Negatives are sensitive to: Light Temperature Humidity Poor processing Negatives are better stored in a cold environment. (optimum cold storage is at 2 degrees Celsius, RH 25% ( +-5%), temperatures below 21 degrees Celsius are recommended). Colour negatives are not as stable as black and white negatives and are subject to fadiing. So protect negatives from exposure to UV rays. UV exposure causes the gelatin layers on negative films to become brittle. You can store them in uncoated polyester sleeves and then in acid free paper envelopes. Before placing in envelopes write descriptions of your negatives on the envelopes, then insert the negatives for safe storage. The negatives envelopes can be placed in archival boxes, so that they are protected from UV exposure. Carr-Mclean is a good Canadian Supplier of archival products that you can use to store your negatives, or slides. Always handle your negatives by the edges wearing lintless nylon gloves or soft cotton white gloves. Fingerprints can damage negatives as well as oil and dirt that may be on your skin. Your negatives can be cleaned with a soft artists brush, anymore cleaning should be done by a professional conservator. Avoid storing negatives in basements, attics or garages because the temperature and humidity will fluctuate greatly in these areas of your home.

16 Caring and Handling of Photographs
Same care as negatives Framing Techniques Safe storage RH 30% to 35 % 15 to 25 degrees Celsius Prints are sensitive to the same causes of damages as negatives, but also can be damaged by framing materials. Very dry conditions cause the prints to curl and too much humidity cause mould and mildew to form. Direct exposure to UV rays will fade colour photographs quickly; black and white photographs are not as sensitive to fading. Improper framing can cause: Damage to prints if products containing acids and lignin are used against the print. Masking tape and scotch tape can discolour and stain prints. Un-matted photos can stick to the glass and get permanently damaged. Prints need to be framed and matted to museum standards using safe products. There is a thin gelatin like layer on photos which needs to be able to breathe and placing photographs against a glass can cause that layer to stick to the glass which is why matted photos are considered a safer method of displaying your photographs. Precious originals should be stored in photo-safe storage containers, and scans of the originals could then be on display. Keep prints out of direct light, in a stable environment where the humidity will not have large fluctuations. Store prints in a cool and dry spot avoiding attics, basements and garages. Clean prints with a soft brush, if stained consider scanning the image, edit the stain and print on photo paper.

17 Photo Albums Photo albums are another alternative for photo storage
Photo albums are another alternative for storage: Choose albums that are acid and lignin free. Avoid self-stick plastic covered pages, which can stain and damage photos. Sleeves in albums should be made of Mylar or polypropylene. Acid-free corners can be used to mount prints. Avoid white glue, rubber cement, scotch or masking tape and staples when mounting prints in photo albums. Look for PAT tested materials.

18 PAT –Photographic Activity Test
Look for photographic products that are PAT tested PAT = ISO Standard 14523 Archival quality in photographic enclosures Also tests components: -paper, -inks, -paints, -labels, -tapes, etc. The Photographic Activity Test (PAT) is a worldwide standard (ISO Standard 14523) for archival quality in photographic enclosures. Developed by IPI ( Image Permanence Institute), This test predicts possible interactions between photographic images and the enclosures in which they are stored. The PAT is also used to test the components of enclosures, such as adhesives, inks, paints, labels, and tapes. The test involves incubating materials in temperature- and humidity-controlled chambers to simulate aging and takes from four to six weeks. After incubation and sample evaluation, a final report is provided. It is the subject of International Standards Organization standard 14523:1999 subsection (E) Photography-Processed photographic materials-photographic activity test for enclosure materials.

19 Digital Archiving of Family Photographs
Identify where you have digital files Decide which files are most important Organize the selected files Make copies and store them in different places Have a data migration strategy Recommend the US Library of Congress – Digital Preservation: Video: “Why Digital Preservation is Important for You.” Digital Archiving of Family Photographs: You don’t have to be an expert to properly manage your digital files. Identify where you have digital files, they can be in your computer, your camcorder, camera, usb stick, on the internet, on CDs, on a hard drive. Decide which files are most important, weed through them, you may not be able to afford to keep all of your digital files. Organize what you have selected to keep by putting your files into folders with descriptions and keep a hard copy file inventory. Most important part of your digital archive is to make multiple copies and store them in different places (possibly with other family members in different parts of the country/world) It is a good practice to use different methods to store your files, this provides additional chances of preservation – the technology may still be available. Check your files annually to see if you can still access your files, and make new copies every 2 years and remember to add to your archive. Have a data migration strategy for your data as you upgrade your hardware and software applications in order to avoid information loss. The digital storage device of choice right now is a portable hard drive. Remember that these devices can fail so it is important to have more than one backup and more than one copy. (I have heard of the 3 and 2 rules which is three back ups and two copies.) Recommend the U.S. Library of Congress website they have an excellent video called: "Why Digital Preservation is Important for You."

20 Have a Disaster Plan for Your Family History
Develop your own disaster plan. Identify and store essential records. Storage off-site? Accessibility? Divide and assign responsibilities to various family members. Businesses have and use disaster plans in order to ensure business operations during times of disaster. The type of information that they need in order to continue their business operations are records that we would call essential records. So we should have a disaster plan for our family histories, what are the essential records you would need to be able to continue your research? Do you have duplicate copies of your records stored off-site? Would you be able to access the records? Perhaps it would be useful to divide and assign responsibilities to various family members that are located in different geographic areas.

21 Care and Handling of Books
Careful handling Avoid bookmarks, adhesive tapes, pressing flowers and storing newspaper clippings Clean your books and inspect annually Optimum storage temperatures 18 to 20 degrees Celsius RH for books with leather bindings 45 to 55 % Prevent fading Careful handling, to protect the book bindings. Use a bookmark instead of turning down a page corner. Turn pages from the top corner and not from the bottom edge, which can cause tears. Avoid using sticky notes or adhesive tapes on bindings. Tape will cause discolouration. A paper conservator can repair tears in paper using Japanese tissue paper. Do not press flowers in books or store acidic newspaper clippings in books because both can cause staining. Carefully photocopy books to protect the spine from cracking. Let one half of the book hang over side while the other side is flat against the copier. Preferred shelving is baked enamel steel that can stand away from an exterior wall and enclosed glass door shelving is good to protect the books from dust. Books should be stored vertically and not overcrowded. Books should be kept dusted with a soft brush or vacuumed. Dust is abrasive, will soil paper and attract pests. If you find books have an old musty smell, it is usually caused by dust and insect fecal matter, so if you brush the pages of your books the odour will be reduced. If books get wet mould can begin to grow within 24 hours, the freeze-drying method is preferred, but should be done by a professional. If books are wet, mouldy or infested put them in a plastic zip bag, seal it. If wet in addition to bagging also put in a freezer until the book can be seen by a paper conservator. Wrap the damaged book in acid-free paper and tie with twill tape until re-binding or conservation treatment can occur.

22 Preserving Paper Documents
Optimum storage 2o degrees Celsius RH 30% Choose the right kind of paper for the right job Meet strength requirements Use supports when handling fragile documents and store horizontally Preserving Paper Documents: Choosing the best paper: Paper comes in different weights; decide the right paper for the right job. Contains less than 0.7% lignin and at least 2% calcium carbonate. Cold pH extract from 7.5 to 10 and be acid free. Made of cotton, linen or fully bleached chemical fibre and virgin or recycled fibres. Meet strength requirements for tear strength, tensile and fold endurance. There are two strength grades: Grade 1 and Grade 2(high referral papers). Perform well under age testing and meet requirements for opacity and brightness. Paper documents can be de-acified by a conservator. Test the acidity of your documents using a pH pen. Try to keep acidic documents away from acid free paper so that the contamination will not migrate. Wash and dry your hands before handling paper because oil and debris can permanently stain paper. Use white cotton gloves when handling documents. Use larger horizontal supports for fragile paper documents especially if moving the document. Careless handling can cause tears, folds, creases and abrasions to the paper. Store in a dark place, exposure to florescent light and sunlight can promote chemical degradation and cause the ink to fade. Fragile or damaged papers should be stored horizontally.

23 Understanding the Stability of Photocopied Documents
Use permanent copy paper Toner Lighting Temperature Avoid direct contact with plastics (PVC=Polyvinyl chloride) Instead use polypropylene or Mylar Use permanent copy paper. Meets established standards set by ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials). The most permanent paper is coded: “LE-1000”(or Type 1) and is expected to last several hundred years. Toner must also be considered. The best toners are composed of carbon black pigment and a stable resin. There is also the risk of staining on the paper from the iron oxides. In unfiltered fluorescent lights at 450 lx illumination, Canon colour copies survive for 7.8 years. (CCI Technical Bulletin 22) Toners softening temperature can be as low as room temperature. Avoid placing photocopies in direct contact with PVC and similar plastics because migrating plasticizers can make the toner sticky and capable of transferring to adjacent surfaces. Polyester film is safer. Polypropylene or Mylar are often used to store paper documents safely in an archival setting. For Computer Printing; Laser Versus Ink Jet on Paper: Laser is a more stable medium than inkjet. Therefore, a better choice for long term storage of your data. Inkjet on papers are unstable if exposed to water the ink will bleed.

24 Containers for Storage
There are a large variety of storage containers. Containers should be used: To protect paper from dust and light exposure. Not be overcrowded, spacers used to support vertically stored papers so they do not slump. Should be acid free. Ideal storage containers are acid free cardboard boxes, polyethylene and polypropylene. Moderate temperature and low humidity discourages pests and mould growth. Never store your family history objects or documents in the basement, garage or attic. Temperature and humidity needs to be stable in order to preserve objects and documents.

25 Containers for Storage

26 Visual and Audio Recordings
Preservation copying Best storage temperature Keep magnetic tapes away from magnetic sources Does the player still work? Store in cases to protect from dust and exposure to light Preservation copying – creating a copy of the original in order to minimize wear and tear on the original media storage item. This is a good time to decide whether or not there may be a need to migrate the information stored on the media to a more stable technology, e.g. VHS to DVD. Optimum storage for magnetic tapes 8 degrees Celsius, RH of 25%, however it is also acceptable to store them at temperatures in between degrees Celsius, with a RH of 15 to 50%, mould will grow with an RH above 65%. Keep magnetic tapes away from magnetic sources or you may risk data lost on your tapes. Does the player still work? There is a need to ensure that the technology that supports whatever media is used is still in good working condition and well aligned. Store tapes in cases to protect from dust and exposure to light. Dust particles can cause data loss and exposure to Ultraviolet light can cause tapes to breakdown. Store tapes vertically and there needs to be good air ventilation around the shelving in order to deter mould growth. Never place shelving along the outside walls of your house, the temperature and humidity levels will vary more in these locations. Place shelving units in the inside walls that do not have exposure to the outside elements.

27 CDs and DVDs Ideal temperature is at 23 degrees Celsius RH = 35 to 55%
Store in low light, vertical position in jewel cases Lifespan or longevity is unknown Best way to clean a CD or DVD is with compressed air Avoid CD labels Use archival quality CDs and DVDs The best way to clean your CD or DVD is with compressed air. The second best way is with a soft lint-free cloth wiping in a radial direction from the centre out to the edge. Repairing scratches is not recommended because you will probably cause more damage than good. Handle discs by the centre hole and the edges. Try not to touch the shiny surface. Avoid using CD labels on discs because the label can cause the CD to warp. Label discs with a water based felt tipped marker other inks may eat through the protective disc layer and cause damage. Use archival quality CDs and DVDs, the information is usually stored in a gold film and gold is a very stable and pure metal to store information

28 Conclusion Documenting and Sharing Our Work Providing Safe Storage Careful Handling Stable Temperature and Relative Humidity Being Prepared for Emergencies by Having a Disaster Recovery Plan Remember: Preventative care is the best form of conservation! In conclusion in order to be effective in preserving our family history memories we may want to: Document and share our work Provide safe storage for our objects Careful handling will also aid in preserving our objects Stable temperature and stable relative humidity lengthen the lifespan of objects and discourage mould growth and pest infestation Being prepared for emergencies by having a disaster recovery plan and having a data migration strategy may help us avoid information loss The key to success in preservation is preventative care because it is the best form of conservation.

29 Resources Canadian Conservation Institute – CCI
U.S. Library of Congress Canadian Association for Conservation – CAC Canadian Association of Professional Conservators – CAPC American Institute for Conservation – AIC International Institute for Conservation – IIC Carr McLean (Canadian Archival Supplier) Resources: Canadian Conservation Institute – CCI they have a website which provides all kinds of information regarding conservation, they have excellent technical notes which are available on their website. U. S. Library of Congress – provides excellent information on digital preservation. Canadian Association for Conservation – CAC – offers an excellent document called “Selecting and Employing a Conservator in Canada.” Canadian Association of Professional Conservators – maintains a registry of professional conservators that are members of this association. American Institute for Conservation – provides an excellent list of definitions of conservation terminology and in their Caring for Your Treasures section on their website offer various guides. International Institute for Conservation – view the news and publication sections of their website to keep current in conservation activities. Carr McLean – Canadian Archival Supplier

30 Questions Thank you for coming! …my

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