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BBC Ownership and Funding

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1 BBC Ownership and Funding
Public Services Model Casework 2 BBC Ownership and Funding By Eoin Godfrey

2 Introduction In this PowerPoint Presentation, I will look at the Ownership and Funding for the British Broadcasting Company, or the “BBC”, which is known as the largest broadcasting network in the world.

3 “Nation shall speak peace onto nation” The BBC is publicity owned by the public tax payers who subscribe to the licence fee and is answerable to the Government; it was established by the Royal Charter in 1927 and the company is also managed by the BBC Trust. The BBC’s new Charter commenced on 1 January 2017 and the BBC Trust is expected to end on the 2 April 2017; between then, the transitional arrangements of the BBC’s new Charter establish some important changes to way complaints and appeals are handled and these changes are outlined in the relevant protocols and procedures below. This charter states that since the BBC is owned and paid for by the public; the public expects a high quality service that educates, informs and entertains the BBC’s viewers. The motto of the BBC is: “Nation shall speak peace unto nation”.

4 The BBC Trust The BBC Trust is the governing body of the BBC; it ensures that the public (who own and pay for the BBC’s services through the License fee) get the best out of their Corporation. They set the goals for the BBC by having a public consultation, which is accessible through their website. They also shield the independence of the BBC from political and commercial influence, ensuring that high standards are met at all times. Lastly they also make sure that the BBC gives excellent value for money.

5 The License Fee The BBC is the publicly funded media service of the United Kingdom; tis is funded by the licence fee that the public pays for. The Corporation comprises 8 UK-wide Television Channels, 10 UK-wide Radio Stations and a network of more local television and radio stations throughout the UK. It also has a raft of International Interests and Commercial Enterprises. The License Fee costs £ per household each year; the income of BBC in was £2.6 Billion alone. The cost of a TV License will change from 1 April 2017; a colour license will cost £147, an increase of £1.50 on the current fee while a black and white license costs £49.50, which is an increase of 50p.

6 Where does your License Fee Go?

7 Funding While the BBC is free of commercial advertising from other companies, with the exception of big Sporting Events such as important football matches; it advertises its own programmes and statements made by political parties. The BBC also sells their TV Programmes to TV companies around the world, which generates more Revenue for the BBC Co-operation; the BBC Worldwide’s premium drama channel is to launch exclusively on OSN, they have also agreed a new deal to show their programmes in the Middle East and North Africa, this the first time that BBC’s programmes will be shown in these countries.

8 Interest as a Job Role If I was to get a job working at the BBC; I would like to have the job of director as I am good at working in a group and as a team leader, I would be good as I have previous experience working in this role in different film productions for Media Production course. This would a good place as BBC produce different content that in a wide range of Genres such as Science Fiction and fantasy; these are two areas that I would be interested in working on.

9 Links

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